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My Thai Guy...


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So...I've been doing a lot of reading in these forums....and I am still trying to figure out how to work all this forum business, since I am a newbie. One thing I noticed is that there aren't enough people talking nice of Thai men. I am a 28 year old farang woman, and I am now in a relationship with a 36 year old Thai gentleman. Now granted, He is my only experience with a Thai man. But, I must say...I have never been with anyone that has made me feel so cherished, cared for, and basiclly made me feel like an absolute Queen.

No prior relationship that I have had, has felt this awesome! He watches out for me, is always concerned with how I am doing, and feeling, he tells me often how much he likes me, he pays for everything, (even when I try to pay), does the most thoughtful things all day long. He goes out of his way to do nice things for my mom. If I yawn, he asks me if he can get me some coffee, after I get off work he takes me to dinner. On my breaks, he takes me to lunch, and if we go to the Chinese Buffet that he loves, he de-splinters my chopsticks for me. Anyway, you get the point. He's always happy, smiling, and very affecionate, and thoughtful. He never thinks twice about doing something nice for me. I don't believe that he would ever do anything to disrespect, or harm me.

Now...all that said...would you believe that we've only been together for a week and a half?? I can say that in all of my relationships over the years, there has NOT been ONE single guy who has treated me so well. I am so blessed to have him as my boyfriend. I wish that more people had good experiences to share. :o

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And then you woke up and realized it was all a dream :D

Thai men are very good at hidding things, much superior in that domain to farang men.

Just be careful and don't fall for the honey pot :D

:D ...Oh I don't know about that. I have very good intuitions. My friends have known him for over a year, and everybody likes him a lot....shouldn't that be a good sign??

I can not tell the future, that is true.....but I do have faith that he is a genuine nice gentleman. :D

So what is it that has people talking so much bad stuff about Thai men?? And...is it just Thai men that live in Thailand?? What about Americanized Thai men? Is it just a culture thing in Thailand, that has people so hot and bothered? I believe that there is poitential for men and women to be unkind in any race or culture. I guess I don't see why so many people on here have negative things to say of Thai men? :o

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I guess I don't see why so many people on here have negative things to say of Thai men? :D

Maybe experience :D

:o Hmmmmmmmm......now you've got me very curious???

Well anyhow....I'm going to keep a positive attitude....I don't want any negative thoughts to interfere with something that so far is awesome! :D

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....I don't want any negative thoughts to interfere with something that so far is awesome! :o

in that case - quit searching the forum for horror stories and get on with your relationship with this guy... reading the jaded experiences of some is not gonna help you stay possitive is it!

its no different to the guys that warn all the other chaps to stay well away from goldigging bargirls, coz they'll take you to the cleaners and will screw around if someone richer comes along... etc etc blah blah

but (believe it or not) there is still a good to high percentage of guys that are very happily married to women that they met in bars etc - if everyone listened to all the opinions on web forums, it would be a very dull world indeed.


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No comment!!!!! As someone else will advise shortly why don't you do a search on Thai boyfriend/husband in this set of forums and your questions will be magically answered. I am marginally offended that your tone sounds as if no one has any right to say anything 'bad' about a Thai man - grow up.

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Lets face some truths here, shall we? Alot of the farang men on this forum have Thai wives, I would say a very large percentage of them previously had Thai husbands. So, the wife complains to the current husband about how bad the previous one was (could be true, could be just to make him feel better).

So, all these guys only ever hear negative stories about Thai men from women who have had a previous problem with one. Ergo, they think, all Thai men must be bad.

Well, you could also ask guys who have had bad experiences with Thai women and come up with the same false conclusion, or farang men who have had the same with farang women, farang women with bad experiences from farang men. This list is endless.

The truth lies somewhere in between. Yes, some Thai men cheat, but certainly not all. Yes some farang women are selfish, some Thai girls greedy, some farang men self-centered d!cks. Again, the list is endless. But the truth is, there are good and bad in every culture and it just takes some insight and self awareness to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

As for your guy, well, he could very well be for real. Mine was. He knew, within a few months, that i was the one. He has always been considerate of not only my parents and grandparents but his own family as well.

He was quick to the mark commitment wise, but then, I think, Thai men enter relationships to HAVE a relationship and do not fear the big C like alot of western guys do.

Final thing, please do not post multiple threads on the same topic, try to keep it all in one please! Thanks and welcome to the forum :o

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Well to her defense, the search function doesn't work, it's worthless. Why do you think people keep asking the same questions over and over :D

IPB Software never developed a proper search functions for their board software. Why do you think we have a Google Forum toolbar. Oh wait, I haven't tried that one yet :o

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I think it's been said in another thread somewhere, but often it's the negative stories that get talked about most. I know lots of people in good long term relationships with thai guys so I never worry about the negative things people say ... most likely they are stories based on true experiences but it's not the same for everyone. I'm not sure, but I think some of the negative stories may have something to do with the type of guy and where they met. Would others agree that guys met in beach bars often are the ones that cause the negative stories? One of the first Thai guys I saw I met in a beach bar in Samui. He came to visit me in Bangkok and by the end of the week I had an inkling that he was after the easy life with the 'rich' farang. When he got back to Samui he called saying he'd had a motorbike accident and needed me to deposit money in his account and proceeded to rattle off the account number! What cheek! However, my boyfriend (and father of our child) and I have been together for about 6 years and we have a pretty normal relationship. He was also like your man and knew from a very early stage that I was 'the one'. He is also from Samui but wasn't a bar boy and we met in a place frequented by Thais, not tourists. He also likes to pay for things (see ettiquette thread) and would hate it if people thought that he was just with a farang 'for the money'. I think that because you met your guy out of Thailand a lot of things will be different. Expect to have a lot of cultural differences, especially as you probably don't have an insight into the 'Thai way' like many people who are already residing in the country when they meet their partners.

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One of the pleasant things about Asia is the availability of Mia noi’s, a second wife. And if you have enough money a third or fourth.

Thai society accepts this as do most Thai women although not without pain. The second wife is not held in contempt by Asian society although she is not held with the same respect as the first wife. The problem arises if the man does not handle the relationship with discreetness and provide adequate support for wife number one.

Thai men also have no problem with having sex with men. The taboos are not the same as Western men. An roll in the hay with a guy is not considered a gender changing issue and gay and straight are not the same as in the West. An occasional male bonking is no big thing.

Thai society is much more racist than Western society and the whiteness of skin color is considered a big plus by most Thai’s. I think a Farang woman has to consider whether a Thai man in interested in her for herself or because she is whiter than most Thai women.

Farang women are considered a status symbol by most Thai men. One that they brag about and are complimented on when the guys get together at the local sauna (not a sex sauna).

Thai guys are rumored to have small equipment (not true) and Farang women are rumored to have giant equipment (mostly true in my experience) but the boys at the athletic club assume if the Thai guy is taking care of the Farang women he must be well endowed.

To try and understand Thailand or Thai men without having visited the country or spent a significant amount of time here is foolish. If you want to see what the woman is like talk to her mother. If you want to see what the man is like talk to his father.

Although Thai men are far more feminine than Western men don’t expect a feminist Thai man. In my experience they are quite masculine and operate within well defined rolls of what a man should do and what a women should do. That is one of the things that makes Thai society so attractive to Western men, everyone has a role and everyone knows what it is. In the Western world the roles are changing and creating a lot of conflict and that is not the case yet in Thailand.

As far as Western women competing with Thai women, I don’t think they have the tools. There are a lot of good looking young Western men living in Thailand and they would not go out with a Farang women at any price (been there done that and got the tee shirt).

Farang women have the advantage of skin color and novelity but I think that is where it ends.

The cultural differences are vast and very few Western women can make the jump. I think that is proved by the fact that 90% of the members on this forum are male.

As a Western woman your priorities are different, they are not Thai priorities. You have some sense of fair play and justice outside your family. You have some sense of Christian morals. You have some sense or equality for gender and race and religion. Being brought up a Christian you will have a very hard time understanding Buddhism and Animism that is the source of ethics and morality in Thailand.

Another poster on this forum in another thread mentioned her doubt of accepting Thai culture without applying Western concepts of morality and justice and general day to day stuff. She wondered why it was not appropriate she judge Thais by her Western standards. The answer to her question is simple. No, you can not judge Thai’s by Western standards.

It is good you seek information about Thai’s because that shows you have a desire to know something about the culture that your new acquaintance is coming from. I would also suggest, knowing something about the culture that you have your new friend checked out at the local clinic. Complete blood work for all of the usual suspects.

Hello handsome man is not so far removed from hello pretty woman. Love at one week sounds vaguely familiar to me.

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No comment!!!!! As someone else will advise shortly why don't you do a search on Thai boyfriend/husband in this set of forums and your questions will be magically answered. I am marginally offended that your tone sounds as if no one has any right to say anything 'bad' about a Thai man - grow up.

:o How easily it is to be misunderstood here I see. I believe that the only" tone" I would have meant to put in anything that I have said is a tone of questioning. I know little of the Thai culture, I have never been with a Thai man. I have not come here searching for horror stories, I have only observed that there are a lot of them. So me being a farang woman who knows virtually nothing about Thai culture, came here hoping to find some good people to just try and help me understand better. It is only my desire to learn more that has brought me to this forum. I think it is sad that you are so quick to jump on me about what I am doing wrong, or say unkind things to me, like to "grow up". Well, I can assure you that I am grown, hence why I will say nothing unkind to you. I apologize that you are "marginally offended", by anything that I would say. I do not think that what anyone would have to say from their own experience, would be right or wrong. I did not come here looking for arguments, only some help understanding my new Thai boyfriend better.

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would you believe that we've only been together for a week and a half?? I can say that in all of my relationships over the years, there has NOT been ONE single guy who has treated me so well. I am so blessed to have him as my boyfriend

Would you believe it's called the honeymoon period? :o .................

Seriously though Thai guys get a bad rap IMHO..... If he works,dosn't drink too much and you have things in common then you may be on to a winner.............

That said most of the farang girls i know get a month or so devotion & like any relationship it calms down........ only then will you get a real picture,,,,

Anyway good luck :D

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would you believe that we've only been together for a week and a half?? I can say that in all of my relationships over the years, there has NOT been ONE single guy who has treated me so well. I am so blessed to have him as my boyfriend

Would you believe it's called the honeymoon period? :o .................

Seriously though Thai guys get a bad rap IMHO..... If he works,dosn't drink too much and you have things in common then you may be on to a winner.............

That said most of the farang girls i know get a month or so devotion & like any relationship it calms down........ only then will you get a real picture,,,,

Anyway good luck :D

:D I understand the "honeymoon" period....

I just mean to say that in no other previous honeymoon period with my past relationships, has the guy treated me so nicely, or made me feel so cared for. My guy works very hard, ( I know this because we work together, same place, different jobs) doesn't drink much, or that often, and we do have things in common...However I am trying to learn to speak Thai, so that we can get into deeper conversations, and so when I go to Thailand someday with him, I can have good conversations with his mom and friends there.

Thankyou for the wishes of luck, I'll have to let you know how things are in a month... :D

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Thai society is much more racist than Western society


Thai guys are rumored to have small equipment (not true) and Farang women are rumored to have giant equipment (mostly true in my experience) [...] If you want to see what the woman is like talk to her mother.


Although Thai men are far more feminine than Western men don’t expect a feminist Thai man.

Perhaps you think this 'wordplay' is clever or witty; as the words have never been related (other than phonetically), however, this just seems ignorant. In fact you will find that most of the Thai men who are with farang women are with them precisely because they do not confirm to the roles prescribed by Thai society. They appreciate women who work, who can take care of themselves, are independent and, yes, feminist. Always a case of the grass is greener - as you point out, most farang men who are here prefer the dutiful housewife, who is becoming an endangered species in the west.

As far as Western women competing with Thai women, I don’t think they have the tools. There are a lot of good looking young Western men living in Thailand and they would not go out with a Farang women at any price (been there done that and got the tee shirt).

I don't recall anyone saying there was a competition. If there is one, what is the defintion of 'winning'? The chance to go out with a 'good looking young western man' who regards farang women as pariahs with "large equipment". Go for it, ladies!

Farang women have the advantage of skin color and novelity but I think that is where it ends.

I think that is where you should end. Unfortunately for all of us, you continue:

The cultural differences are vast and very few Western women can make the jump. I think that is proved by the fact that 90% of the members on this forum are male.

As a Western woman your priorities are different, they are not Thai priorities. You have some sense of fair play and justice outside your family. You have some sense of Christian morals. You have some sense or equality for gender and race and religion. Being brought up a Christian you will have a very hard time understanding Buddhism and Animism that is the source of ethics and morality in Thailand.

While, of course, western men have no such problems :o

What a bizarre, rambling and hideously generalising post.

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To the OP: you have a fantastic sense of comic timing, albeit unintentioned. The wonderful, lyrical build up, followed by the killer line about the length of your relationship made me laugh out loud.

I wish you the very best and I certainly commend your endeavours to learn about Thai culture. However, to expect people to comment seriously on a week-old encounter; and to criticise others who have negative things to say (usually about longer relationships gone sour) seems rather naive.

It is a chalk and cheese situation. You are clearly in the first flush of love - enjoy it! - but don't jump the gun, as you may well find yourself back here - perhaps sooner than you think - bitching with the worst of them.

I sincerely hope that does not happen. :o

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First off the op is in America not Thailand and her boyfriend is in the states as well, right?

I think this says a lot.

Enjoy your new realationship and follow your instincts. My guess is all the negative posters had Thai

Boyfriends in Thailand.

At 36 living in America, my guess is;

He worked his butt off to get here or was lucky and came over with his family.

Has an above average education then many Thai people.

And understands that American women are not going to tolerate thier men having more then one girlfriend.

I think Thai men are much more attentive to their women and follow their hearts much more then American men. All stated before. I'm sure he is a lovely person. Enjoy your time with him.

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Well LuvinMyThai, reading thread this made my head spin!

I'm not one for giving advice, however, just go for it like you would any relationship. If it's meant to happen, it will!

Be happy. Oh, and good luck.

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To the OP: you have a fantastic sense of comic timing, albeit unintentioned. The wonderful, lyrical build up, followed by the killer line about the length of your relationship made me laugh out loud.

I wish you the very best and I certainly commend your endeavours to learn about Thai culture. However, to expect people to comment seriously on a week-old encounter; and to criticise others who have negative things to say (usually about longer relationships gone sour) seems rather naive.

It is a chalk and cheese situation. You are clearly in the first flush of love - enjoy it! - but don't jump the gun, as you may well find yourself back here - perhaps sooner than you think - bitching with the worst of them.

I sincerely hope that does not happen. :D

:o I did not mean to criticize anyone?? If I did, (obviously) it was purely unintentional. And I apologize.

I was just curious about the broad generalization, by some people that I was seeing a lot of. I don't mean to come on here, and be so misunderstood. Or to offend, ANYBODY. I have a good heart, and was just trying to learn about the Thai culture more, since there is obviously going to be a difference in Thailand relationship style, then in (all I know of) American relationships.

Yes it may be weird, or naive for me to say such nice things about someone who I have only seen for a little over a week now....I have known him longer then that....I know our relationship is new. I take things one day at a time. I only just wanted to express something good about him, because he has a good heart.

Thank you for some kind hopes for us though... :D

I think that in all of my talking, I am getting confused, and maybe I am confusing others, (not saying you or anyone in particular)...who don't understand that, I am just here to learn more about Thai culture, and to see if anyone can give me any good advice. I have bought books, have looked up as much history as I can find on Thailand, and am trying to learn to speak Thai. This is my first encounter with someone of Thai culture. I know that things are different in Thailand, then in America. He has only been here for 4 years, so he's very much so still in the Thai culture. My only wish is to learn, because I like him, and so that I do not offend him, his culture, or his family, by being ignorant of Thai culture. That's all....so to everyone who reads this. Please....I am trying to learn so that I DO NOT offend....I did not come here to offend. My deepest apologies, to anyone who I have offended. :D

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What I thought about Thai guy-Western girl relationship? Having lived in thailand for 16 yrs and being 1/2 thai 1/2 american myself, here my opionions.....

In my opinion, the reputation of Thai guy and Western girl couple to Thai people is better than Thai girl and Western guy. When we see a Thai girl is walking with Western guy, we mostly think, “Ah, she is doing her job”. When we see a Thai guy with a Western girl, we normally think, “Ah, they are boyfriend and girlfriend”. We usually think that a Thai girl who appears with Western guy is uneducated girl, but we rarely think the same for Thai guy who is walking with Western girl.

Thai man, in my opinion, tries hard when he starts loving a girl, but will love her less when she loves him back or he could get sex from her. Thai guy will be so proud if he is the first guy of his girl, but Thai woman will be happy if only she can be the last girl of her boyfriend.

What can attract Thai guy to make relationship with Western girl? Apart from his real love to her,

the answer might be, “no guilty after having sex”.

Thai girl will start being serious in her relationship if she has sex with her boyfriend. For Thai woman, marriage and sex are the same thing. The wedding day is the day a bride has first sex. Since sleeping with her guy, single Thai woman will talk about wedding more often.

I think Western girl is different. Sex and marriage are not the same thing. They might think that sex doesn’t have to come with marriage always. Breaking of relationship will upset them, but might not be as a big deal as it is in thailand.

So, bad Thai guys might take benefit from Western life style. They (again, only the bad one) might think they would like to have relationship with Western girl because it’s easy to have sex with her and then leave her without any guilty. Anyway, what I am saying is just what possibly will happen.

By the way, it’s common for all couple that they should take time to learn each other. Relationship is a matter of two person, a man and a woman (or man and man or woman and woman), nothing about nationality eventually. Loving a person with the same nationality with yours might make you face to fewer troubles, but doesn’t mean none.

When you consider about relationship, use your heart rather than your race.

Take care darling,


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In my opinion, the reputation of Thai guy and Western girl couple to Thai people is better than Thai girl and Western guy. When we see a Thai girl is walking with Western guy, we mostly think, “Ah, she is doing her job”. When we see a Thai guy with a Western girl, we normally think, “Ah, they are boyfriend and girlfriend”. We usually think that a Thai girl who appears with Western guy is uneducated girl, but we rarely think the same for Thai guy who is walking with Western girl.

Funny enough I've heard from thai(s) - thai lady lucky to be w/farang - he good man. Conversely why farang lady with Thai man - thai man have nothing to offer her, he must be using her. :D

Sorry what you said was a load of <deleted>!!!!! :o These are stereotypes and luckily enough this isnt the majority view point by most thai(s) for any thai/farang couple.

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Where do you guys live in America? This is a relevant question to your situation. Your Thai BF has been living in America now for 4 years. This isn't a very long time but it is long enough to learn local customs and ways. Surely he has made American friends that he has talked to at length about women in America in the 4 years that he has been there. Don't assume that he is going to be 100% different from any of the American guys you have dated in the past just because of the past week and a half. In the beginning of relationships, men are always really sweet to a woman they just started seeing. It truly is a "honeymoon period". Men do this because they have an agenda. Now that isn't to say that their agenda is always sex but most of the time it is.

All I am telling you is you can't fall in love with someone and proclaim them to be the best thing since sliced bread in just 1 1/2 weeks. Take it day by day and see what happens. There is no rush. But remember, if he truly does practice and believe in the "Thai way" of doing things, in Thailand just as in the rest of Asia, the society is dominated by men and not by women. Many true Asian guys feel women are not on equal footing with them.

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In my opinion, the reputation of Thai guy and Western girl couple to Thai people is better than Thai girl and Western guy. When we see a Thai girl is walking with Western guy, we mostly think, “Ah, she is doing her job”. When we see a Thai guy with a Western girl, we normally think, “Ah, they are boyfriend and girlfriend”. We usually think that a Thai girl who appears with Western guy is uneducated girl, but we rarely think the same for Thai guy who is walking with Western girl.

Funny enough I've heard from thai(s) - thai lady lucky to be w/farang - he good man. Conversely why farang lady with Thai man - thai man have nothing to offer her, he must be using her. :D

Sorry what you said was a load of <deleted>!!!!! :o These are stereotypes and luckily enough this isnt the majority view point by most thai(s) for any thai/farang couple.

Well I'm not here to argue with you but just stated my opionion bases on my own observation during my years in thailand. I have nothing against either types of couple and to me… love is love. As you love someone it doesn't matter what others think .

I can read and write thai and speak thai very well , not just my name, because I had attended thai school during my years over there. I have both thai and american passport. Same as with you?....I guess not! Can you understand thai very well? And how much do you very understand the thai culture and its people?

You have no idea what the majority of thais thinking. You only hear what they think you want to hear because the thais usually do not come out and say what they actually think in front of your face. You may be right when you heard from some thais - how the thai lady lucky to be w/ farang - he good man- blah blah blah..... Yes it's true among the up country area or among the poor groups.

Here let me explain why this is the case….this is going to be long but bear with me…..

In Thailand money is power and it opens doors to opportunity. People without money don't stand much of a chance. The vast majority of Thai girls from Issan area are uneducated,very poor and have very little chance of leading what Westerners would consider a good life. These poor girls have no chance of getting a good job in an air-conditioned office or having any form of career - most live a life of drudgery.

The only chances they have to improve their lives are winning the lottery or marrying a foreigner. Not many win the lottery. The odds of marrying a foreign man are much better. Foreign men have money. Even if you don't think you have much, you probably have a lot more than the average Thai. You may be poor in the West but quite wealthy in Thailand because everything is relative. This is why attracting Thai girls is so easy but the problems come later if the relationship isn't working out.

If for any reason it ends, the consequences are quite different for the two people involved.

The man will find himself alone for a while and it will probably be no big deal because there are plenty of other girls but the Thai girl will probably face having to go back to her old life.

It is fair to say that most foreign men treat their Thai girlfriends well and give them a taste of Western life while they are together. The girls get used to the lifestyle but if the relationship ends they are consigned - back to a drudge life.

This is the last thing the girls want and they will plead with the man to let them stay or to take them back. Some girls will go crazy, just not accepting what has happened. They will call continuously and try everything possible to get back. Their efforts to get back might range from out-and-out threats to trying to evoke deep sympathy. Hearing a girl sob day and night on the phone and then getting a call from somebody or her herself - to say she is in hospital in a very bad way isn't always easy to deal with.

Once you understand the reality of life in Thailand it can be quite heartbreaking sending a girl back to that life after you have shared good times with her.

Breaking up with Thai girls is not a fun activity. With some girls it isn't that far removed from "Fatal Attraction".

Here I’m talking again about the majority not the minority cases.

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I was using a sterotype like you have - unfortunately you missed that, ie thai lady with farang she lucky. BTW I haven't just heard this in Issan if the truth be told, middle/upper class circles in BKK. (western spouse -status symbol)

I understand thai culture, people, and language. (so yes when they chatter in thai I get the jist of what they are saying) I often love to observe/listen to Thai(s) I have never met before and see what they are saying. Bloody funny catching them out especially when they realize you understand what they've been saying. :o

I don't need the economic explanation, I know it quite well. The impact on both thai men and ladies once they have experienced western lifestyle and a breakup occurs is both devastating and disasterous. (not to mention loss of face for them and their families) Most never recover and turn to drugs, self destructive behaviour (suicide) and/or go crazy. Unfortunately I've witnessed this before through mates of mine. (both thai lads/ladies)

However I think you would agree this applies to both thai ladies and men. Marriage to a westerner is sought after and a way to improve social status.

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.......However I think you would agree this applies to both thai ladies and men. Marriage to a westerner is sought after and a way to improve social status.

The majority do not married farangs.....for or to improve social status :o .....But only to elevate their financial status ka

If for the social status, majority of the thai would be seeking those who came from a good family not just wealth only. That person has to be part of well respected family in the community, or with certain last name, or with long standing well known last name, or be connected to political arena or in that family, ......and education level, such as how high and where did she/he graduated from - is playing a big important role in this decision also.

The more combination of the above criteria is the better!

Edited by BKK90210
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.......However I think you would agree this applies to both thai ladies and men. Marriage to a westerner is sought after and a way to improve social status.

The majority do not married farangs.....for or to improve social status :o .....But only to elevate their financial status ka

If for the social status, majority of the thai would be seeking those who came from a good family not just wealth only.

I cannot begin to say with any certainty why a Thai person wants to marry a farang. Upon first guess, I would think its because they want someone that has enough money to improve their quality of life. It could also be a social status thing as well. Take my wife for example. When she lived in Thailand before she married me, when in a department store or something like that the staff would barely give her the time of day. Now they fall all over her trying to help and she has pointed it out to me. Also when we stay in a hotel in Thailand, she says the staff there are very respectful of her and always trying to help her. She said that if she wasn't married to me or was there alone they would never act this way towards her.

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