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Misleading News Reporting Annoys Thai Police Official


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i see nothing wrong with the news it is the interpreting of it. He ordered all departments to issue 100 violations a day and the TV whizzes took that to be every officer. Besides if he dosen't like misleading information in the press don't do what Thai Visa does.

IE quote out of the Nation. A sure fire misleading source of information.

WHY should the officer ORDER any amount of violations ??? If they just got on with helping the Thai public-protecting them-enforcing traffic violations at any given time NOT sparadic road blocks for pocket money, patrolling the streets -winning favour with the public, more service with a smile would go a long way. I always thought services like fire officers-nurses-and other professions do their bit because of dedication, rather than just payroll.
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just a thought. Let them never ever touch money on duty again. If they have to write a ticket, 7/11 would be the solution to pay at. No more double book keeping. Some I suspect did or do.

This would do the trick.

This way the face of the good cops can be saved as well

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During the period of February 2-5, police were specifically targeting the following violations: driving in the wrong direction; driving on the sidewalk; double-parking next to parked vehicles; overtaking vehicles in high-risk areas; and violating traffic light signals.

Does double-parking mean all the busses and taxis that don't pull all the way over to pickup/drop-off passengers?! And what about having the BiB actually doing something besides flapping their arms at drivers. Daily I see the BiB standing waving people to keep moving, yet I have never seen any drivers that are trying to stop moving. Instead these idiots could be pulling over 1000's an hour who exit the highway from 3 lanes over or jamb themselves in at the entrance. No just keep flapping your hands, that will surly improve traffic flow.

I do not drive but I do walk a lot and yes there are times I to would like to wave cars on. Many cars go at ridiculously low speeds even though others are going faster. As a walker trying to cross the street I find these people to be the biggest hang up. Just my on the ground and around town opinion. Of course if it is bumper to bumper that is a different scene. But here in Chiang Mai it is not a 16 hour a day scene.

Watching some of them turn corners can be a painful experience you want to open the passenger door and tell them to move it.

Back home we had some like this we called them the hat people pull there hat down tight on there head put there hands on the wheel at the 2 and 10 and start to creep along . Walking can give you a different perspective.

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During the period of February 2-5, police were specifically targeting the following violations: driving in the wrong direction; driving on the sidewalk; double-parking next to parked vehicles; overtaking vehicles in high-risk areas; and violating traffic light signals.

Does double-parking mean all the busses and taxis that don't pull all the way over to pickup/drop-off passengers?! And what about having the BiB actually doing something besides flapping their arms at drivers. Daily I see the BiB standing waving people to keep moving, yet I have never seen any drivers that are trying to stop moving. Instead these idiots could be pulling over 1000's an hour who exit the highway from 3 lanes over or jamb themselves in at the entrance. No just keep flapping your hands, that will surly improve traffic flow.

I do not drive but I do walk a lot and yes there are times I to would like to wave cars on. Many cars go at ridiculously low speeds even though others are going faster. As a walker trying to cross the street I find these people to be the biggest hang up. Just my on the ground and around town opinion. Of course if it is bumper to bumper that is a different scene. But here in Chiang Mai it is not a 16 hour a day scene.

Watching some of them turn corners can be a painful experience you want to open the passenger door and tell them to move it.

Back home we had some like this we called them the hat people pull there hat down tight on there head put there hands on the wheel at the 2 and 10 and start to creep along . Walking can give you a different perspective.

Trust me, one gets the same perspective driving a vehicle. I have never in my life seen people make RH or LH turns so slooooooow, and I dont even want to talk about U-turns, and the ultra-slow motion take offs from traffic lights.
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During the period of February 2-5, police were specifically targeting the following violations: driving in the wrong direction; driving on the sidewalk; double-parking next to parked vehicles; overtaking vehicles in high-risk areas; and violating traffic light signals.

Does double-parking mean all the busses and taxis that don't pull all the way over to pickup/drop-off passengers?! And what about having the BiB actually doing something besides flapping their arms at drivers. Daily I see the BiB standing waving people to keep moving, yet I have never seen any drivers that are trying to stop moving. Instead these idiots could be pulling over 1000's an hour who exit the highway from 3 lanes over or jamb themselves in at the entrance. No just keep flapping your hands, that will surly improve traffic flow.

I do not drive but I do walk a lot and yes there are times I to would like to wave cars on. Many cars go at ridiculously low speeds even though others are going faster. As a walker trying to cross the street I find these people to be the biggest hang up. Just my on the ground and around town opinion. Of course if it is bumper to bumper that is a different scene. But here in Chiang Mai it is not a 16 hour a day scene.

Watching some of them turn corners can be a painful experience you want to open the passenger door and tell them to move it.

Back home we had some like this we called them the hat people pull there hat down tight on there head put there hands on the wheel at the 2 and 10 and start to creep along . Walking can give you a different perspective.

Trust me, one gets the same perspective driving a vehicle. I have never in my life seen people make RH or LH turns so slooooooow, and I dont even want to talk about U-turns, and the ultra-slow motion take offs from traffic lights.

Indeed, they practically come to a stop to make a turn. Nobody in front of them and they are crawling. Plenty of room to make the turn and they are still crawling, need the whole intersection to make the turn, never think to turn the wheel fully.

When you consider that the majority of Thai drivers are young and the cars are new, I can only imagine how bad it will get when they have more older drivers and older cars on the roads. As it is you see a huge percentage of vehicles without working lights.

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