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Is Thailands Ways Any Of Our Business ?


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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

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From #15 above: where they can't even really know what's going on much less have any influence over it, som nam na. . .

At the request of some Thai lawyers and political scientists, I helped draft an article of the 2007 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.


If true, then I'm genuinely surprised - and impressed.



QUOTE FROM THE OP: "most of us pay no or very little tax"

My god! How ignorant can a taxpayer be?????

For your information, EVERY FARANG is a taxpayer in Thailand, even tourists!


Which fact is completely irrelevant to (most of) our ability to affect policy.


soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.


As above, yes yes and yes. TiT, but feel free to vent. . .

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

Do you need a chauffeur. I can drive anything. smile.png ..............thumbsup.gif

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nidieunimaitre, on 31 Mar 2013 - 19:19, said:

QUOTE FROM THE OP: "most of us pay no or very little tax"

My god! How ignorant can a taxpayer be?????

For your information, EVERY FARANG is a taxpayer in Thailand, even tourists!


Which fact is completely irrelevant to (most of) our ability to affect policy.

I was only pointing out that our trollish OP should get his facts straight.

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

Do you need a chauffeur. I can drive anything. smile.png ..............thumbsup.gif

Kevy...And i can shape you a new board if you want...but you have to find your own surf sad.png

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

Do you need a chauffeur. I can drive anything. smile.png ..............thumbsup.gif

Kevy...And i can shape you a new board if you want...but you have to find your own surf sad.png

Toooooooo old for water biggrin.png . Frankly, toooooo old for anything. BUT, can drive and take care of you, weeeeeeeell, think l still can. laugh.png

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Thank you. Quite true. The lawyers were mostly Thai law school academics and the political scientists were from NIDA. I BTW am not a lawyer.


Would you mind sharing the field of expertise (whether academic qualifications or real-world experience) that gave you those credentials?

Obviously just curious, feel free to ignore as always. . .

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Let's not forget many of the members on Thaivisa.com have significant investments here. Property, businesses, jobs. What happens to Thailand is extremely import to these expats.


That's exactly the point, more fools they

If someone puts too many eggs in a basket run by idiots where they can't even really know what's going on much less have any influence over it, som nam na. . .

If they'd asked around just a bit, they'd have known, Thailand's a place to come and spend your money, not "invest" it, unless you're so wealthy the amount you put in is a pittance to you and not worth worrying about.

Right, this guy is sure a fool. Made millions here in Thailand:


Where was it said anyone here puts all their eggs in one basket. Just because you have a size able investment here doesn't mean it's a majority of your portfolio.

Where was it said people who made these investments didn't research the market carefully? People have lost money in every country in the world. And even rich people don't like losing money.

Still, those of us who pay taxes here and have investments should, and do, have a right to voice our opinion. The laws do not preclude that.

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From #15 above: where they can't even really know what's going on much less have any influence over it, som nam na. . .

At the request of some Thai lawyers and political scientists, I helped draft an article of the 2007 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Was that before or after, you retired from Mossad?? whistling.gif

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

As a succesfull entrepreneur, I am sure you did your homework before moving here and opening a business?? Why would you need a long term visa, with so many Thais working for you, a WP should see you through.

BTW. If you quote me, at least quote the whole sentence, makes a little more sense then.

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Right, this guy is sure a fool. Made millions here in Thailand:



Exception proving the rule, growing up here with good connections is you must admit a pretty exceptional way to start off. Not to mention he's an extraordinary fellow. . .



Still, those of us who pay taxes here and have investments should, and do, have a right to voice our opinion. The laws do not preclude that.


Sure you make excellent points for a tiny fraction of those here, and I never said it isn't a "right".

But IMO 99.99% of the time here, just as on the barstools, it's just jaws flapping in the wind, repeating the same pointless complaints ad infinitum to no useful purpose.

Which of course is rich coming from me the pot calling y'all black so I'll stop now wai2.gif

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I've said it before and I'll say it again - if TVers who can read Thai stumbled on a Thai board dedicated almost entirely to bitching about foreigners, there would be a huge outcry. Kicking, screaming and gnashing of teeth. Cries of 'they dont want us !'.

News flash - they dont HAVE to want anyone - it's their country. Might be different if you have a Thai passport, but how many here have such a passport ? Oz doesnt recognise 'dual citizenship', so it would mean handing over my blue passport for a green one - how many of us have the balls to make that committment ?

Time to harden up, Princesses.

As of 4 April 2002, there are no restrictions (under Australian law) on Australians holding the citizenship of another country. My wife & stepson have Thai & Oz citizenship with passports & perfectly legal in Oz and Thailand. I hold citizenship for three countries, including Australia. It's the "other" country that may have restrictions for holding dual citizenship


You'd think that a person who is truly worldwide with business interests across the globe would know something so fundamental like that... sad.png

And you would think that someone who spends as much time on a board as you do would grasp that a board name is a board name. If I had registered as 'Superman, would I be expected to fly ? No, but register with the alias of a Cuban rapper and suddenly I'm an international businessman - right ....

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Thank you. Quite true. The lawyers were mostly Thai law school academics and the political scientists were from NIDA. I BTW am not a lawyer.


Would you mind sharing the field of expertise (whether academic qualifications or real-world experience) that gave you those credentials?

Obviously just curious, feel free to ignore as always. . .

For purposes herein, let's just say, among other things, that I am on the record with the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

As for the CIA, we've agreed that I won't bother them if they won't bother me.

Edited by JLCrab
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Right, this guy is sure a fool. Made millions here in Thailand:



Exception proving the rule, growing up here with good connections is you must admit a pretty exceptional way to start off. Not to mention he's an extraordinary fellow. . .



>Still, those of us who pay taxes here and have investments should, and do, have a right to voice our opinion. The laws do not preclude that.


Sure you make excellent points for a tiny fraction of those here, and I never said it isn't a "right".

But IMO 99.99% of the time here, just as on the barstools, it's just jaws flapping in the wind, repeating the same pointless complaints ad infinitum to no useful purpose.

Which of course is rich coming from me the pot calling y'all black so I'll stop now wai2.gif

Yes, Bill is an exception to the rule. As are the top wealthy people here in Thailand. But as with Thais, there are lots of successful farangs here. You just won't meet them in the various bars around town. Usually. wink.png Unless you are in Thong Lor, etc. Especially the Asian ones. Who are here in very large numbers dealing with their various investments and manufacturing facilities.

Most farangs here are tourists or retirees. But many work here and pay taxes. I know many. And some are quite successful.

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Right, this guy is sure a fool. Made millions here in Thailand:



Exception proving the rule, growing up here with good connections is you must admit a pretty exceptional way to start off. Not to mention he's an extraordinary fellow. . .



>Still, those of us who pay taxes here and have investments should, and do, have a right to voice our opinion. The laws do not preclude



Sure you make excellent points for a tiny fraction of those here, and I never said it isn't a "right".

But IMO 99.99% of the time here, just as on the barstools, it's just jaws flapping in the wind, repeating the same pointless complaints ad infinitum to no useful purpose.

Which of course is rich coming from me the pot calling y'all black so I'll stop now wai2.gif

Yes, Bill is an exception to the rule. As are the top wealthy people here in Thailand. But as with Thais, there are lots of successful farangs here. You just won't meet them in the various bars around town. Usually. wink.png Unless you are in Thong Lor, etc. Especially the Asian ones. Who are here in very large numbers dealing with their various investments and manufacturing facilities.

Most farangs here are tourists or retirees. But many work here and pay taxes. I know many. And some are quite successful.

An incredibly generic response.

Other than Burmese and Cambodian refugees, I think you've just mentioned every lifeform in Thailand, and wrapped each of them in 'get out of jail' clauses. ;)

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An incredibly generic response.

Other than Burmese and Cambodian refugees, I think you've just mentioned every lifeform in Thailand, and wrapped each of them in 'get out of jail' clauses. wink.png

Where did I say anything about get out of jail clauses? I think you've misread my post?

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

Do you need a chauffeur. I can drive anything. smile.png ..............thumbsup.gif

i will call you when i have my 427 blown eheheh

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

As a succesfull entrepreneur, I am sure you did your homework before moving here and opening a business?? Why would you need a long term visa, with so many Thais working for you, a WP should see you through.

BTW. If you quote me, at least quote the whole sentence, makes a little more sense then.

sorry if i miss quoted you . i was saying it would be good to have a ten year visa like Malaysia. And I did not do my homework before i came here. My wife always wanted to make a village , so with my backing her dream is coming true. And they are not dreams anymore. Just so happy to be here in this wonderful country that has been good to me and my wife.

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who are we to tell the Thais, how to run their country?

I like this question because it's far more complex than most understand.

To answer it directly, "we" are members of the world community which, despite the history of nation building, is far less arbitrary than the concept of nation.

If we care about our Thai cousins, then we try to encourage them to improve (yes, from our own perspectives). It's the way the world has been for a long time. We collaborate and teach to each other and learn from each other how to improve our world. In my opinion, it's quite selfish to do the "who are we to try to help them?" thing. Mind you, I am super selfish and cannot be bothered to help them, but it is indeed selfish.

Now, you do have a point that they surely are not obligated to listen. That is their choice. Ours is to express our views just as you have expressed yours.

That is a good point, but I think they same people that want to "educate" the Thais here would be the same people that would tell foreigners to butt out if they wanted to "educate" them on what's wrong with their own country.

For many on here it just seems to make them angry, upset and unhappy, so that's reason enough to not get involved. Also, I don't think many are trying to encourage Thais to improve. What they want is for everything to be like back home, without them having to go back home. But the more Thailand gets like back home, they more they complain that Thailand has changed and isn't like it used to be. Seems like many expats don't really know what they want. They want a Thailand like it was 20 years ago but with Western standards. But with Western standards, it won't be like it was 20 years ago.

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who are we to tell the Thais, how to run their country?

I like this question because it's far more complex than most understand.

To answer it directly, "we" are members of the world community which, despite the history of nation building, is far less arbitrary than the concept of nation.

If we care about our Thai cousins, then we try to encourage them to improve (yes, from our own perspectives). It's the way the world has been for a long time. We collaborate and teach to each other and learn from each other how to improve our world. In my opinion, it's quite selfish to do the "who are we to try to help them?" thing. Mind you, I am super selfish and cannot be bothered to help them, but it is indeed selfish.

Now, you do have a point that they surely are not obligated to listen. That is their choice. Ours is to express our views just as you have expressed yours.

The concept of a world community is one we westerners have defined in order to give ourselves the kind of rights we believe we deserve, or more ignorantly, "inherently hold". All the while not realising the insanity and arrogance of our own ethnocentrism.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Most farangs here are tourists or retirees. But many work here and pay taxes. I know many. And some are quite successful.

Many pay taxes??????


All pay taxes, including tourists.

God! Some people just don't get it, do they?

Excuse me, but we get it. What taxes are you talking about? Those from working here or those that are just paid when you buy something???

Yes, everybody here pays taxes in one way or another. I thought we were taking about employment taxes. Maybe I'm wrong.

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soi 41

"As we cannot vote here, most of us pay no or very little tax"

my tax is over the one million baht , the government gives us no rights , not even a long term visa (like Malaysia) , we employ Thai people who work hard for us, but can we have a say in anything ...NO... but they like taking our tax money.

The same in America Mr Show off my Taxes are about 100,000 US Dollars and America just want to take more and give to the poor and I can not say anything.

Stop telling people how much tax you pay and how you want to cut your 700 baht electric in half by using just 6 inch fans

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Most farangs here are tourists or retirees. But many work here and pay taxes. I know many. And some are quite successful.

Many pay taxes??????


All pay taxes, including tourists.

God! Some people just don't get it, do they?

Actually, it's quite funny also because as Farangs (I hate that g_ddamn word) operate, I would suspect, spend in all in the above board, taxable markets. Most Thais, on the other hand, have access to and spend quite considerably in the grey and untaxed markets. So, indeed we Farangs (tourists and expat workers and employers alike) are quite likely paying into the system, especially if you consider higher salaries, more than many, many Thais ... That being said, I'm sure it infuriates some of us here when people make these silly claims that we don't pay taxes..

Edited by PaullyW
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Some posters just don't understand that VAT is a tax too, next they start arguing on that basis.

Whatever their arguments are, they become worthless.

I do not claim to have the answers in such a complicated situation.

But I know that we all pay tax in Thailand, whatever that entitles us to / or not.

I have no problem with people having different views, I love a good discussion, but with intelligent people only.

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Many expats come to Thailand to discard personal responsibilities..... it irks them to discover other expats here in Thailand who actually want to get involved in the society they live in, perhaps work in and are often raising families in.

The twist is, people who believe it their business to dictate the the limits of other people's responsibility while seemingly never giving a thought to the irony of their position.

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In our own countries, we would go apoplectic if some foreigner would criticize our laws, our traditions, or way of life. But in Thailand, that's OK, because after all, they're Thais, and we are civilized Westerners!

This is a false analogy.

Just one example of a Tradition - Songran

If I assaulted a foreigner or endangered him while in my own country by throwing water on him, in total disregard of his gesturing or pleading for me not to do so, say, while he was riding a motor cycle, I would expect him to, at the very minimum, complain & look to the law, and, if he found it offered them very little protections and was discriminatory towards him in many cases, I would then expect him to use whatever at his disposal within reason to protect himself the next time, and I would expect him to perhaps even retaliate if confronted in the future with similar circumstances. However, I would be quite happy if he, instead of assaulting me, chose to seek out an online forum where they could b!tch and moan anonymously.


Edited by PaullyW
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