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Paveena Foundation


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It was founded by Paveena Hongsakula, I believe used to be an MP, also ran as an independent for governor of Bangkok a few years ago.

Very well respected among women's issues activists here, but it is a domestic NGO not international, and not so concerned with publicity as much as working effectively. Since they focus on helping female victims of abusing sex industry conditions and human trafficking, large parts of their operations need to remain confidential.

The foundation's most notable project has been a national hotline for people to call to report acts of violence against women, and she uses her connections to get the BiB to get off their duff quickly enough to actually intervene, sometimes even managing to do so effectively. She also apparently strives to focus their efforts on punishing the real perpetrators rather than further victimising the sex workers on the ground.

She's also gotten involved in non-sex - regular abusive labour type - trafficking issues, but still where women are particularly exploited rather than men.

I would suggest getting a Thai to help you contact K Hongsakula directly, I would imagine a substantial donation to the foundation may help you gain an interview - maybe via Skype if you're not in Thailand? and likely you'd want to have an interpreter lined up.

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Here's her Wikipedia page.
She was educated in the States, graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce from Bliss College, Columbus, Ohio.

She often appears in the Thai press in stories where women with no connections, where the police seem disinterested in pursuing the case, approach her for help eg in rape cases etc, trying to get justice.

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  • 2 months later...

The site is http://www.pavenafoundation.or.th

And i have just used their contact form to highlight the below link, which has a video on it (posted 00.15 on 28 Jun, was on left near top, just now) - it shows a fat bitch beating a young girl; pure evil (though I dont know whether or not it is human enslavement or big-little sister). There's also another video of one girl kicking ten tonnes of **** out of another (which is how i found this page, as I follow the poster). What a life, eh!!?!


PS Hope i can post links, pls move somewhere else if more appropriate, this kind of behaviour needs publicity to change the minds of idiots such as this!

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