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The "Check Engine " came on a few days ago .

Water, air filter , oil -all checks out ok .

What else could it be that I can check w/o special tools .

Its not so much a question of saving a Baht here and there , but if I can avoid the hazzle to drive to town for an inspection -and waste an entire day -I am all for it

The P/U id 5 years old only 60 K on it ,otherwise in perfect shape .


Could be any number of things...

Low/high commonrail pressure, clogged fuel filter or injector(s), damaged or poorly connected intake hose, fouled air mass sensor, blocked EGR etc.

One thing's for sure though - it's called the 'check engine' light for a reason ;)


Start with full info of this car I would say.

Like model,wich fuel ,non turbo or turbo,aut or handgears, these things are bitt of a gess now.

According to the OP it's a 5yo Isuzu 2.5L - so from that I can surmise that its a gen-2 commonrail turbo and will also be a 5MT as there was no AT option for the 2.5L 5 years ago ;)


There are so many sensors and stuff on ''modern'' diesel engines it really is a needle in a hay stack for us tinkerers. Check all small rubber hoses and connections etc. No luck then it means a connection to a main dealers diagnostic thingy. sad.png


The only way to know for sure what your CEL is & means, is to get a diagnostic check from the dealer or garage.

I have invested in a Check Scanner for the exact reason your having...it plugs into the OBD connector (every car has one) & tells you the fault code.

Drive safe


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