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Yingluck: 2013 Will Be The Year Of Thailand


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PM: 2013 will be the Year of Thailand

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Feb 9 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Saturday said she wants 2013 to be the Year of Thailand, where the country's economy is growing and confidence will be restored.

The premier expressed this wish in her weekly televised programme “PM Yingluck Government Meets the People” on the occasion of Chinese New Year. Ms Yingluck said she wishes the Thai people health and wealth.


She said after the 2011 nationwide flooding, the country has improved in several aspects including the economy, and that confidence has been restored among the world community.

The economy is growing well due to increased purchasing power of the Thais and the inflow of foreign investment which can be seen from their requests for investment promotion from the Board of Investment (BoI), rising from Bt700 billion to Bt1.4 trllion, said Ms Yingluck.

The premier said, to make the economy grow sustainably, the government will invest in infrastructure development of Bt2.2 trillion. The projects will stimulate domestic purchasing power and prepare the country for the ASEAN Economic Community which will take effect in 2015.

Ms Yingluck however added that the government will have to clarify its investments in megaprojects to the public and concerned agencies to create better understanding, as the projects will decentralise growth to upcountry, reducing logistic costs and facilitating communication.

She said many countries have shown interest in joint ventures and 2013 will the Year of Thailand, as many world leaders will also visit the kingdom. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-02-09

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I really hope so , only keep an eye on Abhisit , Suthep and the PAD leaders this jealous gang's can destroy the hole Thailand.

..Like you destroy your credibility posting such things on here. So its all jealousy is it? I'll remember every time Phuea Thai does something wrong that its just because of "Abhisit jealousy." Thanks for the insight.

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I really hope so , only keep an eye on Abhisit , Suthep and the PAD leaders this jealous gang's can destroy the hole Thailand.

..Like you destroy your credibility posting such things on here. So its all jealousy is it? I'll remember every time Phuea Thai does something wrong that its just because of "Abhisit jealousy." Thanks for the insight.

Not unlike "it is all Bush"s fault"
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We are enjoying a period of economic success and social stability unparalleled for the first time since Thaksin's last administration before the coup.

No wonder the expats are all so bitter, they are being priced out of their bar-fines.


But the increasing political and economic success of this administration must be really galling for quite a few on here.

Be interesting to see the reaction when the Dems lose Bangkok.

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To get all the money she wants is the P.M. setting up a fruit and veg market ??? the room she is in looks like one. Which Thai people is she wishing wealth to ???? The remark (will be the year of Thailand) is doesn't sound right. the best year--??? or make or break year-- ??? or the year that Thailand end corruption. So if I said 2013 will be the year of England, people would say" what are you talking about"

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We are enjoying a period of economic success and social stability unparalleled for the first time since Thaksin's last administration before the coup.

No wonder the expats are all so bitter, they are being priced out of their bar-fines.


But the increasing political and economic success of this administration must be really galling for quite a few on here.

Be interesting to see the reaction when the Dems lose Bangkok.

Gloat on phil. When the chickens come home to roost which they are already doing with the rice scam and with the irresponsible borrowing of billions of USD, these chickens will make Greece look like a small bank going under.

No gloating on my side, more like your unfortunate choice of words.

The fact is that the economic and political situation now is the best it has been since the coup.

The prospects for 2013 look good compared to the last few years and maybe this administration actually deserve some recognition for this, given the state of the country when they took over.

And, before you mouth off, I am NOT a fan of Thaksin.

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PM: 2013 will be the Year of Thailand

No she didn't say that. Complete bolloc.......... untruth!

As above, in the first line, BANGKOK, Feb 9 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Saturday said "she wants 2013 to be the Year of Thailand."


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We are enjoying a period of economic success and social stability unparalleled for the first time since Thaksin's last administration before the coup.

No wonder the expats are all so bitter, they are being priced out of their bar-fines.


But the increasing political and economic success of this administration must be really galling for quite a few on here.

Be interesting to see the reaction when the Dems lose Bangkok.

Gloat on phil. When the chickens come home to roost which they are already doing with the rice scam and with the irresponsible borrowing of billions of USD, these chickens will make Greece look like a small bank going under.

No gloating on my side, more like your unfortunate choice of words.

The fact is that the economic and political situation now is the best it has been since the coup.

The prospects for 2013 look good compared to the last few years and maybe this administration actually deserve some recognition for this, given the state of the country when they took over.

And, before you mouth off, I am NOT a fan of Thaksin.

The economic situation with the baht so strong is awful. Exporters are in dire circumstances. These times are some of the worst experienced since the baht grew stronger and stronger against foreign currencies.

Far worse since the coup!


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We are enjoying a period of economic success and social stability unparalleled for the first time since Thaksin's last administration before the coup.

No wonder the expats are all so bitter, they are being priced out of their bar-fines.


But the increasing political and economic success of this administration must be really galling for quite a few on here.

Be interesting to see the reaction when the Dems lose Bangkok.

Gloat on phil. When the chickens come home to roost which they are already doing with the rice scam and with the irresponsible borrowing of billions of USD, these chickens will make Greece look like a small bank going under.

No gloating on my side, more like your unfortunate choice of words.

The fact is that the economic and political situation now is the best it has been since the coup.

The prospects for 2013 look good compared to the last few years and maybe this administration actually deserve some recognition for this, given the state of the country when they took over.

And, before you mouth off, I am NOT a fan of Thaksin.

Well that makes two of us un-fans. My father had a saying that has always stayed with me. When your outgo is greater than your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. I hope I am wrong but reckless borrowing with no way to pay it back will soon catch up with this adminstration my friend and all the Thai populace except the so called elete will suffer.
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We are enjoying a period of economic success and social stability unparalleled for the first time since Thaksin's last administration before the coup.

No wonder the expats are all so bitter, they are being priced out of their bar-fines.


But the increasing political and economic success of this administration must be really galling for quite a few on here.

Be interesting to see the reaction when the Dems lose Bangkok.

"Increasing ... economic success", such as the growing rice-mountains, the BAAC demanding that the government pay more of its' overdue-debt or-else, or ever-larger public-borrowing, perhaps ? whistling.gif

many world leaders would also visit the kingdom

Could this be code for "and my brother Skyped me that he expects to come home soon" ? wink.png

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All that rice, mountains of it, How long will it keep before it goes mouldy, or rats and cockroaches ants and the like have had their fill. ??

From what we saw in parliament last week the day has already arrived. And it was interesting that the PTP bunch didn't address the rotten rice but was totally upset that the jig was up and one of the opposition who is after all a government official had the audacity to go into a government controlled rice storage facility to check the rice.
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