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I need some help if possible.

I had a bit of a run in with the police in pha gnan over christmas during a 2 month holiday. I was arrested with a very small amount of weed and had some problems getting home. I did eventually make it home and on the way at Bangkok the immigration bloke said 'I never go back Thailand'. I'm not sure if this is the case, can anyone shed any light on Thai immigration laws, has anyone had a similar problem?

I have load of stuff written in my passport and also i have two pages of rubbish which I can't get translated, any one know how I can get it translated?

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I need some help if possible.

I had a bit of a run in with the police in pha gnan over christmas during a 2 month holiday. I was arrested with a very small amount of weed and had some problems getting home. I did eventually make it home and on the way at Bangkok the immigration bloke said 'I never go back Thailand'. I'm not sure if this is the case, can anyone shed any light on Thai immigration laws, has anyone had a similar problem?

I have load of stuff written in my passport and also i have two pages of rubbish which I can't get translated, any one know how I can get it translated?

er, local Thai embassy? Try going to a Thai restuarant in the area? First one will get your quality info, but second one might be faster.

Or...scan it, and post it. I think someone might be wiling to have a shot at translating it for you. You may have been blacklisted, and therefore will not be welcome to return (I will leave off my own comments on the validity of this ;-). This might be what is noted. Alternatively, it may be a 2 year period of blacklisting, or perhaps longer.

It may also note for any other countries concerned that you have been deported, which might affect you going to other places. Depending on the language, that may not necessarily be apparent when travelling to other places, however they may be able to see it electronically as well.

I would check at the embassy, and be polite and don't bother to make excuses about what you did; just try to understand what they have written.

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I didn't actually get deported, I had to wait for an extra 3 weeks for immigration to release my papers then I flew back as normal, it wasn't until I got to the airport in Bangkok that the immigration officer said I wouldn't be allowed back in the country.

The papers etc are at home, i'll get them scanned tomorrow.


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I need some help if possible.

I had a bit of a run in with the police in pha gnan over christmas during a 2 month holiday. I was arrested with a very small amount of weed and had some problems getting home. I did eventually make it home and on the way at Bangkok the immigration bloke said 'I never go back Thailand'. I'm not sure if this is the case, can anyone shed any light on Thai immigration laws, has anyone had a similar problem?

I have load of stuff written in my passport and also i have two pages of rubbish which I can't get translated, any one know how I can get it translated?

It is very possible that you are on the blacklist.

Since the beginning of the drugwar there is a government directive to blacklist any foreigner caught up in drug related incidents. It mainly depends on the arresting officer. A few years ago a friend of mine had a similar problem, it cost him about 10 000 US$ to get off the blacklist.

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It is very possible that you are on the blacklist.

Since the beginning of the drugwar there is a government directive to blacklist any foreigner caught up in drug related incidents. It mainly depends on the arresting officer. A few years ago a friend of mine had a similar problem, it cost him about 10 000 US$ to get off the blacklist.

I actually paid a lawyer quite a lot of money (£2000) to do that for me, also to get me out of the country on my original flight but I didn't get out of the country when I was supposed to so I doubt very much she got me off the blacklist.

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I'd be prety gutted if I was black listed but it was my own stupidity I suppose, I know to stick to your bungalows if you've got a bit of weed, it was a complete accidenet taking it out, I was going to eat and picked up my cigarettes and the weed was in the packet, if I had know it was there I would have left it at home! We got stopped in a taxi by the police and searched, I handed my fag packet over thinking i'm okay then the weed feel out and I shat myself. I've read too many books about Thailand jails!

We were actually staying with some very connected Thai people in Pha Gnan, the bloke who owned the bungalows knew everone, police, immigration, resaurant owners, taxi drivers, boat drviers the lot! He was the one who got the lawyer for me so maybe there is a chance she sorted it! We shall see.

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Change your name by deed poll and get a new passport. Might work? Maybe?

Any thoughts guys?

Never thought of that. Might actually work. Course lot of hassle changing everything, but might be worth it to get off the banned list. If you do get back in, leave the weed use at home in blighty.

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Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

no, but I am too old. I only want to say: why so hard hadded to go to such a country of which everyone knows now how they think about this stuff! (I am NOT accusing or attacking!). But.....when you take such a risk to use weed than you must have been in big need!

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Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

no, but I am too old. I only want to say: why so hard hadded to go to such a country of which everyone knows now how they think about this stuff! (I am NOT accusing or attacking!). But.....when you take such a risk to use weed than you must have been in big need!

I think this is all a bit off the point. All he wants to know is if he is blacklisted or not.

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no, but I am too old. I only want to say: why so hard hadded to go to such a country of which everyone knows now how they think about this stuff! (I am NOT accusing or attacking!). But.....when you take such a risk to use weed than you must have been in big need!

Big need? ?I don't think so, it is so easy to get hold of I just got some. They sell it in bars! That's how easy it is to get hold of!

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no, but I am too old. I only want to say: why so hard hadded to go to such a country of which everyone knows now how they think about this stuff! (I am NOT accusing or attacking!). But.....when you take such a risk to use weed than you must have been in big need!

Big need? ?I don't think so, it is so easy to get hold of I just got some. They sell it in bars! That's how easy it is to get hold of!

Not the point on how available it is, now answer honestly if you had it to do all over again, would you use in Thailand ever again?

BTW you are marked man now, so easy target for the MIB, if you go back under the same passport.

Edited by britmaveric
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If I was allowed back into Thailand I would most definately stay away form it! Too much hassle and I don't fancy another 2 nights in the Pha Gnan hilton! I'd stick to the mushrooms!

Only joking, I'd stay away from everything.

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Why is anyone bothering to help a drug addict back into Thailand?

A drug addict.

I got caught with about 1 gram of weed and that makes me a drug addict?

So you don't know anyone who smokes weed then?

I smoke weed.....love it! What I hate is the milions and millions of people out there who suck down legal alcohol and dribble shit in your ear all night, and then after they've eaten their kabab, go look for a fight! Let's not get into this debate...please!

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Thought problem based on the above:

I know of at least two epople with my exact same name - both worked with me. I do not have a particularly common name - not a John Smith :o .

Now, it is quite likely, therefore, that one also has the same birthday (if this is taken into account?).

If I was blacklisted, I'd be stupid to use the same passport. So I have two options if I want to come back without some legal costs. I can do as above and change my name by deed pole and get a new passport or I could accidently loose my passport and get a new one from my home country's passport office.

If the name is all important, then the latter is the only way. However, if that is the case, then would these other poor sods also be blacklisted because they had the same name? If not, then surely the former would work just as well.

Does your passport number change for each new passport? If not, then changing your name may not help. If so, then a new passport, same name, still works (assuming the above). Some passports would have a citizen/id card number etc in.

I think its a can of worms - and maybe you should just change your holiday destination for a few years...and give up the weed in in Asia - it too dangerous.

I smoke weed.....love it! What I hate is the millions and millions of people out there who suck down legal alcohol and dribble shit in your ear all night, and then after they've eaten their kabab, go look for a fight! Let's not get into this debate...please!

The difference being that you will not get shot for drinking and being a d!ck (unless you are in a police frequented karaoke bar of course) nor are you likely to get an 80 year prison sentence. Just not worth it - which, of course, is why they are so harsh.

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I think its a can of worms - and maybe you should just change your holiday destination for a few years...and give up the weed in in Asia - it too dangerous.

I don't plan on going back any time soon, I'm thinking a good few years down the line but I want to know exactly where I stand.

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They can write whatever they want in your passport but if your lawyer has greased the right wheels whatever is written will not be reflected in the computer.

So before you start changing your name etc. you have to check what's really on record.

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Does your passport number change for each new passport?

Yes it does, so no problems there.

You could be right about not changing the name but I wouldn't take a chance. there have been a number of instances in recent years of innocent people having serious problems at airports because they have the same name as someone on a wanted/terrorist list. I think you have to assume worst case scenario and the name may be on a Thai computer list. They may even be able check that its not a different guy with the same name by checking other details, like place and date of birth etc, signature, need I go on?

If you're going this route, the only safe option is to change your name.

(unless , as posted above, you can definitely establish what details they have on you)

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Change your name by deed poll and get a new passport. Might work? Maybe?

Any thoughts guys?

I was told that actually. That would be last resort.

Whilst it is normally perfectly legal to use any name one wishes to in the UK, it would not be legal to do so for criminal reasons or to deceive. I think that changing your name in these circumstances would definitely be seen as deception.

As for suggestions that you 'lose' your passport; forget it. It is possible that the UK passport office have been informed of the circumstances, and any stamp placed by the Thai authorities in your old passport will appear in any new one. What is certain is that any Thai immigration officer that scanned your new passport would immediately be presented with your record.

You got caught, and now have to live with your mistake. I know it's an old platitude, but it's true:

Ifyou can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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I don't plan on going back any time soon, I'm thinking a good few years down the line but I want to know exactly where I stand.

Who knows maybe in a couple years the smoking of weed will be legalised in Thailand so your past offence wouldn't matter anymore :o

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