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Soft Drink Cartel


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I expect you've all noticed that we can no longer buy large bottles of Coke Light, Coke Zero, Pepsi Max and Seven Up from the 7 Eleven stores and most other outlets. We can now only buy the large bottles of Coke and Pepsi products that are oozing with sugar. The ones we have been told are not good for our health and the health of our kids. We are now forced to buy the healthier alternatives in small cans and bottles that are much more expensive. These manufacturers are ganging up on us and forcing us to spend more money with them.

Pepsi Cola, Coka Cola and Seven Up, you should be ashamed of yourselves !!!! sad.png

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Exactly why should a public company that is supposed to be making as much money as possible for the shareholders , that is doing exactly that , be ashamed of itself ? Perhaps society should be ashamed that they passed Laws requiring public companys to do that, but by Law the companys are just doing what they are supposed to do.

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Sorry. I meant to post this topic in the General Forums. I know there isn't much of a market at airports for large bottles of drinks.

I still think there's some sort of conspiracy going on out there with the suppliers. Many people are diabetic and can't drink the sugar laden variety and for someone to suggest we drink water all the time is nonsense. We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

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Everything at that airport is a shocking cartel. Be-careful not to complain or they might jus t give you the King Power Duty Free theft allegation treatment.

Hey, is that still going on? I have not seen it in the media lately, they must have changed their ways to mute the victims.

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We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

Every other animal and plant specie on the planet thrive on drinking water exclusively (except for baby mammals) so why should it be any different for humans?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

and manufacturers will give you more options if there is a market in it, if stuff isnt selling why keep producing/selling it.... basic ecomonics...supply and demand...there is no supply cos there is no demand..

companies are in business first and foremost to make money...


Edited by Soutpeel
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We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

Every other animal and plant specie on the planet thrive on drinking water exclusively (except for baby mammals) so why should it be any different for humans?

Ummmmmm because they are animals and don't have research Scientists to find out Riboflavens and Vitimin C ect, is good for them ?
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We need variety in our diets and the more options the manufacturers give us the better.

Every other animal and plant specie on the planet thrive on drinking water exclusively (except for baby mammals) so why should it be any different for humans?

Because humans are smarter than other animals and can make tastier drinks? Fruit bats absolutely love drinking orange Fanta given half a chance.

Oh, and some adult animals do drink things other than water. For example, badgers will drink milk from sleeping cows, and vampire bats drink blood.

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I have noticed that both Tops and our local Villa are often out of cans of coke zero, coke light and tonic water. This has been going on for a while now so maybe there is a problem with sourcing the cans. When they run out re-supply can take a couple of weeks. Villa here have been out of all three since before xmas and Tops only yesterday were re-supplied with coke zero. I also noticed that Villa seems to be unable to get Chang Export in cans again although bottles is not a problem.

I don't know if the situation is different here in Thailand but for a long time in Oz coke syrup was imported from the USA in 60 litre plastic containers. The product was only bottled in Oz not made. Trade secrets and all that.

Maybe there are two problems then; cans and base syrup supply

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if the situation is different here in Thailand but for a long time in Oz coke syrup was imported from the USA in 60 litre plastic containers. The product was only bottled in Oz not made. Trade secrets and all that.

Maybe there are two problems then; cans and base syrup supply

I believe this is true worldwide. The concentrated syrup (in some cases minus sweetner) is manufactured in "secret" to protect the formula and provided to the worldwide bottling plants. However, I doubt there would be a shortage of the stuff as Coke has one of the most effective distribution networks in the world.

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Yes, I noticed that, too and it is very inconvenient if you are f.e. DIABETHIC and don't want to drink water for the rest of your life every miserable day!

This for all the "I don't see the problem in this...why buy diet coke with stuff in it that is also not healthy ...or drink water"- smart@sses!

I am very happy for you, that you are healthy can can choose form any kind of drink, the one you desire, but I CAN NOT and for me and others like myself, this really IS a problem.

And YES, we all know that diet coke, pepsi max or coke zero is no health drink...but we face a choice here. Drink "normal" soft drinks and die of high sugar next week...or drink Pepsi Max and MAYBE die from it in 40 years. With being 45 now...I'd take my chances!


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