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Nexus 4 - Anyone Selling Em In Thailand Yet ?


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seen them on ebay for near double the price google announced

but have the thai box shops got em yet ?

read in the paper bkk xxx that Lg intend launching them here in March. Projected price 16k

Saw some on Droidsans for 17.5k.

You can get the Lg 4x for less and has sd slot.

sent from my Q6

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Still not available on the Play Store, maybe it never will be? That Nexus 5 is looking good. ;)

LG reportedly halts Nexus 4 production to make way for new Nexus device

It has been nearly impossible to purchase a Nexus 4 since it was released in late November. Google (GOOG) is subsidizing the phone on its Play Store and has made it available carrier-unlocked for a starting price of $299. Despite the fact that it doesn’t an LTE radio, in the traditional sense at least, the Nexus 4 has been met with overwhelming demand. LG (066570) previously revealed that it was having trouble keeping up with the demand, however a new rumor suggests the company has halted production altogether.




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i bought a galaxy s3 in MBK last week because i couldnt wait any longer for a nexus 4 and i decided the battery on the htc one X was too small

first thoughts on the S3 is pretty amazing, on a custom rom its lighting fast and responsive

screen and camera is the best ive ever used on a phone

although the phone itself feels so cheap and fragile that the first knock or drop will finish it off ,

its a grey import so no warranty but a hell of a phone for 14k

have ordered a pile of rubber and silicon cases from ebay so hopefully they hurry up and arrive

because this handset feels like it wont withstand a fall and the back is shiny/slippery with no texture like the s2

so it is easy to drop the fcuker

the gf will probably will probably get the nexus if it comes out for around 15k or maybe i can do a deal and she can have my s3

and i will get that smile.png

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Reading the tea leaves I guess wouldn't expect the Nexus 4 to ever become available, certainly not here. It seems more likely that LG will build the Key Lime Pie/Android 5.0 launch platform, the Nexus 5. (And there will be an SGS4 as well.) Given how LG f*cked up the N4, I see them trying extra hard to supply a killer platform to make up for their issues.

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Still not available on the Play Store, maybe it never will be? That Nexus 5 is looking good. wink.png

LG reportedly halts Nexus 4 production to make way for new Nexus device

It has been nearly impossible to purchase a Nexus 4 since it was released in late November. Google (GOOG) is subsidizing the phone on its Play Store and has made it available carrier-unlocked for a starting price of $299. Despite the fact that it doesn’t an LTE radio, in the traditional sense at least, the Nexus 4 has been met with overwhelming demand. LG (066570) previously revealed that it was having trouble keeping up with the demand, however a new rumor suggests the company has halted production altogether.




In the beginning ,i thought my s2 was huge at 4.2"

then i thought my nexus was gigantic at 4.65" with higher resolution as well

now i think my s3 is finally as enormous as im willing to go for a pocket mobile phone at 4.8"

ive tried the note 2 and while its very impressive specs ,its JUST TOO BIG


for a mobile workstation its great and the possibilities are endless as to what you could do on it but as a pocket phone that goes everywhere at short notice its just TOO BIG smile.png

everyone who owns one is probably going to jump in and flame on me now hit-the-fan.gif but i stand by my limits for a pocket sized device

Im not a small person, 6,1 and 100 kg and the s3 fills my hand and sometimes its even difficult to slide it into a pocket of jeans when im seated on the motorbike etc because of its size and i constantly have to check it isnt protruding too much from whatever pocket its in

i cant even imagine having to do that with a Note 2 but i know it just wouldnt be compatible in any pocket due to the sheer size of the device

and i like to take out my phone and check gps while driving etc and the note would mean id have to carry it on either a neck chain or a bum-bag /fannypack which is out of the question also smile.png

it looks like an ipad/tablet someone cut in half ,im not saying it isnt a great piece of technology (with the fastest CPU and best tech specs and screen of any android device IIRC ) ,just a bit impratical/awkward to use as a mobile smartphone because they have made it excessively large enough to need its own carrying equipment because its too big for people to stick it in their sky-rocket

anyway ,back on track ,i will probably buy the thai nexus 4 with 4.7" screen but if they try to skip the 4 and launch the 5 and it comes wih an even bigger display which seems to be the trend thesedays i will give it a miss as 5" or more would be a little too excessive to be a go everywhere phone

i know everyone who owns a note 2 is going to say it fits in his pocket with room to spare etc but i have tested it and it even feels ridiculous holding it to make a phonecall on ( i know there is wireless headsets/speaker phone and other options etc ) but for me that defeats the purpose of a mobile phone if you cant carry it in your pocket of jeans or shorts and not be worried about it snapping in half every time you sit down or hop on a motorcycle

let the carnage commence !smile.png

Edited by YipYipYa123
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+ you need to get a protective case that makes the dimensions even more humongous unless you dont care about protecting it but in my experience samsungs are pretty fragile so id advise everyone REGARDLESS OF PHONE MODEL to get a silicon soft case/not the hard versions as these will break in the corner as soon as they fall and sometimes hairline fracture your screen as well

(take it from someone who broke two s2 screens inside a year at 4300thb each, that a silicon case is a lifesaver )

dropped one from less than 3/4- 1/2 a meter and it shattered (from my shirt pocket when i leaned down to put air in a car tyre ,another was broken in a much more interesting and fun way ;)

havent seen a phone /screen break yet with the soft rubber/silicon covers and they costs about 30-50thb on ebay with free shipping from china (usually takes ~10days to 2 weeks )

my 0.025 satang !

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I don't think anyone has implied that the Nexus 5 will have a larger screen, or that the model number is in any way reflective of the display size?

Rather, I was just guessing that it might be futile to re-ramp N4 production/sales now - and some LG and Google execs have hinted at this - , when that model is all but dead, and focus on giving LG a second chance with the KLP launch platform, which one presumes would be the N5. I think Samsung have this loose barrier below 5" for smartphones and above 5" for phablets, but Google or LG may not feel similarly constrained?

Reading some of the rumor press, the LG/Google N5 may hit 5" (1920x1080!?), but I too would like to see it no larger than the N4 (4.7"). Assuming the N5/LG/Google tie-up then a launch at Google I/O in May 2013 may be more likely than anything at MWC in February?

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I was reading some of the SGS4 rumor mill. Many refer to a 4.99" (AM)LOED display with full HD (1920x1080/440 ppi), maybe even edge-edge and/or curved at the bottom! A mid-year launch seems likely with a separate unique event in the May/June time-frame.

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I was reading some of the SGS4 rumor mill. Many refer to a 4.99" (AM)LOED display with full HD (1920x1080/440 ppi), maybe even edge-edge and/or curved at the bottom! A mid-year launch seems likely with a separate unique event in the May/June time-frame.

already? I think we are reaching diminishing returns for high end smartphone specs. How much more can they add, besides a larger battery?

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I don't think anyone has implied that the Nexus 5 will have a larger screen, or that the model number is in any way reflective of the display size?

Rather, I was just guessing that it might be futile to re-ramp N4 production/sales now - and some LG and Google execs have hinted at this - , when that model is all but dead, and focus on giving LG a second chance with the KLP launch platform, which one presumes would be the N5. I think Samsung have this loose barrier below 5" for smartphones and above 5" for phablets, but Google or LG may not feel similarly constrained?

Reading some of the rumor press, the LG/Google N5 may hit 5" (1920x1080!?), but I too would like to see it no larger than the N4 (4.7"). Assuming the N5/LG/Google tie-up then a launch at Google I/O in May 2013 may be more likely than anything at MWC in February?

i think nexus 5 will be knocked out with a 5" screen and thats why they changed the name of it ,galaxy s4 and new google motorola also seem to be coming with 4.99" or 5" panels and insane resolutions like 440 ppi if the rumouors are true


getting a bit excessive IMO when the best phones are all 5" but luckily since its android there will be a few thousand choices

of handset before long all sporting the latest features for anyone that thinks 5"+ is maybe a bit too big for a pocket phone

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