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Old Lady Came To My Door, What She Asked Sickened Me.


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Yesterday morning I woke at 7am and an old lady on a bike knoked on my door. Answering she had a big smile on her face and in Thai offered me her 12 year old daughter for 1/2 million baht.

Naturally shocked I told her to leave and did so in a manner that I wasn't happy.

I was in two minds to post this topic as it could bring the sick barstools to outer Issan. People know me around here and I am under 40 but this just seemed so natural to her.

This does happen all the time around here and it's about time there was a crack down on child marriage obviously only the monk ceremony, but its happens.

Sorry I just needed a rant at being offered a child for sale, I know of a westerner who took a 13 year old and was diven away by the Thais and Westerners.

If you see this happen, as in the act taking place then get the police involved, they will act

Rant over.

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I believe you can marry a 13 year old with a judge's permission.

Monk's wedding would be against the law.

It's sad but common.

So it's a case of completing miminal schooling recieving your Thai ID card and your good to go, very sad.

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In case, she's really the mother, she will get you a written permission in exchange for the 500k. In there, she agrees, that you are the legal bf of her daughter.

That was even (the letter) enough, in the late 90's, to let the police step aside, if a westener got checked with 14/15/16 years old girl.

Since 2008, the legal age, for having intercourse with a kid is 15. So I think, the letter of permission of the parents will work even for a 12 years old.

If there is no 'force', the police will step aside.

If they wanna get extra money, the mum will take the 500k, and in the evening the police will knock on your door, to get their 500k.

And because the girl isn't a virgin, anymore, you couldn't even proof, that you didn't do something.!

Also, because you aren't Chinese Sex mafia, the daughter could even leave you, the next day. Or would you, like the guy's from the big massage parlors, go after the parents, in case the daughter isn't fulfilling the contract?

Probably not, so....!

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So did you call the police ? Or get any kind of information about the old lady?

You don't know how it works here? My word against hers, a complete waist of time. As I think you know,

Unless you can enlighten us how to prosecute on my here say in rural Issan?.whistling.gif

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Who said anything about sex? Maybe the woman just could not afford to look after the girl. If I was living here full time I would like to take care of a young girl on the verge of puberty. I might be able to guide her in a way that would be beneficial for her in the future.

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Who said anything about sex? Maybe the woman just could not afford to look after the girl. If I was living here full time I would like to take care of a young girl on the verge of puberty. I might be able to guide her in a way that would be beneficial for her in the future.

so you would trust your daughter to go of with a stranger if he never mentioned sex, whats wrong with people here.

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Who said anything about sex? Maybe the woman just could not afford to look after the girl. If I was living here full time I would like to take care of a young girl on the verge of puberty. I might be able to guide her in a way that would be beneficial for her in the future.

Priceless. lol

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good for you scully. its sad but true. happened to me at border crossing about 4 years ago when i was going to stamp visa, in so many words a mother more or less was putting it onto me that her daughter liked me , i know thai children look even younger than they are but the kid looked about 10-11 ish .

hard to get the head round it sometimes, but yes it does happen.

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So it's a case of completing miminal schooling recieving your Thai ID card and your good to go, very sad.


Just curious.

What you are doing in a rural Isaan village, alone? Without a Thai spouse? If you had one, nobody would come knocking.

The people think you lonely and need a companion. rolleyes.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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I would like to take care of a young girl on the verge of puberty. I might be able to guide her in a way that would be beneficial for her in the future.

jesus you sound like BigJohnnyBKK. Are you also a proponent of polyamory?

Edited by candypants
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I had something similar happen in Udon 13 or so years ago. Not sure what was going down as there was a real languauge barrier. Was early in the morning on one of my first sojourn's to Thailand, with hardly anybody about and a guy (looked pretty poor) with girl (10 or 11 years old) in school uniform was offering or requesting something of me for money. The girl was proded forward for my inspection. My thai was limited at the time but I did figure out his main point was money. This was outside the hotel I was staying in and being early in the morning with no one about, well it just did not feel right.

The girl may have been getting offered to me but likewise it could have been just a request from a dirt poor dad to financial help with his daughter at school. In spite of the poorness the little girl was immaculate in school uniform. Being early in the morning with none of the English speaking hotel staff about it felt real uncomfortable and I walked away. If it was a request for school assistance I would have probably helped if he had turned up later when someone was able to translate.

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If they wanna get extra money, the mum will take the 500k, and in the evening the police will knock on your door, to get their 500k.

And because the girl isn't a virgin, anymore, you couldn't even proof, that you didn't do something.!

Also, because you aren't Chinese Sex mafia, the daughter could even leave you, the next day. Or would you, like the guy's from the big massage parlors, go after the parents, in case the daughter isn't fulfilling the contract?

Probably not, so....!


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Who said anything about sex? Maybe the woman just could not afford to look after the girl. If I was living here full time I would like to take care of a young girl on the verge of puberty. I might be able to guide her in a way that would be beneficial for her in the future.

Yeah right!

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Sowing the green rice is a Thai tradition. However, she may not have been offering you the child for sex, she may have been offering you the child as a servant/ slave. After all she may have felt that a single male in a house needs a house keeper.

Edited by waza
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Last time I saw an old lady with a 12 y.o. it was her grandchild...

That is very common. Because abortion is deemed to be against Buddhist principles, many young kids who get pregnant out of wedlock, or later are single mothers or fathers, dump the kid with the grandparents to raise the kid. I know of some examples where the young parent rarely ever comes to visit the child, and the grandmother may barely have enough money to scrape by and not enough energy to care for the baby. These things are sad but true. In most cases, I think the grandparents try to raise the kid as best they can however. I think one of the main problems is there is seen to be no alternative to having the baby.

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Shocking to hear more of these stories. Thought it was not so bad....

Dancealot, When I was in Cambodia last year, I had a cab driver ask me to take in a girl just so she could get enough to eat. He wasn't asking for money.

She was very pretty, but all Asian women tend to look younger to me than they are, so I can't judge. He told me she was legal but I only felt bad for the girl. I gave her some food money - I think only $US20 equivalent, and left. I'll never forget it, and never fail to understand what that level of poverty can do to people. (He said it wasn't his daughter, but the daughter of a friend. He had her in his cab hoping to give her to a Barang.)

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I believe you can marry a 13 year old with a judge's permission.

Monk's wedding would be against the law.

It's sad but common.

So it's a case of completing miminal schooling recieving your Thai ID card and your good to go, very sad.

Actually, need to be 15 to get an ID card.

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I believe you can marry a 13 year old with a judge's permission.

Monk's wedding would be against the law.

It's sad but common.

So it's a case of completing miminal schooling recieving your Thai ID card and your good to go, very sad.

Actually, need to be 15 to get an ID card.

My 8 year old son already has his ID card I think they are issued at 7 now.

I live in a village near Korat and there are plenty of kids living with their grandparents as the parents are off working.

I have never heard of a child being offered for sale locally but have no doubts it happens.

Poverty drives people to the limit.

Noob7: "intercourse with a kid" Seriously, that phrase alone won you the creep of the week award.


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