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Old Lady Came To My Door, What She Asked Sickened Me.


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So did you call the police ? Or get any kind of information about the old lady?

You don't know how it works here? My word against hers, a complete waist of time. As I think you know,

Unless you can enlighten us how to prosecute on my here say in rural Issan?.whistling.gif

Well It seems a crime was committed, a child was offered to you under nefarious terms. As such it really is one's civic duty to make a report at least to police. I guess not having a sense of civic duty is a big problem here.

Sometime you have to be a little brave to do the right thing. I find doing the right thing to be its own reward and nothing bad happens. Sometimes people choose to believe the worst so as to avoid doing the right thinh.

Please keep up,I phoned the ECPAT foundation, the woman has done nothing illegal but was morally wrong.

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I suggest you don't care about anything going on in Thailand. Enjoy the wealth gap. Doesn't matter what way the little girl of the OP takes, if she becomes a slave, or saved and brought up by a government outlet, or a foreign philanthropist. As soon as she reaches maturity, she'll be the one selling kids. It's the Thai way.

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I haven't had the Kool Aid is all. Believe myths and use them to counter arguments if you wish, but nothing you say from now on has any credibility at all, Ever !! [ jesus tongue in cheek smiley]

So seems the OP had a change of heart however I don't think making a phone call is sufficient. The law was broken, go make a report , please.


This is so OT but I have to comment. There is not one shred of evidence " Jesus" ever existed , much less any kind of evidence regarding Mary's selling into marriage.

It is a religious myth and to use such a ridiculous argument to assuage this crime of selling a child into sex is beyond any kind of

intelligent discourse.

With that statement you just removed any credibility for anything you might say in the future.

And, my comment was NOT off topic. We are talking about children being sold into some sort of marriage arrangement and I just pointed out that has happened as far back as we have historical records. There ARE historical records that Jesus existed. Whether or not he was the son of God (if there really is a God) is anyone's guess and we just have to leave it up to fanatical believers.

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Curiosity is killing me. Why did she choose YOUR door? whistling.gif

Because, -Scully- Post "34"

"more women you can shake a shitty stick at.

Why would you get married when there are hundreds of 20 plus women wanting a western trial whistling.gif "

And, -Scully" seems to "use" his opportunities - (many, according to his testimony), a lot!

That cannot go unnoticed in rural Thailand.

But the "old" lady, missed out on important parts! As I wrote in Post "64"

"Only she, not heard , that you "use" but do not "pay", have a age limitation and prefer shorter relationships of the physical kind. tongue.png"


Edited by ALFREDO
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Curiosity is killing me. Why did she choose YOUR door? whistling.gif

Because, -Scully- Post "34"

"more women you can shake a shitty stick at.

Why would you get married when there are hundreds of 20 plus women wanting a western trial whistling.gif "

And, -Scully" seems to "use" his opportunities - (many, according to his testimony), a lot!

That cannot go unnoticed in rural Thailand.

But the "old" lady, missed out on important parts! As I wrote in Post "64"

"Only she, not heard , that you "use" but do not "pay", have a age limitation and prefer shorter relationships of the physical kind. tongue.png"


I know the average westerner in Thailand is the tattooed beer bellied monger. There are people happy to live here single and if you are youngish and you are better looking than 90% or men from any country you will get companionship. Shorter relationships are usually due to extended family and I don't suffer fools gladly. I am truly happy for the married couples in Thailand and I am sure I will be one, one day.

But in the west if a girl talked to me in a club I would socialise but thats all, here men meet a girl and are married within the month.

I am taking my time having sex with girls, I probably had more sex in the west, but I know thats not the typical visitor to Thailand.

Anyway I don't really understand why little minded idiots choose to shoot the messanger and not the cultural act.

Again I rung a charity and nothing will happen in the way of arrest as it's only words. If all you do gooders are looking down on me for not seeking prosecution then I will find out her name and rough address so you can PM me and you can waist your own time.

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I know the average westerner in Thailand is the tattooed beer bellied monger.

Anyway I don't really understand why little minded idiots choose to shoot the messanger and not the cultural act.

First sentence, I doubt, that that, is the appearance of the "average Westerner in Thailand".

But I only come since 1990 on holidays and live here, since 15 years (Patong and Isaan).

I hope you do not include me in the exclusive club of the, "little minded idiots"

I did not write a word about the steps, you, in the opinion of some, should, could have taken.

For me it is also fine if you learn the Thai 20+ youngsters, how well you can "shag"

and how its done "Falangman (Gangnamtongue.png ) style"

If you play with open cards and tell them before the "act", explicit and absolutely clear, that there is no chance of a future with you

and they cannot have any financial compensation whatever kind!

Otherwise, you succeed more or less,because,

many girls and many families in Isaan have the wish to get a Falang into the family for a LONG TIME, forever, not some "shagging" short times for free (naught)! rolleyes.gif

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Yesterday morning I woke at 7am and an old lady on a bike knoked on my door. Answering she had a big smile on her face and in Thai offered me her 12 year old daughter for 1/2 million baht.

Naturally shocked I told her to leave and did so in a manner that I wasn't happy.

^ Posted by the OP

So why didn't u offer less? I'm sure she would've taken it.

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Something’s do not add up here. How old was the lady? If the child was only 12 years old, than the lady couldn’t have been very old, in her 50s at the very most, and how are you certain that this child was actually the woman’s daughter?

Also this could have been a setup. You take pity on the alleged poor child all in good faith, pay some money and in the next instance the BiB arrive arresting you on charges of child grooming and molesting and then you get a starring role in the Thai visa news clippings forum.

For anyone considering adopting a child, always go through the official channels, otherwise you could find yourself on dodgy ground for reasons mentioned above. I often give pocket money, toys and candy to some of the children living in my area, but I always take my wife with me or make sure that the child’s parents are there at the time. It`s just common sense.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Curiosity is killing me. Why did she choose YOUR door? whistling.gif

Because, -Scully- Post "34"

"more women you can shake a shitty stick at.

Why would you get married when there are hundreds of 20 plus women wanting a western trial whistling.gif "

And, -Scully" seems to "use" his opportunities - (many, according to his testimony), a lot!

That cannot go unnoticed in rural Thailand.

But the "old" lady, missed out on important parts! As I wrote in Post "64"

"Only she, not heard , that you "use" but do not "pay", have a age limitation and prefer shorter relationships of the physical kind. tongue.png"


I know the average westerner in Thailand is the tattooed beer bellied monger. There are people happy to live here single and if you are youngish and you are better looking than 90% or men from any country you will get companionship. Shorter relationships are usually due to extended family and I don't suffer fools gladly. I am truly happy for the married couples in Thailand and I am sure I will be one, one day.

But in the west if a girl talked to me in a club I would socialise but thats all, here men meet a girl and are married within the month.

I am taking my time having sex with girls, I probably had more sex in the west, but I know thats not the typical visitor to Thailand.

Anyway I don't really understand why little minded idiots choose to shoot the messanger and not the cultural act.

Again I rung a charity and nothing will happen in the way of arrest as it's only words. If all you do gooders are looking down on me for not seeking prosecution then I will find out her name and rough address so you can PM me and you can waist your own time.


whatever you do, do so with your heart.

Yes, take your time, and have as much sex as you want, be they prostitutes, sluts, youngsters, westerners, milfs, katoys et al. But please, treat them with some level of respect vs judgement as to leave something positive behind. your previous deleted post (yesterday) showed some anger / negativity as you threatened to go physically after a TV member for what was very likely to be a joke.

If you want to do something re. your OP, do so, do it for the girl, her family or even for you. But don't do it to be a 'do goodder' in the view of TV members or anybody else.

Again, your heart knows, up to you.

Sokh Dee Der.

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Well, when I was staying in South Pattaya (not knowing that this is where gay folks hang out),

the owner of some sleazy bar shouted have young boy for you. Must have looked like the

typical sexual predator to him.

In a village, there have been underage "marriages" last year - but we are talking 15 or 16

and possibly also an unwanted pregnancy?

OT: Google "<URL Automatically Removed> + Karen girl" and contrast this unbelievable story with another one

where 2 foreign businessmen were forced to remain 3 long years in the country over

some b.s. claim by some blackmailing landlord. (They were in the furniture business -

as if they would want to steal the stuff their house was furnished with IMHO)! They

weren't allowed to work while they were forced to wait in a civil matter.

Now consider this: Kidnapped and enslaved chiled, subjected to torture over years.

The Police let the perps free on bail. Waffling about the need for witnesses.

Someone kidnaps a minor. Surely, that victim knows a lot about the perps and their

houses. A few questions followed by another search would establish that the girl

had been kept in their houses. But hey, let's some psychotic and sadistic kidnappers

free. No need for some psych evaluation, oh no!

About 3 years earlier, the girl had escaped and the RTP returned the injured and

distressed girl to her tormentors. Imagine the scene, imagine how this went down.

And I doubt the criminals even pretended this to be their own child.

Anything goes? Apparently!

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Curiosity is killing me. Why did she choose YOUR door? whistling.gif

Because, -Scully- Post "34"

"more women you can shake a shitty stick at.

Why would you get married when there are hundreds of 20 plus women wanting a western trial whistling.gif "

And, -Scully" seems to "use" his opportunities - (many, according to his testimony), a lot!

That cannot go unnoticed in rural Thailand.

But the "old" lady, missed out on important parts! As I wrote in Post "64"

"Only she, not heard , that you "use" but do not "pay", have a age limitation and prefer shorter relationships of the physical kind. tongue.png"


I know the average westerner in Thailand is the tattooed beer bellied monger. There are people happy to live here single and if you are youngish and you are better looking than 90% or men from any country you will get companionship. Shorter relationships are usually due to extended family and I don't suffer fools gladly. I am truly happy for the married couples in Thailand and I am sure I will be one, one day.

But in the west if a girl talked to me in a club I would socialise but thats all, here men meet a girl and are married within the month.

I am taking my time having sex with girls, I probably had more sex in the west, but I know thats not the typical visitor to Thailand.

Anyway I don't really understand why little minded idiots choose to shoot the messanger and not the cultural act.

Again I rung a charity and nothing will happen in the way of arrest as it's only words. If all you do gooders are looking down on me for not seeking prosecution then I will find out her name and rough address so you can PM me and you can waist your own time.


whatever you do, do so with your heart.

Yes, take your time, and have as much sex as you want, be they prostitutes, sluts, youngsters, westerners, milfs, katoys et al. But please, treat them with some level of respect vs judgement as to leave something positive behind. your previous deleted post (yesterday) showed some anger / negativity as you threatened to go physically after a TV member for what was very likely to be a joke.

If you want to do something re. your OP, do so, do it for the girl, her family or even for you. But don't do it to be a 'do goodder' in the view of TV members or anybody else.

Again, your heart knows, up to you.

Sokh Dee Der.

I don't have lot's and lot's of sex, I do what most attracted adults do, there is no moral issue there. I stated I have more sex in the west as I can converse better and levels of understanding and education are relative.

I don't disrespect ANY women and choose not to pay for sex, anyway off topic.

I rang a kids charity they told me that unless an assault had occured then they were powerless.

These stories are told all over Thailand and it does happen, it was an informative post to let member knows these thing will and still do happen even if not seen.

Please tell me what you would do, "from your heart". Considering I have seen this women once, don't know her name or kids name. And she has done nothing illegal (yet).

Oh and the joke, kids came to my door, not funny but sick, hence my reaction.

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