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Thailand Set To Oppose Protection Of Sharks And Manta Rays


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I agree that farming sharks for fins sounds like a preposterous proposition.

the 'Thai Chinese' love their shark fin soup. And control Thailand. SO just like the ivory trade, this trade will also continue

Agreed. Plus, get ready for ever increasing numbers of Chinese tourists to Thailand (and most other parts of SE Asia). Many will consider a bowl of s.f. soup and an ivory momento as charming facets of such a trip. Chinese men are also nutzoid about virgin girls (they'll pay tens of thousands of baht for the thrill of de-flowering one), ....but that's another topic.

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In general I agree with the above post apart from a couple of points

Firstly I don't think there are actually many wildlife and conservation laws in Thailand compared to many other countries there is little or no regulation and of course it is not enforced - it would seem that many laws contradict each other too.

secondly I can't subscribe to the "there's nothing we can do"so lets not do anything" philosophy, that seems to be espoused....thailand is quite sensitive to world opinion - (as the above poster pointed out with the announcement by the PM) - it has backed down on several things in Thai society in the face of international criticism and pressure, and i think that the CITES conference may well have spotlighted Thailand more than they'd liked and although change may not be dramatic it may well take place.......as will the gradual erosion of corruption.

Ivory sellers in Thailand are comploaiing about the new policy the PM has waved about at CITES.

Nakhon Sawan and Uthai Thani are centres for buying selling and carving of ivory.

they say that enforcement of stricter controls will destroy the tradition of carving ivory and force them to take their work underground........

If this isn't an admission of dodgy practices I don't what is!

Apparently the Thai authorities allow the trade in Ivory if the animal is a Thai elegant that died a natural death........well you can imagine the amount of abuse that would be open to.

It is estimated this would producer fewer than 100 pairs of tusks per year, not nearly enough to stock the shelves of the boutiques and kiosks selling ivory products estimated at over 5000 businesses.

do the maths and shut down the businesses, they are only stimulating demand.

Edited by wilcopops
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I just heard from a friend who is a member of a NGO working on Manta Ray protection the CITES has approved protection for the species, 96 votes in favour, 23 against and 7 abstentions. I don't know which way did Thailand's vote went.

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A lot of Chinese foods, 'medicines', sex aids, bear bile are borne out of myths and the most wicked cruelty, that has nothing to do with culture. Consequently they continue to show that they are one of the most most barbaric nation's and protected species or not they will kill, eat, drink and wear anything to get instant gratification. Add to this the ever increasing affluence and the market will only go up and I just hope along with their Russian allies, they find somewhere different to move into.

Mars preferably or a different solar system altogether, though short of that I would settle for them both being on the endangered species list... what a relief for everyone that'd be. whistling.gif

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One thing many people do not always grasp is that Thailand is run by a ruling elite which is 100% Chinese. They call themselves Thai but in truth they are 'Chinese Thai'. The Chinese enjoy their shark fin soup, elephant irony and all other sorts of dishes that are banned by international law. They have no intention of giving up these luxuries and will at best pay lip service to the laws prohibiting these items.

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A lot of Chinese foods, 'medicines', sex aids, bear bile are borne out of myths and the most wicked cruelty, that has nothing to do with culture. Consequently they continue to show that they are one of the most most barbaric nation's and protected species or not they will kill, eat, drink and wear anything to get instant gratification. Add to this the ever increasing affluence and the market will only go up and I just hope along with their Russian allies, they find somewhere different to move into.

Mars, or Jupiter, I hope.

why so far when Bangkok is so close by and so inviting

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Why would Thailand oppose, MONEY--selfish and business driven, backed by those in power whoever the cap fits, wear it.

Look the tourist is NOT protected only harrassed for money-as much as possible, anyone argues about that comment is not in the majority by far.

We have posts about pork and beef and chickens, my god how stupid can you get to compare. They are animals but not endangered by far, the whole conservation subject is the topic and the laugh is the high profile meeting was HERE, with the Thais-sorry Chinese run Thailand-opposes the protection.

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Why would Thailand oppose, MONEY--selfish and business driven, backed by those in power whoever the cap fits, wear it.

Look the tourist is NOT protected only harrassed for money-as much as possible, anyone argues about that comment is not in the majority by far.

We have posts about pork and beef and chickens, my god how stupid can you get to compare. They are animals but not endangered by far, the whole conservation subject is the topic and the laugh is the high profile meeting was HERE, with the Thais-sorry Chinese run Thailand-opposes the protection.

Thailand is not going to do anything that upsets their sugar tit China. NASA project comes to mind.

Edited by Pimay1
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