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Did Thai Wife Dating Ruin Thailand?......


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I like how threads start out talking bout the topic. Then, as time goes by (or pages) , it all goes out the window and arguments start.

If theres ever a TVF party when Im in Thailand, Im not goin, for the safety factor. Just thought Id let ya know that.

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You wrote, “Do my assertions about the kind of man a young, self-respecting woman wants to father their children really need explaining to anyone with a modicum of common sense.” Of course they do because you don't have a clue. If you were a psychiatrist or a person who had a lot of experience with women maybe this odd idea might merit discussion but you are a guy living in Thailand, give us a break. Rich handsome men don't flock to Thailand looking for mates. How many times have you seen Hefner or Harry in Pattaya lately?

Here is a fact you can take to the bank, “common sense even a modicum of common sense has nothing whatsoever to do with the way a woman thinks.”

Women's intuition does but common sense does not.

So in answer to your rather odd statement, “Do my assertions about the kind of man a young, self-respecting woman wants to father their children really need explaining to anyone with a modicum of common sense.” Of course it needs explaining.

A woman's brain does not work the same way yours does unless you are a girl and didn't tell us. I know. I'm an expert.

Some women like power. Age has nothing to do with it. Money may not have anything to do with it. Some women like money. Age has nothing to do with it. Some women like being in love. Age has nothing to do with it. Some females like rock stars Rod Stewart says to Ron Wood, “last time we sang this song me wife was only 1 year old.”

Does age have anything to do with it? No.

Do women like a man because he is young or old? Never.

Look, I get it. I understand you're becoming fossilised. Of course you're going to extol the virtues of elderly men and talk up the remaining vestiges of appeal you may have to young women - few that they are but you know what? If and when I get to your age, I know I won't be deluding myself that young women would rather be impregnated by me than by a younger man, regardless of my success or financial standing and if they did, I would seriously be questioning their motives.

I'm not saying it's beyond the realms of possibility for a young woman to be beguiled by or infatuated with an elderly man of modest means but she'd likely be the deviant exception rather than the rule not to mention something of a trout.

Sitting there holding up people like Rod Stewart and others as examples is idiotic. Guys like Rod get young tail becuase they're rich and famous. Strip away the fame and the dosh, toss 'em into a normal bar and see how much interest they attract. This is why there are so many elderly men of relatively modest means here, in Thailand, chasing after young women with a tankard of cider in one hand and a packet of Viagra in the other. If they had millions in the bank and could get young tail back home, that's where they'd be.

I didn't bring up common sense as being some sort of must-have to get young women. I mentioned it because anyone in the real world away from the barstool where girls aren't telling you just how good chamois leather skin looks knows without a shadow of a doubt that most - yes, most - young women who aren't mercenaries prefer to be with men who aren't on their last legs. If the money and the power ain't there, neither is the bird.

Deal with it, gramps. Your party's well and truly over.

Short answer. The money is not gone. The party is not over. I have enough to last till I'm 163 years of age. How about you kid?biggrin.png Speaking of kids. I spend an hour a year at the immigration office. I spend about 10 minutes a day working. How about you kid?smile.png

I came to Thailand because a young Western woman was stalking me. I figured this was far enough away to prevent her from following. It was.biggrin.png

What I was trying to tell you is that age has nothing to do with anything. Either you got game or you don't. You have attempted to insult me a number of times in this thread. I wonder why. What is it about an old guy with a young woman that bothers you? I have been married in the West three times to women between the ages of 24 and 26. Each marriage ten years apart. I like women who are 25.

Women are smarter than most men. Men including myself are hung up on things like tight bodies and good looking shower partners. Women aren't like that. They like all sorts of other things about a man. If you get wisdom as you get older you may realize that women look for more spiritual things in a partner; morals and intelligence, kindness and a loving demeanor and someone who has achieved balance in their life.

Common sense does not help a man when it comes to understanding women; perception and humility do. I don't get the impression you are big on either of those.

this is not an attack, you married three girls between 24 and 26, and finished with them, yet you still love girls of that age.

can i ask why.

To begin with a 25 year old female is a woman not a girl. I know the typical Thai visa tactic.smile.png Second I was married to each of them for a period of time ranging from 1 to 15 years. Third the three divorces saw each woman get a house, cars and a substantial amount of cash. The US is a no fault divorce country for the most part and the divorces were by mutual consent of their decision.

Age makes no difference to me. I like or don't like people. It happened that I married three about the same age.

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Short answer. The money is not gone. The party is not over. I have enough to last till I'm 163 years of age. How about you kid?biggrin.png Speaking of kids. I spend an hour a year at the immigration office. I spend about 10 minutes a day working. How about you kid?smile.png

I came to Thailand because a young Western woman was stalking me. I figured this was far enough away to prevent her from following. It was.biggrin.png

What I was trying to tell you is that age has nothing to do with anything. Either you got game or you don't. You have attempted to insult me a number of times in this thread. I wonder why. What is it about an old guy with a young woman that bothers you? I have been married in the West three times to women between the ages of 24 and 26. Each marriage ten years apart. I like women who are 25.

Women are smarter than most men. Men including myself are hung up on things like tight bodies and good looking shower partners. Women aren't like that. They like all sorts of other things about a man. If you get wisdom as you get older you may realize that women look for more spiritual things in a partner; morals and intelligence, kindness and a loving demeanor and someone who has achieved balance in their life.

Common sense does not help a man when it comes to understanding women; perception and humility do. I don't get the impression you are big on either of those.

Well hang on a sec. I was under the impression that a man like you with all your perception and humility wouldn't need a prop as crass as mere money when your advanced years are so appealing to the 25 year olds you have such a penchant for. My mistake, I guess.

I'm fully versed in what you refer to as "game" but I'm also aware that no amount of game is gonna get you hot, 25 year old tail the West. If it could, you wouldn't be here scrabbling around for the 25 yr old dregs at the bottom of Thai society's barrel.

You've had 3 marriages and failed at all of them so perhaps the strain of perception and humility you have was sourced from Acme, Wile. E. Coyote's supplier of choice. It's clearly worth squat..

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Short answer. The money is not gone. The party is not over. I have enough to last till I'm 163 years of age. How about you kid?biggrin.png Speaking of kids. I spend an hour a year at the immigration office. I spend about 10 minutes a day working. How about you kid?smile.png

I came to Thailand because a young Western woman was stalking me. I figured this was far enough away to prevent her from following. It was.biggrin.png

What I was trying to tell you is that age has nothing to do with anything. Either you got game or you don't. You have attempted to insult me a number of times in this thread. I wonder why. What is it about an old guy with a young woman that bothers you? I have been married in the West three times to women between the ages of 24 and 26. Each marriage ten years apart. I like women who are 25.

Women are smarter than most men. Men including myself are hung up on things like tight bodies and good looking shower partners. Women aren't like that. They like all sorts of other things about a man. If you get wisdom as you get older you may realize that women look for more spiritual things in a partner; morals and intelligence, kindness and a loving demeanor and someone who has achieved balance in their life.

Common sense does not help a man when it comes to understanding women; perception and humility do. I don't get the impression you are big on either of those.

Well hang on a sec. I was under the impression that a man like you with all your perception and humility wouldn't need a prop as crass as mere money when your advanced years are so appealing to the 25 year olds you have such a penchant for. My mistake, I guess.

I'm fully versed in what you refer to as "game" but I'm also aware that no amount of game is gonna get you hot, 25 year old tail the West. If it could, you wouldn't be here scrabbling around for the 25 yr old dregs at the bottom of Thai society's barrel.

You've had 3 marriages and failed at all of them so perhaps the strain of perception and humility you have was sourced from Acme, Wile. E. Coyote's supplier of choice. It's clearly worth squat..

I will not reply to a post where I am described as scrabbling around for dregs of the bottom of Thai society's barrel. My wife is an engineer with degrees in accounting and business in addition to her engineering training. We live in a home she borrowed the money for from the bank in a lovely place near the beach. We share the expenses as we do all things in our life.smile.png

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dont be so paranoid, I made a point of saying its not an attack so you would not think that.

i was wandering what the attraction is after three breakdowns, you finished with three girls, regardless of who left its a breakdown.

most people attacking you would say why are they attracted to your old ass or something, i dont know your age for a start, but i'm asking what keeps you going back to that particular age.

dont think to much its a simple question, no hidden meaning.

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dont be so paranoid, I made a point of saying its not an attack so you would not think that.

i was wandering what the attraction is after three breakdowns, you finished with three girls, regardless of who left its a breakdown.

most people attacking you would say why are they attracted to your old ass or something, i dont know your age for a start, but i'm asking what keeps you going back to that particular age.

dont think to much its a simple question, no hidden meaning.

Breakdown is a value laden word. Girl implies an underage person. No I will not respond.

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@ the poster that said that Scots are bigots. May well be right in some cases, but you only show your bigotry by writing off an entire nation.

I missed the sectarian bigotry in the 80's for a couple of reasons, so that part of life passed me by. The first time I experienced bigotry was when I went to army training in Surrey.

I got the overnight train to London, put my bags into Left Luggage at the station and the attendants gave me some abuse when they heard my accent. I could not believe it, there was about 10 seconds of stunned disbelief by me followed by 30 seconds of disbelief by them when I dragged the biggest mouth over the counter and rag dolled him. I couldn't kick his head in as I was on an army ticket and I didn't fancy cleaning out toilets with toothbrushes.

It got worse at the training camp, I won't go into detail.....I will say though that it was a very different blether that came out of that camp. I'd had a taste of "racism" and I'm actually thankful for it as it was an education for me.

Just sayin'

I was also in the forces and I have to say in all the years,I never heard a any bigotry to any scots,plenty of banter,yes,but bigotry.NO.

It only takes one nontabury......all I'll say is that the guy was invited to take his stripes off and he made the mistake of agreeing. I was staggered at the level of bigotry he in particular displayed. Put it this way, I'll never forget it.

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dont be so paranoid, I made a point of saying its not an attack so you would not think that.

i was wandering what the attraction is after three breakdowns, you finished with three girls, regardless of who left its a breakdown.

most people attacking you would say why are they attracted to your old ass or something, i dont know your age for a start, but i'm asking what keeps you going back to that particular age.

dont think to much its a simple question, no hidden meaning.

Breakdown is a value laden word. Girl implies an underage person. No I will not respond.

suit yourself, im a young guy who has no issue with older guys and younger woman being together, and your pushing me away.

send me a detailed list of words i can use in my posts when addressing you and we will be ok.

sad thing is, i really was just trying to be friendly, screw that now.

Have the balls to ask what you really want to know. A female over 21 is a woman. A divorce is a divorce. It may or may not be a breakdown depending of the circumstances.

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