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I've had the k750i for a few months now and am very happy with it. Biggest problem is keeping my wife's hands off it, have to change all my preferences back and find the oddest photos on it. :D The GPRS works fine using my PocketPC connecting to it via bluetooth. Camera is good but not if it is too dark. Outside - daylight very good pictures for a phone camera. Love the autofocus.

Since it is java based easy to get games or applications installed on it. Screen is very bright and sharp even outdoors. The 3D icons are great and the joystick is much better then the 4-way controllers (IMHO). It doesn't support edge so if that is important to you can't help.

Fits in my pants pocket nicely with no real bulge (the phone that is). :o MP3 player works great, speaker phone and voice recognition works well, built in FM radio. The video mode is not great but ok for a quick on the spot action shoot.

A couple of forums if you want more info:



thinking of buying a new mobile phone, any one using a sony ericsson model ... W810 ( edge) or a

K750i, can you comment on them please .

thanks............ mumbo

I've had a K750i for around 5 months and have found it performs fantasticlly in every department. The only hiccup I had was when it suddenly wouldn't switch on for no reason. Suspecting a duff battery, I had it looked at and found out that the software had crashed. Took it in to MBK where a friendly man said he could reinstall upgraded software, which essntially has upgraded the phone to a W800i (you know the ones that are advertized with the onboard Sony Walkman MP3 Player). This was possible as the cases/keyboards are identical, its just the W800i has a much better MP3 player and better software all round - only 800B - bargain! :o

So if anyone wants to upgrade their Ericsson with actually having to pay for a new phone, you could do a lot worse...

Took it in to MBK where a friendly man said he could reinstall upgraded software, which essntially has upgraded the phone to a W800i (you know the ones that are advertized with the onboard Sony Walkman MP3 Player). This was possible as the cases/keyboards are identical, its just the W800i has a much better MP3 player and better software all round - only 800B - bargain! :D

So if anyone wants to upgrade their Ericsson with actually having to pay for a new phone, you could do a lot worse...

I upgraded the firmware on mine myself but it is not for the faint of heart. :o I thought about doing the W800i upgrade but wasn't sure about any problems such as camera performance degrading. Read in the forums about the improvement in MP3 also.


I also have the K750i.

I think it is very good, 2 MP Camera, very long video shooting capability, nice design.

I have had mine for a while now, and have no plans to change it yet.

Recommended. :o


Took it in to MBK where a friendly man said he could reinstall upgraded software, which essntially has upgraded the phone to a W800i (you know the ones that are advertized with the onboard Sony Walkman MP3 Player). This was possible as the cases/keyboards are identical, its just the W800i has a much better MP3 player and better software all round - only 800B - bargain! :D

So if anyone wants to upgrade their Ericsson with actually having to pay for a new phone, you could do a lot worse...

I upgraded the firmware on mine myself but it is not for the faint of heart. :D I thought about doing the W800i upgrade but wasn't sure about any problems such as camera performance degrading. Read in the forums about the improvement in MP3 also.

The upgrade seems to work perfectly... Had it for a couple of months now and given all functions a good road test with no problems :o


I recently changed to a K750i.........best phone ive had.........2 MP camera........video........shitloads of memory.......shouldnt have told my mates..........bluetooth porn overload!! :o


thanks for all the comments, when the K750i first hit the market i read that some phones were freezing due to a soft wear problem, i just wondered if i purchased a new k750i , i may be given a first generation model , that has the freezing problem, is there any way to tell if the phone i am being offered is one with the freezing problem, or is it a new generation one , where the phone comes with the up dated soft wear and no freezing problem...?


thanks for all the comments, when the K750i first hit the market i read that some phones were freezing due to a soft wear problem, i just wondered if i purchased a new k750i , i may be given a first generation model , that has the freezing problem, is there any way to tell if the phone i am being offered is one with the freezing problem, or is it a new generation one , where the phone comes with the up dated soft wear and no freezing problem...?


Most likely it will be up to date since that was some time ago when that problem occurred. Stocks cycle pretty fast for this model in Thailand and probably not be an issue. If it is, upgrading the flash memory can be done at a shop easily or by yourself (need a stable Internet connection to do it).


Thanks again for the comments , one thing i keep reading about is that on some phones with a camera built in to the back , the camera lens gets easily scratched, as most do not have a lens cover like the K750i , any one had lens scratching problems with there phone cameras...? and what did you do about it...?



my girlfriend has bought two of them (she left the first one behind in a taxi). Both were/are excellent quality. I am especially surprised by the quality of the video and photos. Video playback is also very good. Also good is the sound quality, which continues to out-perform my 34k Windows-based PDA phone in the no-headphones department. She sometimes plays a couple of songs without the headphones and turns the volume up just to rub it in my face (although losing the first one humbled her a bit, since she paid for it herself)

I would have purchased one myself, except that I find the full keyboard on my Dopod 700 to be indispensable for sending SMSes. (Having wi-fi and and MS Office is also nice, too)

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