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What Is Ur Education?


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Well, dont take it very seriously, this is just one attempt to find out the general level of education of people here. So dont take it personally, no offence intended.

I would have thought the general level of education was painfully clear from the content of the posts without having to go to the bother of a poll.

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Well, dont take it very seriously, this is just one attempt to find out the general level of education of people here. So dont take it personally, no offence intended.

I would have thought the general level of education was painfully clear from the content of the posts without having to go to the bother of a poll.

I totally agree with u, but this is just to make the records nice n clear. :o

Edited by ajarnmark
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I would have thought the general level of education was painfully clear from the content of the posts without having to go to the bother of a poll.

I'm guessing you where homeschooled then.

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Well i studied such degree because i was very interested in the subject and also because i wanted to be a teacher, economic reasons never influence my degree decision...otherwise i would have study pharmacology, medicine, bussiness...

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I was dropped kicked out of high school best thing that ever happened to me joined the army then the oil rigs and still making more money than most so call well ededcated people

But you should not confuse education with intelligents or commonsense

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GCSEs, followed by LSDs. :D

Blackadder said it best:

I, on the other hand, am a fully rounded human being with a degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks, and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the s**t kicked out of me.


But you should not confuse education with intelligents or commonsense

That would have come off so well if you only spelt intelligence right Rigger! Slip of the keyboard I'm sure. :D

I thoroughly agree by the way, some of the best educated people I have met have also been the stupidest. :o

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Education is overrated. Unfortunately, these days the business community almost makes it a requirement for employment. Such limited thinking, IMHO.

But, as many people know, education is not a requirement for success in life, nor is it a guarantee. I should know - high school drop out but successful. :D

Too bad there aren't academic courses available on what creates success! :o

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I don't think education is overated. By the way some of you people post ,you think we are idiots. Just because you went to school doesn't make you better than us or smarter, it just means you went to school. It takes all kinds to run the world.

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It is probably a good idea to take claims of educational levels, like claims of salary levels and claims of amounts made on the stock exchange with a large pinch of salt.

As for the value of education, well we can debate it, people without formal educational qualifications are perhaps more ready to cast doubt on the value of education.

But I look at this way, looking forward at 18 years old education is a must, looking back from say 40 years old, education may seem to have been a waste of time.

But when making the decision for others, in particular my own children, I shall encourage them and support them in getting the best education they can.

It's about a lot more than the financial rewards education might bring.

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what would ne interesting to see would be education levels and salary comparisons.

A highschool dropout may well make more than a Phd.

tuky, u maybe right. however, i m not interested in money etc. always remember that degree, intellect and wealth r not the same thing :o

CMCool, a post doctorate may not be a degree, it can be research or some combination of coursework n research. phd, though, considered to be the highest, is always lower than the post doctorate work

Edited by ajarnmark
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what would ne interesting to see would be education levels and salary comparisons.

A highschool dropout may well make more than a Phd.

tuky, u maybe right. however, i m not interested in money etc. always remember that degree, intellect and wealth r not the same thing :o

CMCool, a post doctorate may not be a degree, it can be research or some combination of coursework n research. phd, though, considered to be the highest, is always lower than the post doctorate work

Here here! :D

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what would ne interesting to see would be education levels and salary comparisons.

A highschool dropout may well make more than a Phd.

tuky, u maybe right. however, i m not interested in money etc. always remember that degree, intellect and wealth r not the same thing :o

CMCool, a post doctorate may not be a degree, it can be research or some combination of coursework n research. phd, though, considered to be the highest, is always lower than the post doctorate work

So what's behind your question, Ajarnmark? Why are you interested in knowing?

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Master in Structural Engineering....and my better half - double degrees in Architecture and Urban Planning.

And I also don't think education is overated. We have our own architecture and engineering firm since when we’re 30 and now it’s going on the 15th year….and not a single lawsuit!

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What's a postdoctoral degree? I thought the PhD was the highest you can get :o

There is such an animal, like old TM here, as a Doctor of Arts.

Whilst this does not have a status in academic circles higher than a PhD, it is considered by universities to be the highest teaching qualification.

As a footnote: academic qualifications really do mean, very little in life. I am still daily, should you ever visit Bedlam, called stupid.

Harold MacMillan (once a Prime Minister in the UK) said, "The only value in my (Eton public school/Oxbridge) education is, I feel reasonable equipped to realise when the other man is talking bullsh*t".

This is all very well. But I have in my time (58 years) met many analphabetic people who equipped with their own common sense (not a requirement to receive a high education) have been able to "cut through the crap" quicker than any English politician or academic.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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CMCool, a post doctorate may not be a degree, it can be research or some combination of coursework n research. phd, though, considered to be the highest, is always lower than the post doctorate work

To my best knowledge, a postdoctoral work is a full time job at a university laboratory or a company and doesn't involve any coursework. Therefore in my opinion it shouldn't be considered as an educational level.

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Although I have always been a writer (among many other vocations) my degree -B. Journalism- gave me the edge, confidence and so many opportunities to really fly. I haven't looked back ... just wish the pay was better in Asia. :o Life is good, I'm happy! :D

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Well i have been to uni twice and studied business decision analysis and i also did a joint honours in law and psycology. What am i doing now? I drive lorries and operate heavy plant, because that is what i enjoy doing. I cant stand being cooped up in offices, i tried it once, lasted half a day then walked, i have to be outside :o

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Master in Structural Engineering....and my better half - double degrees in Architecture and Urban Planning.

And I also don't think education is overated. We have our own architecture and engineering firm since when we’re 30 and now it’s going on the 15th year….and not a single lawsuit!

You're the second one to say that you don't feel education is overrated (and I'm the only one who spelled the word correctly :o ).

I don't mean to undervalue education with my statement, nor to suggest that a formal education isn't often the best means to achieving one's goals, but only to point out that the connotations regarding education are in many cases false and/or misleading. So often people believe and profess, for instance, that without an education one has little chance of 'making' it in this world. That's when I feel that it has become overrated for not only is there another truth (as experienced by many) but it also caries a quite negative effect for people who don't have an education since it promotes a certain mentality that they're doomed and/or stupid.

I believe education is overrated especially when it's used as a prerequisite for promotions within a company. As if there was no other way to gain knowledge. Do you need to go to church to pray or can you do it anywhere? School isn't the only place to find the tools you need to get what you want in life, nor do they have a monopoly on the tools for success. School is merely another avenue and for most it may be the best. :D

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I would have thought the general level of education was painfully clear from the content of the posts without having to go to the bother of a poll.

Not necessary true. I believe most people are here just to relax or have fun, and also we shouldn't forget that English is not the first or even second language for some of us :o

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Well i have been to uni twice and studied business decision analysis and i also did a joint honours in law and psycology. What am i doing now? I drive lorries and operate heavy plant, because that is what i enjoy doing. I cant stand being cooped up in offices, i tried it once, lasted half a day then walked, i have to be outside :o

This is interesting.

The main problem with academic work is its demands of control and conformity. You are constantly being appraised and judged by your peers.

Should you leave university and work on the basis of your qualifications, your mind will then be taken over by the demands of the job and the goals and ambitions of your chosen company.

This is OK for many. The deal being, a high salary is sufficient compensation for this sacrifice.

Others, whose principal motivation in life is to be free, will choose to avoid these restrictions.

I once knew an old Slovakian Doctor of Law, who was living on a kibbutz in Israel. He told me he was unable to work in law in Israel because the legal system was so different than the pre-war Slovakian. Consequently he worked as a labourer in the Avocado plantation. He said this experience had freed his soul and his mind to such a degree that he was gripped by creative energy. He had in his free time become a potter and a maker of ceramic tiles to the extent that his work was famous throughout Israel.

Last year I stopped lecturing and went to work in the family engineering firm. Initially my job was to put the bookkeeping system in order and prepare the accounts for the accountant’s inspection. This done, I have now begun to work in the factory, operating several machines.

These, so-called, banal jobs have become to me far from banal. Nothing is trying to take control of my mind or my imagination any more. I can listen, with my MP3 player (a wonderful invention) to all a Beethoven’s string quartets, one after another, uninterrupted; or all of Mozart’s late symphonies; or a recording of several Shakespeare plays; or a random selection of over 6 hours Jazz/Rock. My mind is free to dream and imagine.

And I feel free.

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