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Thai Police Escort - Thank You


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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

Mr. Killjoy

Geriatrickid is right though... The Op is telling a story that is positive.. but only because corruption exists in Thailand was it possible to pay for the police escort.

The fact of the matter is that anyone can pay a similar amount of money and get an escort to and from the airport.

Imagine being in the UK, and we need to get somewhere quickly for a medical emergency and we're told, we can get a Police escort but only if we pay extra for it ??

Additionally - if something is serious enough to warrant a police escort would we be cleared to fly ?

Edited by richard_smith237
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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

I don't know for UK, but in my country if Mr. Foreigner (maybe a Thai tourist?) calls the police station if he gets a police escort, in the best case he get a "Sorry No we can't do that". In the more probable case he get some very rude answer.

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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

Mr. Killjoy

Geriatrickid is right though... The Op is telling a story that is positive.. but only because corruption exists in Thailand was it possible to pay for the police escort.

The fact of the matter is that anyone can pay a similar amount of money and get an escort to and from the airport.

Imagine being in the UK, and we need to get somewhere quickly for a medical emergency and we're told, we can get a Police escort but only if we pay extra for it ??

Additionally - if something is serious enough to warrant a police escort would we be cleared to fly ?

12.000 hmm....that would be nice....coming back in the office with a police escort and look at the faces of my staff would worth it.....

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A great story and, for once, a gold star for the police. Full marks to the airline too for being so thoughtful.

I'm not sure that such an escort would be free in the UK but, as ever, we have to accept that things are different here.

In the circumstances, an escort was a wise idea. An emergency on the way to the airport with no immediate help could have been disastrous.

I hope that mother and baby continue to do well.

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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

I don't know for UK, but in my country if Mr. Foreigner (maybe a Thai tourist?) calls the police station if he gets a police escort, in the best case he get a "Sorry No we can't do that". In the more probable case he get some very rude answer.

In the UK football clubs and I imagine other events have to pay for policing inside the ground, and a share of the costs outside the ground.

I imagine police escorts are also available if you pay the money, higher than 12000 Baht i would guess..

But yes in an emergency situation it would be free but this wasn't an emergency situation.

Like others have said I'm not sure how this paying for a service makes someone look good.

Blooming expensive petrol.

But anyway, congratualtions to your friends and hope mother and baby are doing well.

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Anyone who thinks this reflects well on the Thai Police needs their head examined.

You think that someone with a different opinion from your own needs his head examined? Poor you. You must be a very lonely conversationalist.

There's much that could be improved where the Thai police are concerned but the country's culture of corruption needs attention first. The police could have rejected the request on the grounds that they couldn't be arsed but, instead, they did a good job.

Why are there so many expats. here who are cynical about everything Thai? Complain about real issues and spend the rest of your time enjoying life here.

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Police officer, the catee

Anyone who thinks this reflects well on the Thai Police needs their head examined.

You think that someone with a different opinion from your own needs his head examined? Poor you. You must be a very lonely conversationalist.

There's much that could be improved where the Thai police are concerned but the country's culture of corruption needs attention first. The police could have rejected the request on the grounds that they couldn't be arsed but, instead, they did a good job.

Why are there so many expats. here who are cynical about everything Thai? Complain about real issues and spend the rest of your time enjoying life here.

What good job did they do? If this job was necessary for the health of the individual, does that mean that it would have not been provided if they did not have the 12k? If the job was necessary then why should the people be charged 12k? And this 12k ended up in whose pocket? You don't think police officer being an entrepreneurial career is a real issue in Thailand? Crikey.

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Police officer, the catee

Anyone who thinks this reflects well on the Thai Police needs their head examined.

You think that someone with a different opinion from your own needs his head examined? Poor you. You must be a very lonely conversationalist.

There's much that could be improved where the Thai police are concerned but the country's culture of corruption needs attention first. The police could have rejected the request on the grounds that they couldn't be arsed but, instead, they did a good job.

Why are there so many expats. here who are cynical about everything Thai? Complain about real issues and spend the rest of your time enjoying life here.

What good job did they do? If this job was necessary for the health of the individual, does that mean that it would have not been provided if they did not have the 12k? If the job was necessary then why should the people be charged 12k? And this 12k ended up in whose pocket? You don't think police officer being an entrepreneurial career is a real issue in Thailand? Crikey.

If you read my posts carefully, you will see that I understand Thailand is riddled with corruption. There's no point in complaining about it very much because the likes of us won't change the system. You work with it.

My experience of the police is that they are lazy as well as corrupt. However, on this occasion they were prepared to provide an escort. They would expect payment, but they did it rather than sit around in the cop shop. I think that was good. You think something else if you want but do try to avoid flaming, dear chap.

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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

Hi gk

Hiring police for private purposes is not unusual where I come from.


Nor is it in other countries:


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Firstly, huge congrats to your friends and very happy to hear that the 6 wks prem baby is doing fine! What an interesting story they will be able to tell others in the future.

It cost us 12,000 TBH but a police escorted us from the Sunshine Vista Resort on Soi 3 Pattaya to BKK Airport International Departures. Ambulance, 6 Police Outriders and our taxi (just standard yellow and green type). Wow, what a rush, we felt like Royalty.

Finally arrived back in Manchester and the baby was born 6 weeks premature at Sharoe Green, Preston Royal Infirmary. Baby Miah 4LB 7Oz (Not sure of the kilogram equivalent).

A big thanks to everyone involved. Mother and baby are doing well. We here so many post painting Thailand and Thai police as a negative country, but there are 4 adults and 1 little baby who really appreciate the Thai way of doing things.

What I don't understand - and apols for missing the obvious, if it is there - is why there was a need for a police escort??? I'd understand if there was a security threat/issue or a time imperative issue related to health or getting there on time due to being late for the flight. However, you don't mention any factor that I can see which would require a police escort.

One would think that the hospital ambulance with flashing lights (though most that drivers ignore them) would be sufficient esp when 95% of your trip was on an expressway. If in some way the escort made the pending mother feel more at ease then I can understand that but frankly that seems tenuous when she still has a 12hr flight with a lay over in Abu Dhabi and then another ambo trip before getting to the hospital in Manchester.

Can you pls elaborate on this - why was it thought an escort was needed?

Edited by Lakegeneve
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t cost us 12,000 TBH but a police escorted us from the Sunshine Vista Resort on Soi 3 Pattaya to BKK Airport International Departures. Ambulance, 6 Police Outriders and our taxi (just standard yellow and green type). Wow, what a rush, we felt like Royalty.

In the U.K. it would have been regarded as a bribe nothing else.The airline official booked the escort for you, one is led wonder what the commission rate for that little service was ?

Also one is led to wonder why someone who was seven months pregnant actually took the trip in the first place.

Edited by siampolee
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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

Well, you may have noticed that they weren't in England.

Most policemen are paid a low wage. The cash they collect forms a legitimate part of their wages and is shared according to rank at the police station. Perhaps it doesn't lead to effective policing but that's they way it is.

I believe that the Courts keep fines as part of their funding.

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I don't know why you think the opportunity to pay people that made extra money while being paid by taxpayers and using publicly owned equipment is praiseworthy. This would not occur in a country where the police are precluded from making money on the side. Do you think the police reimbursed the treasury for the use of the vehicles?

There was no need for a police escort and certainly not 6 police outriders. If the woman was deemed healthy enough to fly, then the ambulance was more than sufficient. Howeer, if an ambulance was medically needed, then I take it that the woman was accompanied by a qualified medical care attendant while on her flight.

It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

I don't know for UK, but in my country if Mr. Foreigner (maybe a Thai tourist?) calls the police station if he gets a police escort, in the best case he get a "Sorry No we can't do that". In the more probable case he get some very rude answer.

In the UK? He'd just get a crime report number for the insurance company :P

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I once had a police escort in England.

My young son swallowed some coins and was choking. My wife was heavily pregnant and wasn't up for what was to follow. We had lived in the area for only a couple of months and knew only the general direction to the A&E. Not wanting to wait for an ambulance, I strapped my son into his car seat and set off at speed with my headlights on, overtaking everyone on the road. Parked up at a roundabout was a police patrol car. I decided that it was better to stop than than be chased.

I explained the problem and was given a high speed escort to the hospital door. One of the officers followed me into reception to check that we were OK. He also mentioned that my car brakes were smoking. 'Not surprising', I answered.

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For those who keep on saying that everything is bad in Thailand compared to their home country, here an article that was recently published in the NYT that may help them to drop their rose tinted glasses and get a more realistic approach about the reality in both Thailand and the rest of the world.

Why Police Lie Under Oath http://www.nytimes.c...=me&ref=general


Edited by JurgenG
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A big thanks to everyone involved. Mother and baby are doing well.

The BIBs say thanks for the 12, 000 baht when a wage s 6000B, Bring it on.

On a more serious note,

hmm all very nice. But the logic of flying back to UK 12 hours in a airplane in the condition of the mother and endangering the baby is beyond me...... unsure.png

He is absolutly correct. Very foolish. But it all worked out in the end.

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It's great that you paid 12K for the escort. It would have been free in the UK if required.

OK all Brits raise their hands who want to give up living in Thailand and move back to the UK so you too can get a free police escort when you need it.

Ok I see one hand, come on any more, anymore? last call! Sorry Geriatric Kid it looks like it will be a lonely flight back home for you.

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