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Nz Tourist Visa

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Been with Thai girl for three years (not married), stayed together all the time, mostly in Thailand but have identical visa stamps for eight trips around the region and two visits to the UK. I am 49, she 29. No work as I support her (I don't work in Thailand but have rental income from UK property) but she has 60k in the bank plus land and house owned outright.

I am British, anyone in similar circumstances got a a NZ tourist visa for their woman or know if it is easy or hard.

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Been with Thai girl for three years (not married), stayed together all the time, mostly in Thailand but have identical visa stamps for eight trips around the region and two visits to the UK. I am 49, she 29. No work as I support her (I don't work in Thailand but have rental income from UK property) but she has 60k in the bank plus land and house owned outright.

I am British, anyone in similar circumstances got a a NZ tourist visa for their woman or know if it is easy or hard.

Part of a longer story (the telling of which will have to wait for another time/post but......

I am a Canadian guy - living in Canada, with a thai GF - living in thailand, and sucessfully got a visa for her to visit NZ with me in Feb 2006, and we did just that.. travelled there for 2 weeks, and came back to thailand.

NZ office indicated (prior to submitting the application) that they thought it was favourable that she had a foreign boyfriend that would be travelling with her in NZ th whole time. Suggested that we document that GF and I had continued to maintain ongoing contact (a listing of our daily Yahoo messenger connections, and a few converstations helped with that)

Known each other for over 1 year, 3 visits to thailand to see her. She works and owns her own business (making decent money) in a large large city, NE thailand. She owns property, has MORE than 100,000 baht in the bank. Has travelled outside Thailand before (nearby SE asia country with me in march 2005) and has left her business running itself for a similar short period. Has parents and relatives that she supports.

Visa was granted on condition of posting a refundable bond $NZ 3000 (this is the standard amount I understand, and I really must say that NZ has a very enlightened and practical approach I think compared to other countries).

Some of the paperwork & process could be a tiny bit clearer, but overall, I found the NZ visa to be quite straight forward, and NZ immigration staff to be both friendly, helpful and quite professional!


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I doubt if you will have a problem, I took my wife there this time last year, No problem getting Visa for her and our children, although there was a bit of hesitation over a visa for our childrens "minder". That was cleared up with a a written assurance that I would be responsible for the girl and her return to Thailand. Staff were exceptionally pleasant to deal with. Kudo's to whoever does their training.

(They should send them over to the Brit embassy to train them on how civil servants should be Civil)

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