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Yingluck Visiting New Zealand, Papua New Guinea


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PM visiting New Zealand, Papua New Guinea
By English News


BANGKOK, March 21 -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday left Bangkok to visit New Zealand and Papua New Guinea during March 21-25 to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities in the agricultural sector, according to the Thai government's website.

Ms Yingluck is visiting New Zealand today through Sunday and Papua New Guinea on Sunday and Monday at the invitation of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and Prime Minister Peter O'Neill of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.

Ministers who will accompany PM Yingluck include Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and representatives from the Thai private sector in the fields of energy, green business, medical tourism, construction, education, and food.

Ms Yingluck's official visit to New Zealand is aimed to strengthen bilateral relations on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and New Zealand.

The Thai premier is set to have a bilateral meeting with the New Zealand premier.

The discussion will cover cooperation expansion in the areas of sciences, agricultural and food management, trade negotiation under the framework of the TNZCEP Agreement, education, labour promotion, tourism and film industry, as well as cooperation in the regional level.

Ms Yingluck will also invite Prime Minister John Key to attend the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit. Both leaders will witness the signing ceremony of an MOU on mutual cooperation on education, and a letter of intent on the cooperation framework in science, technology, and innovation.

On this occasion, Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will confer PM Yingluck with the honorary doctorate degree for her remarkable role on the international stage and as the first elected female Prime Minister of Thailand.

This visit marks the first visit of a Thai Prime Minister to New Zealand in nine years, following the last visits in 2004 and 2005 during Helen Clark’s premiership.

On Sunday and Monday (March 24-25), Ms Yingluck and the delegation will visit Papua New Guinea which will be the first state visit of a Thai premier and a significant implementation of relations with the country in the south pacific islands.

The main objective of the visit is to launch a new market for Thai consumer products and to seek opportunities for infrastructure development investment since Papua New Guinea, though a country rich in natural resources, still lacks investment in the area.

Highlighting Ms Yingluck's visit is a courtesy call on Papua New Guinea Governor General Sir Michael Ogio and have a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.

The discussion will cover issues on strengthening bilateral relations, development of cooperation in trade and investment, energy, and academics, as well as multilateral cooperation.

Both premiers will witness the signing ceremony of an agreement on academic cooperation, and MOUs on bilateral discussions between Thailand and Papua New Guinea, and between the Thai Chamber of Commerce and its Papua New Guinea counterpart. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-03-21

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Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday left Bangkok to visit New Zealand and Papua New Guinea during March 21-25 to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities in the agricultural sector,....

next stop

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will visit Luxemburg during June 20th to June 25th to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities in the property investment sector, ....

next stop

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will visit the Maledives during December 24th to 3rd January 2014, to strengthen bilateral relations and seek investment opportunities, agricultural exchange, and infrastructure plans in tropical property investment sector, which could be very useful in Thailand....

next stop

"Dear people of Thailand, this is my personal diplomatic trip schedule for 2014, if you have any problems, I'll let my Party members handle your problems, I'm going shopping now, see you, bye bye... giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Edited by MaxLee
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Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

well the joke's on you

The Belgian Royals are here in Thailand - as the quote you referred to, if you bothered to read it, mentioned.

They traveled with an entourage of 200 Ministers and business leaders on an official visit to boost business cooperation..

Hardly insignificant.

The Nation March 18, 2013 1:00 am

Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium yesterday landed with a delegation of ministers and hundreds of leading businesspeople on an official visit to Thailand to boost economic cooperation.

His Majesty the King will grant an audience to the Belgian crown prince on Friday. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Thai economic ministers will also be granted an audience so the Thai ministers will have a chance to discuss economic cooperation with the Belgian delegation.

Edited by cycloneJ
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hate to introduce facts to what will just be another hating thread, but I will anyway

Trade between Thailand and New Zealand has amounted to 1.6 billion U.S. dollars with the Thai side gaining some 430 million U. S. dollars in trade surplus.

More than 100,000 New Zealanders visited Thailand as tourists, compared to about 15,000 Thais traveling to New Zealand, throughout last year while an estimated 7,000 Thai students are currently advancing their studies in the island state.

A memorandum of understanding on educational cooperation between Thailand and New Zealand as well as letters of intent toward future cooperation on science, technology and innovation between the two countries will be signed during Yingluck’s visit, the government spokesman said.


and for PNG

Thailand, which has dealt some 360 million U.S. dollars in bilateral trade with Papua New Guinea, is seeking to increase investment in energy sector and expand markets for Thai food and farm products in the South Pacific archipelago state.


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PNG is very important. The mining and energy sector is slowing falling under the control of the Chinese much to the detriment of regional neighbours' best interests. The PNG "big job mens" require "number one big fellows" to visit before they are willing to discuss anything. If anything, the PM should have been there sooner. I just hope her security entourage are allowed to carry weapons. PNG is a dangerous place to visit.

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Damn that girl can shop.

not much to buy on PNG except energy which Thailand desperately needs. How do you propose Thailand access energy suppliers?

Why not the energy minister go alone to do his job. At home she cannot speak on his matters leaves it all to him---BUT a trip abroad and she then goes and does his job--Strange, no -it's called running from most of your duties

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Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will confer PM Yingluck with the honorary doctorate degree for her remarkable role on the international stage and as the first elected female Prime Minister of Thailand.


The balderdash of the first reason is dropped in other media....

In New Zealand, Ms. Yingluck will be granted an honorary doctoral degree from Auckland University of Technology, for her becoming the first Thai female Prime Minister to visit that country.


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Going back to when news of her trip was first announced seven days ago, it'll be interesting to see if she is able to achieve her goal of visa-less entry for Thais to New Zealand.



And now word of further travels for the On The Road Prime Minister that logs more miles than Jack Kerouac.

Next week, she's also off to New Zealand. Her and some thirty business types are off in search of more foreign investment. The solicitation is scheduled for five days.

She's also there to receive her second Western university degree.

To go along with her Masters degree from Kentucky State University, she's adding an honorary doctorate degree from Auckland University of Technology.

For her part, she'll be asking the NZ folks to waive visas for Thais wishing to go there.

From there, she's then off to Papua-New Guinea.

She's due to return to Thailand at some point in April.


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Damn that girl can shop.

not much to buy on PNG except energy which Thailand desperately needs. How do you propose Thailand access energy suppliers?
Why not the energy minister go alone to do his job. At home she cannot speak on his matters leaves it all to him---BUT a trip abroad and she then goes and does his job--Strange, no -it's called running from most of your duties
To be fair, sometimes having the top dog also there helps to smooth over any last minute sticking points though the deals are already done in most cases. Even the buying of energy is shopping is it not? When our Dear leader' returns from her shopping sojourn she will be armed with a giant stuffed cuddly toy in the shape of a kiwi, a greestone pendent and a promissory note for a couple of million barrels of palm derived oil. In return, the people of PNG get half a million Pok Pok frogs whos main use would appear to be for the gathering of dust.
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Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will confer PM Yingluck with the honorary doctorate degree for her remarkable role on the international stag

Dr. Yingluck is in, please be patient. rolleyes.gif

Doctor in The House eh?

Haha!....... beat me to it.

And it certainly isn't Doctor in Charge. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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" her remarkable role on the international stage and as the first elected female Prime Minister of Thailand"

I knew she was the PM (ok - of sorts), but didn't know she appeared on the international stage. Is it a song and dance or comedy act ? Perhaps it's a puppet show!!

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Wakey wakey peoples... It is JOHN KEYS not Key. How rude.

And investment in Papua New Guinea???. What another joke. Better luck in Cyprus as Russians put their loot there. New Guinea lives on aid handouts from Australia.

Another Yingluck brainwave. Imagine if she were blonde?????

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hate to introduce facts to what will just be another hating thread, but I will anyway

Trade between Thailand and New Zealand has amounted to 1.6 billion U.S. dollars with the Thai side gaining some 430 million U. S. dollars in trade surplus.

More than 100,000 New Zealanders visited Thailand as tourists, compared to about 15,000 Thais traveling to New Zealand, throughout last year while an estimated 7,000 Thai students are currently advancing their studies in the island state.

A memorandum of understanding on educational cooperation between Thailand and New Zealand as well as letters of intent toward future cooperation on science, technology and innovation between the two countries will be signed during Yingluck’s visit, the government spokesman said.


and for PNG


Thailand, which has dealt some 360 million U.S. dollars in bilateral trade with Papua New Guinea, is seeking to increase investment in energy sector and expand markets for Thai food and farm products in the South Pacific archipelago state.


Facts? Facts? Please don't try and baffle the experts on here with facts, They are not interested in them. The red mist comes down as soon as they see a thread about the Prime minister and off they go, furiously typing the same tired old cliches over and over again, day after day, week after week. First prize for making an idiot of himself today must go to to the poster who saw the word Belgium and didn't read any more in his haste to assert that Ms Yingluck was off there on a jolly, when in fact the Belgium Royals are here in Thailand. "Her house is on fire and she goes to Belgium. What a joke" Yes sir, you certainly are!

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PNG is very important. The mining and energy sector is slowing falling under the control of the Chinese much to the detriment of regional neighbours' best interests. The PNG "big job mens" require "number one big fellows" to visit before they are willing to discuss anything. If anything, the PM should have been there sooner. I just hope her security entourage are allowed to carry weapons. PNG is a dangerous place to visit.

PNG is a dangerous place to visit.

and that is an understatement.

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"Ms Yingluck's official visit to New Zealand is aimed to strengthen bilateral relations on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and New Zealand."

Translation - "You wanna buy some rice?".

And thinking Thailand has any chance of elbowing their way into mining and energy in P&G ahead of Australia and China is confused.

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Wakey wakey peoples... It is JOHN KEYS not Key. How rude.

And investment in Papua New Guinea???. What another joke. Better luck in Cyprus as Russians put their loot there. New Guinea lives on aid handouts from Australia.

Another Yingluck brainwave. Imagine if she were blonde?????

I actually think it is meant as the other way.

PTT would love to get their grubby little fingers on some of their gas projects that are bloody ginormous by anyone's standard.

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Damn that girl can shop.

not much to buy on PNG except energy which Thailand desperately needs. How do you propose Thailand access energy suppliers?

Thai Petroleum companies is already involved in Gas in Australian waters. Remember the huge fines the Aust Gov keep inflicting on them for un-safe practices.

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The Thai premier is set to have a bilateral meeting with the New Zealand premier.The discussion will cover cooperation expansion in the areas of sciences, agricultural and food management, trade negotiation under the framework of the TNZCEP Agreement, education, labour promotion, tourism and film industry, as well as cooperation in the regional level.

Our PM doesn't only smile and shop, it seems she can talk with all about all.
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Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

well the joke's on you

The Belgian Royals are here in Thailand - as the quote you referred to, if you bothered to read it, mentioned.

They traveled with an entourage of 200 Ministers and business leaders on an official visit to boost business cooperation..

Hardly insignificant.

>The Nation March 18, 2013 1:00 am

Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium yesterday landed with a delegation of ministers and hundreds of leading businesspeople on an official visit to Thailand to boost economic cooperation.

His Majesty the King will grant an audience to the Belgian crown prince on Friday. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Thai economic ministers will also be granted an audience so the Thai ministers will have a chance to discuss economic cooperation with the Belgian delegation.

So let me get this straight.. Yingluck goes to Belgium to discuss economic and business exchange cooperation, and the Crown Prince comes here to discuss economic and business exchange cooperation.. then everything works out so things are back to zero? hmmm.. interesting. coffee1.gif I'm sure the Belgiums are waiting on pins and needles for a som tom shop to open there..

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