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What Is Attractive About Thai Birds?


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After being here for years and spending time with all manner of Thai women from the the Thai-Laos to the Thai-Chinese to the Thai-Malays, I've often thought to myself "are these women truly among the most attractive in the world?"

Surely, millions of men from all over the world can't be wrong, well, beauty is subjective anyway. But, if we took an average Thai young woman (say, 25 or over) and:

1. removed the fake eye lash extensions that many Thai women wear

2. removed the ridiculous whitening/brightening facial makeup and other makeup

3. and put them in a climate where they had to wear a bit more clothing

Wouldn't they just be generally (not always) skinny, darker (panda-style face paint removed) small women? No more attractive than Japanese, Koreans, Chinese etc? And, perhaps, on average certainly less educated, worldly and interesting than many of their other Asian counterparts, no?


Edited by PaullyW
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If you take make-up and attractive cothing awy from women pretty much everywhere, they would be much less attractive, but, in general, Thais would still stand out if all were equal.


Well, it's really a complex thing, beauty.

But, what I think is that what many, many of us Westerners often find most attractive about Thai girls is

1. that there is a glut of them at an average age that is significantly younger than average in many Western countries (ok fair, but how many of us are looking at older, 35 and above Thai women to draw our conclusions...?)

2. We tend to favor the ones (sometimes secretly and sometimes frustratingly) the Thais (Thai-Chinese) with the more Chinese phenotype (not truly Thai, perse, but predominantly Chinese)

3. The fact that Thailand is a tropical country where people wear less clothing (starting taking clothes off Chinese women in Shanghai or Japan)

4. The made up looks that are so ubiquitous that we take it as naturally occurring (like the faked lighter skin, fake pretty eyes, etc.) -- like thinking that all South Koreans look like their little girl bands because so many get surgery...

Personally, what I find most unattractive about most Thai women (even the so-called elite class of typically Thai-Chinese girls) is that they are most often entirely without mentally. Absolutely, staggeringly uninteresting.

Now, Chinese girls I've met from mainland, Japanese women (more often than Thai), Latin American women, Brazilian women -- all are more attractive in my opinion.

Edited by PaullyW
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If you take make-up and attractive cothing awy from women pretty much everywhere, they would be much less attractive, but, in general, Thais would still stand out if all were equal.


Well, it's really a complex thing, beauty.

But, what I think is that what many, many of us Westerners often find most attractive about Thai girls is

1. that there is a glut of them at an average age that is significantly younger than average in many Western countries (ok fair, but how many of us are looking at older, 35 and above Thai women to draw our conclusions...?)

2. We tend to favor the ones (sometimes secretly and sometimes frustratingly) the Thais (Thai-Chinese) with the more Chinese phenotype (not truly Thai, perse, but predominantly Chinese)

3. The fact that Thailand is a tropical country where people wear less clothing (starting taking clothes off Chinese women in Shanghai or Japan)

4. The made up looks that are so ubiquitous that we take it as naturally occurring (like the faked lighter skin, fake pretty eyes, etc.) -- like thinking that all South Koreans look like their little girl bands because so many get surgery...

Personally, what I find most unattractive about most Thai women (even the so-called elite class of typically Thai-Chinese girls) is that they are most often entirely without mentally. Absolutely, staggeringly uninteresting.

Now, Chinese girls I've met from mainland, Japanese women (more often than Thai), Latin American women, Brazilian women -- all are more attractive in my opinion.

Through ''your'' eyes, and Thai mentality has something to do with being ''unattractive'', how?. coffee1.gif

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You would need to meet at least two or three hundred from each country and know them intimately before you could comment on their 'mentally' with any real pertinence.

I personally find the way they can cheer me up on a bad day, a very attractive quality.

Perhaps it is their 'childish' outlook that puts a pleasant slant on an increasingly grey and dull serious mentality held by many Westerners.

I have never considered their place in the world of beautiful women, who really cares about such a crass classification?

Must be a slow Sunday for some of us rolleyes.gif

Edited by chonabot
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If you take make-up and attractive cothing awy from women pretty much everywhere, they would be much less attractive, but, in general, Thais would still stand out if all were equal.


Well, it's really a complex thing, beauty.

But, what I think is that what many, many of us Westerners often find most attractive about Thai girls is

1. that there is a glut of them at an average age that is significantly younger than average in many Western countries (ok fair, but how many of us are looking at older, 35 and above Thai women to draw our conclusions...?)

2. We tend to favor the ones (sometimes secretly and sometimes frustratingly) the Thais (Thai-Chinese) with the more Chinese phenotype (not truly Thai, perse, but predominantly Chinese)

3. The fact that Thailand is a tropical country where people wear less clothing (starting taking clothes off Chinese women in Shanghai or Japan)

4. The made up looks that are so ubiquitous that we take it as naturally occurring (like the faked lighter skin, fake pretty eyes, etc.) -- like thinking that all South Koreans look like their little girl bands because so many get surgery...

Personally, what I find most unattractive about most Thai women (even the so-called elite class of typically Thai-Chinese girls) is that they are most often entirely without mentally. Absolutely, staggeringly uninteresting.

Now, Chinese girls I've met from mainland, Japanese women (more often than Thai), Latin American women, Brazilian women -- all are more attractive in my opinion.

Through ''your'' eyes, and Thai mentality has something to do with being ''unattractive'', how?. coffee1.gif

Yes, perhaps my choice of words may have been a bit off. But, surely you agree that the vast majority of human attraction begins and takes place in the mind and not the pants, right?

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Oh, I thought you meant these

After many lifetimes' worth of experience here, I have learned to never touch with a barge pole any girl who wears fancy clothes, any makeup, hair done up etc.

And not a word of English, but that wouldn't work for most I suppose, and of course that's just me, but I've been very happy with the results from that filter in recent years.

WRT nationality, I happen to like a particular phenotype not available in all parts of Thailand, but to some extent also available in bordering countries, other parts of Asia, and in predominantly "indian" populations in South America, so of course it isn't a national things but genetic.

And my preferences are of course not the same as others here, which is great, thank the stars we're not all fighting over the same girls.

Edited by FunFon
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If you take make-up and attractive clothing away from women pretty much everywhere, they would be much less attractive, but, in general, Thais would still stand at the top if all were equal. thumbsup.gif

Oh how I miss the beauty of the Northern ladies you hang with. After moving down south, I was amazed at the low percentage of stunners compared to up North. Oh well, at least the beaches are pretty...

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You would need to meet at least two or three hundred from each country and know them intimately before you could comment on their 'mentally' with any real pertinence.

I personally find the way they can cheer me up on a bad day, a very attractive quality.

Perhaps it is their 'childish' outlook that puts a pleasant slant on an increasingly grey and dull serious mentality held by many Westerners.

I have never considered their place in the world of beautiful women, who really cares about such a crass classification?

Must be a slow Sunday for some of us rolleyes.gif

Not so sure your statistical approach is really necessary. Some people are better than others and some worse than others at judging these kinds of broad, common characteristics. Some might need far fewer and some far more intimate interactions to come of a correct generalisation.

Many do enjoy the childish outlook. I do too when I'm being physically intimate, but not when I'm talking about finances or home ownership or career choice or the safety of family. Sadly, most of my time is not spent between the sheets being intimate.

I only care about this because I find human decision making fascinating.

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After many lifetimes' worth of experience here ... Whose?


Sorry don't understand the question?

Me-myself-I have had many lifetimes' worth of experience - my experiences, lifetimes as in measure of time - in that arena.

Does that help clarify?

Admittedly with a much higher frequency/notch count in my first decade here. . .

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Gee and I thought it was only one person ... or are you saying that you have experienced, in your lifetime to date, so much more as compared to the mundane lifetimes that are the lot of 'the little people' (as Leona Helmsley put it) that it is the equivalent of several of their lifetimes?

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Where I live the girls walk around 99% of the time without make up, maybe a couple of dabs of talcum powder, its just too hot to wear any. There are tall one, short ones, ugly ones and stunningly beautiful ones.

It's a girls personality that finally gets my attention.

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The trick isn't really what about them gets your attention but what about you gets their attention.

BTW Sorry Cris ... I know you'd like to stop by again tomorrow night but I'm trying to run-up my notch count.


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Stunningly attractive ThaiVisa members, have a throng of stunningly attractive females from across the globe falling at their feet.

Rumour has it that Brad Pitt used to be a member here and was banned for being too ugly!

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Funfons many lifetimes of experience in Thailand...wow!

You must be related to Buddha?

BTW, what do you mean by women not being a particular phenotype in certain parts of Thailand? :blink:

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I suspect that for many a foreign man here, one of the most attractive qualities with Thai women - beyond the obvious aesthetics - is their apparent childishness; the potential for them to become reliant upon a man financially; to defer to his greater experience; to, put simply, need him.

There isn't a great deal of depth of character within the pool that so many guys insist on sourcing their mate from. Beyond a regular income, a place to live, a car/motorbike and the ability to pay their bills, there doesn't seem to be much ambition there and men who've had issues with Western womens' drive and independence can find what SEEMS like a more easy-going nature to be quite a draw.

In their minds, Western women are or have become less dependant on men over the years. Of course, there are plenty of financially/emotionally needy Western women back home but the requirements of a relatively attractive, young-ish woman in the US, UK or Europe would place a far greater strain on the fixed income of your average pensioner.

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I suspect that for many a foreign man here, one of the most attractive qualities with Thai women - beyond the obvious aesthetics - is their apparent childishness; the potential for them to become reliant upon a man financially; to defer to his greater experience; to, put simply, need him.

There isn't a great deal of depth of character within the pool that so many guys insist on sourcing their mate from. Beyond a regular income, a place to live, a car/motorbike and the ability to pay their bills, there doesn't seem to be much ambition there and men who've had issues with Western womens' drive and independence can find what SEEMS like a more easy-going nature to be quite a draw.

In their minds, Western women are or have become less dependant on men over the years. Of course, there are plenty of financially/emotionally needy Western women back home but the requirements of a relatively attractive, young-ish woman in the US, UK or Europe would place a far greater strain on the fixed income of your average pensioner.

I dont know if you count sweden to eu but if you had idea how many single mothers we have that are so dependant on absolutly everything you would put in an exception for that. The so called independece you are talking about has made a great deal of women fat (over 50% according to healtsources) lazy and unattractive in any way, many of their husbands go to thailand for vacation, i dont blame them and imo thai women are far more independant the once back home.

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If you take make-up and attractive clothing away from women pretty much everywhere, they would be much less attractive, but, in general, Thais would still stand at the top if all were equal. thumbsup.gif

umm, take some time in denmark, sweden, polynesia, minnesota and for a taste of exotica, central america.

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