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Nanny In Chiang Mai


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We have a baby on the way and are discussing if my wife will stop working or not. Does anyone know where I can find more information on hiring a nanny in Chiang Mai? Obviously we are concerned about finding someone we can trust and who has experience. We would probably need someone morning to night 5 or 6 days a week. Any suggestions on where to start looking and how much we would pay would be greatly appreciated.

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I wish you the best in your endeavours to find a suitable nanny for your upcoming great event. However you must know that finding that one person who will be the nanny of your dreams is a crap shoot. Regarding salary I would not try to be a cheap charlie and expect to have a reliable employee. On the other hand I would not offer a salary much higher than the norm either. High salary does not equate into great employee. That being said. If I had an employee that was of exceptional value ( and I do) I would do my best to provide that person with a salary well above normal. Great employees are few and far between and should be rewarded as such.

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Thais are not really known for being "Nanny's" or having the skills. Most Thais dump their kids with relatives as soon as possible. In some cases the babies are picked up by relatives as soon as they are born. Not to be derogatory towards Thais, but just the way it is. Good luck with that. Maybe you could find someone from the Philippines to fill the job.

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To be a little more positive it is possible to find an excellent Thai nanny in CM.

We had a great experience with a nanny for our first child. Caring, intelligent, prepared listen and do things our way we could not have been happier. It is a shame now our second child's arrival imminent that she has retired however we still greatly value her as a close family friend.

We will also be searching for a new nanny but given our previous experience I am confident we will find another gem even if it takes time. My advice to the OP is to advertise widely, interview candidates several times if necessary and always ask for references.

Good luck.

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We have a friend who has just moved back to CM and she may be looking for work but i will have to find out. She has also done teaching and speaks good english. If you are interested pm me and i will find out if she is interested too. Then you can arrange an interview / meeting .

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My wife, son and myself will be moving to Chiang Mai shortly from Oregon for a teaching job at an International School. She is Thai and is still deciding if she is going to teach again or Nanny. She has a Thai degree in English Education and has been working at a Preschool here for the last 5 years. She also worked at a bi-lingual school and as a Nanny in Bangkok before we moved to the US. We will be living in the Hang Dong area. This is my first post so I'm not sure how you can get a hold of me other than posting on here. If you're interested and know a different way to respond let me know.


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