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Abhisit Rejects Thaksin's Attack On Judiciary, Slams ' Greedy Politicians'


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you mean illegal stuff like having posters in the wrong size or serving free noodle soup or even having a cooking show?

or even lamer excuses so the judiciary can interfere in the peoples choice and ban all other parties until only your political hero stands there alone and can become PM?

Getting paid for a cooking show while you're PM and lying about it in court sounds pretty illegal. Asking for VAT receipts doesn't sound illegal.

Getting court on video with a case full of cash sounds pretty illegal.

You seem to be trying to make it sound like the disbanding of PPP and banning of MPs left people unrepresented and there was no one to challenge Abhisit in the vote for PM (which the PTP called instead of calling an election).

In fact, all electorates had elected MPs and everyone was represented. It's just that PTP lost the support of a large faction of the PPP party (one that was bought into the fold previously).

You do understand that everyone was represented with MPs elected from their electorates, don't you? Or doesn't that fit your "they stole the government" agenda that you have?

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moe666, on 12 Apr 2013 - 16:52, said:

Is a coup illigal when there is no setting government, at the time of the coup Big T was not the PM

A coup is illegal ... full stop. Of course, in a successful coup, they change the rules after the fact.
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you mean illegal stuff like having posters in the wrong size or serving free noodle soup or even having a cooking show?

or even lamer excuses so the judiciary can interfere in the peoples choice and ban all other parties until only your political hero stands there alone and can become PM?

Getting paid for a cooking show while you're PM and lying about it in court sounds pretty illegal. Asking for VAT receipts doesn't sound illegal.

Getting court on video with a case full of cash sounds pretty illegal.

You seem to be trying to make it sound like the disbanding of PPP and banning of MPs left people unrepresented and there was no one to challenge Abhisit in the vote for PM (which the PTP called instead of calling an election).

In fact, all electorates had elected MPs and everyone was represented. It's just that PTP lost the support of a large faction of the PPP party (one that was bought into the fold previously).

You do understand that everyone was represented with MPs elected from their electorates, don't you? Or doesn't that fit your "they stole the government" agenda that you have?

ahh, back to square one.

Abhisit was ousted by democratic means when the electorate voted him out of office.

totally legal.

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Somewhat pedantic, sorry, but back to square one would be starting with MP Abhisit being elected PM. It's only after that as PM he could dissolve the House and call for new general elections. As he became caretaker PM only for a while, strictly speaking he wasn't voted out of office and certainly not 'ousted'. He was returned as MP by voters and not voted in as PM by fellow MPs.

Effectively the voters giving Pheu Thai a majority of seats blocked a return of MP Abhisit as PM and that can be described as 'vote out of office'.

Now back to the OP with "Abhisit rejecting Thaksin"

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ahh, back to square one.

Abhisit was ousted by democratic means when the electorate voted him out of office.

totally legal.

Did I say he wasn't?

you said something like "Are you saying that it's irrelevant if they get there illegally, as long as the people chose them?"

implying there was something not kosher with the election.

When money is thrown around to buy votes and when people are intimidated then no, the election process isn't kosher. But you're a Red apologist and a troll so what do you care as long as you can defend the Reds and slam the Dems. Good on you!

wind up merchant--ZhouZhou
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"I will have to use people's power to deal with the judges"

This guys going farther and farther into the darkness Münich 1936 anyone...? Abhisit was too busy dealing with a city at war waged by his minions on his bankroll and at his behest , Abhisit had no time to go abroad -as for the constitutional court it serves all the people it's ethos is to protect society-Thaksin like other despots in history cares little for his nation and less for his compatriots.


City at war.. Abhisit was on no 1st or 2nd world countrys Christmas card list because he and cohorts were viewed internationally as a government propped up by the military which were controlled by some shadowy figures. Now look at the difference Yingluck whacking in those airmiles at the request of all the worlds powers including many G8 government. Some of the worlds leading comapnies committing billions of dollars to Thailand all of which will we withdrawn quicker than you can blink if the Dems come to power because the only way they get to power is with military support..fact end of...

The Constitutional court is just another tool used by the amart. Maybe it should be totally disbanded and replaced with something more workable. It really serves no other purpose than to obstruct political changes at the calling of the amart

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Reading what K Thaksin said about things here to his fanatics, I suggest most level headed people would think it was almost childish.

This establishment are in power and thats all there is to it, with their 48% ish-forming The Thai people wanted money and they voted..

There are only a handful of followers on TVF that are pro government fanatics, and that is their choice, but normally if you are a follower it is quite common to be aware of the failings and wrong doings, and voice them--WITHOUT changing your overall view.

To argue for the sake of it is not healthy. To add, Zhou Zhou do you think Thaksin is a decent man to run the country ??? given what is going on here at the minute

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"I will have to use people's power to deal with the judges"

This guys going farther and farther into the darkness Münich 1936 anyone...? Abhisit was too busy dealing with a city at war waged by his minions on his bankroll and at his behest , Abhisit had no time to go abroad -as for the constitutional court it serves all the people it's ethos is to protect society-Thaksin like other despots in history cares little for his nation and less for his compatriots.


City at war.. Abhisit was on no 1st or 2nd world countrys Christmas card list because he and cohorts were viewed internationally as a government propped up by the military which were controlled by some shadowy figures. Now look at the difference Yingluck whacking in those airmiles at the request of all the worlds powers including many G8 government. Some of the worlds leading comapnies committing billions of dollars to Thailand all of which will we withdrawn quicker than you can blink if the Dems come to power because the only way they get to power is with military support..fact end of...

The Constitutional court is just another tool used by the amart. Maybe it should be totally disbanded and replaced with something more workable. It really serves no other purpose than to obstruct political changes at the calling of the amart

"Abhisit was on no 1st or 2nd world countrys Christmas card list because he and cohorts were viewed internationally as a government propped up by the military which were controlled by some shadowy figures."

Nice statement, only thing missing is telling us that k. Abhisit was even put on Santa's 'naughty list' like Sid.

BTW did you see this post of mine?


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Typical simplistic Thaksin rant playing to his supporters: On the one hand he he says the legislature, executive and judiciary should "not interfere with each other" then he goes on to contradict himself by saying they "should be separate and subject to checks and balances".


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there is nothing wrong with the party list system.

and people knew what they will get when they voted for the "thinker".

I am beginning to suspect ZhouZhou may actually be Chalerm practicing his English skills during parliamentary sessions??

Seriously...........chosen by the people? This guy BOUGHT the people to choose him. The ironical part being he hands them a tiny portion of what he has defrauded from the country so that the people return him to power, and he is able to defraud even more. A very savvy investor indeed. Makes massive return on this investment!

And I was reprimanded and told I was impolite when I said something much less depreciating about ZhouZhou a few weeks ago... Well I am happy to see that a few weeks down the road other people see ZhouZhou in the true light as I did then

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you mean illegal stuff like having posters in the wrong size or serving free noodle soup or even having a cooking show?

or even lamer excuses so the judiciary can interfere in the peoples choice and ban all other parties until only your political hero stands there alone and can become PM?

Getting paid for a cooking show while you're PM and lying about it in court sounds pretty illegal. Asking for VAT receipts doesn't sound illegal.

Getting court on video with a case full of cash sounds pretty illegal.

You seem to be trying to make it sound like the disbanding of PPP and banning of MPs left people unrepresented and there was no one to challenge Abhisit in the vote for PM (which the PTP called instead of calling an election).

In fact, all electorates had elected MPs and everyone was represented. It's just that PTP lost the support of a large faction of the PPP party (one that was bought into the fold previously).

You do understand that everyone was represented with MPs elected from their electorates, don't you? Or doesn't that fit your "they stole the government" agenda that you have?

ahh, back to square one.

Abhisit was ousted by democratic means when the electorate voted him out of office.

totally legal.

Longtailharry //// ... Are you ZhouZhou's Shadow ...? Just asking ??

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Thaksin told the red shirts that the previous government led by Abhisit did not come to power through democratic means.

Almost true. the good part is Abhisit was ousted by democratic means when the electorate voted him out of office.

the judiciary has to accept the peoples choice who they want them to govern. Abhisit should also learn to accept that he isn't the people choice and never was.

From a Taksin Shinawatra point of view - a good Judge, a Democratic Judge is one who will overlook Taksin's crimes.

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Nice coming from someone who got his only shot at being prime minister because he got the support of one of the greediest politician in this country


But not the support of the greediest Thai politician in or out of the country.
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Nice coming from someone who got his only shot at being prime minister because he got the support of one of the greediest politician in this country

But not the support of the greediest Thai politician in or out of the country.
That's true. The above is small potatoes compared to the subject of the OP:


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The problem for Thaksin is not the judiciary, it is that he was convicted of common criminal offences.

It has therefore proved totally impossible for the PTP government to introduce any legal reform or constitutional change without either explicitly referencing Thaksin or making crimes such as money laundering completely legal for all Thais which would make the Thai legal system a total and utter laughing stock. For the red apologists these points are to be thoroughly suppressed in favour of the People's Will but can't have chaps. What you could have had was Thaksin personally applying for amnesty but can't have the main man saying sorry. So all the Thaksin cheerleading blather ends up as it always has, which is going nowhere.

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Thaksin told the red shirts that the previous government led by Abhisit did not come to power through democratic means.

Almost true. the good part is Abhisit was ousted by democratic means when the electorate voted him out of office.

the judiciary has to accept the peoples choice who they want them to govern. Abhisit should also learn to accept that he isn't the people choice and never was.

Now what kind of idiocy are you on about. Abhist came to power the same way Thaksin did. neither way is Democracy, It is the Parliamentary system where you do not require the majority to win the office of Prime Minister.

The judiciary has always accepted the peoples right to elect who ever they want as long as they followed legal means to get there. Illegal means and out they went.

Are you advocating for the justification of illegal means to attain office.

Why am I not surprised.

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"I will have to use people's power to deal with the judges"

This guys going farther and farther into the darkness Münich 1936 anyone...? Abhisit was too busy dealing with a city at war waged by his minions on his bankroll and at his behest , Abhisit had no time to go abroad -as for the constitutional court it serves all the people it's ethos is to protect society-Thaksin like other despots in history cares little for his nation and less for his compatriots.


Could I prevail on you to change one word

"Thaksin like other despots in history cares little for his nation and less for his compatriots." change to

haksin like other despots in history cares nothing for his nation and less for his compatriots.


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LOL as if the Democrats had no "greedy politicians" tongue.png

Well now that you mention it yes they do but when they were in power it was many of the other parties draining the government coffers, If they were cut off it would have been another election.

Now that they are no longer bending over to get there support there corruption has gone down. While the PT has no other party to please the money flows into there pockets and no one else, Unless they live in 'Dubai.

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there is nothing wrong with the party list system.

and people knew what they will get when they voted for the "thinker".

I am beginning to suspect ZhouZhou may actually be Chalerm practicing his English skills during parliamentary sessions??

Seriously...........chosen by the people? This guy BOUGHT the people to choose him. The ironical part being he hands them a tiny portion of what he has defrauded from the country so that the people return him to power, and he is able to defraud even more. A very savvy investor indeed. Makes massive return on this investment!

I was just noticing ever since the geriactidkid has been quite ZhouZhou has been getting mouthy much like GK he once in a while throws in some reality. Just enough from becoming a complete fool.

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Legal, illegal, participate or not.

Thaksin didn't participate in the 2011 general elections. As a convicted criminal on the run he couldn't stand according to the constitution (both 1997/2007 version). Having our most popular criminal skyping in to order his cabinet around as to how to run his country for him doesn't really make sense apart from being somewhat hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. Now still going on on how all should behave and be nice to him.

No wonder the Western World can't be bothered to report on this and the RofW is not really interested either unless they can profit somehow. IMHO

I think another victorious trip to the states is in order

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