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Politics Mentally Affecting Thai Citizens


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Politics mentally affecting Thai citizens

BANGKOK: -- It's not just the embattled premier who is sweating out Thailand's national crisis - health authorities say millions of people are suffering from "political stress syndrome."

Thailand's Mental Health Department said that up to one-third of the population of 63-million was afflicted with the condition, and that it had opened a telephone hotline for sufferers to call for help.

"We are constantly receiving calls at our hotline number from people complaining about sleep disorders, headaches and depression," the department's deputy director general Wachira Pengchan told AFP.

Those at risk include politicians, anti-government campaigners and those supporting Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is facing growing street protests calling on him to resign for alleged corruption and abuse of power.

But Wachira said many callers were ordinary people who had been closely monitoring the crisis that has gripped Thailand for the past two months, and he urged them not to become obsessed with the issue.

"People should take enough sleep, exercise, meditate, and undertake religious studies," he advised - adding that those with serious symptoms like an irregular heartbeat should consult a psychiatrist.


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Look at Thaivisa - how many members post in political threads? How many political threads are there? Only two left at this moment.

Mental Health people feel so lonely and insecure they'd say anything to get people's attention.

Having said that - I can't deny these past few days, weeks, actually, have had a tremendous effect on my life. Lots of things I have taken for granted had to be appraised and revalued, not to mention the news are so exciting I forget to shit properly while gobbling up the first four pages of The Nation.

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I did post this news flash on another thread yesterday... re-posted here to add the TNNBPRD's flavour to the thread... :o

The Dept of Mental Health has opened a hotline for people suffering stress resulting from poltiical situation.

The Department of Mental Health has warned the people of a new symptom resulting from the political problems, while opening the hotline 1323 to listen to the people’s opinions, allowing them to release their stress.

Director-general of the Mental Health Department Mom Luang Somchai Jakkapan (สมชาย จักรพันธุ์) said that the risk group of the new symptom include politicians, those who follow political news, and those who already demonstrate symptoms of mental diseases.

He said that the symptoms include insomnia, headache, chest pain, moodiness, lack of concentration, and problems in social interactions. He said that if the symptoms continue more than one week, the people should consult psychiatrists immediately.

In addition, the Department of Mental Health has opened up hotline 1323 for the people to call and relieve their stress from political arguments.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 March 2006

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Thaksin: No one better than me

KANCHANABURI: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra told his supporters in Kanchanaburi that no one would make a better leader than him, as he continued to woo farmers with populist promises. On the campaign trail in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi, the prime minister said he was the saviour of the country and claimed credit for repaying the International Monetary Fund bail-out loan disbursed to prop up the economy at the height of the 1997 financial meltdown.

He said he saw no one else to take his place if he gave in to his opponents' demands and stepped down.

''I have a question for all of you. If I leave today, who do you think will be suitable enough to replace me? Mr Sondhi [Limthongkul], Mr Chamlong [srimuang], or Mr Abhisit [Vejjajiva]? If Mr Abhisit, there will be Mr Sondhi and Mr Chamlong whispering orders telling him to turn left and right,'' Mr Thaksin told a 3,000-strong crowd in Ban Pong district, Ratchaburi. He said he was democratically elected and will exit through democratic channels.

''Those picketing outside Government House are killers of democracy,'' Mr Thaksin said, referring to the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) headed by Mr Sondhi and Maj-Gen Chamlong.

Pressing on with his populist mantra, Mr Thaksin promised to hand out land ownership papers to landless farmers and offer student loans and notebook computers to every first grade student.

He vowed not to suspend the village fund and to set up a bank to lend money to people without a house or car.

Mr Thaksin also promised to develop a full-scale sugar industry to boost incomes for both cane growers and sugar producers. He said a research study on developing the sugar industry would be conducted and he would provide funds for the study.

He also suggested that sugar operators expand their production bases to neighbouring countries.

Mr Thaksin said he would set aside around 400 to 500 million baht to turn a movie set at Surasee Military Base in Kanchanaburi, where MC Chatrichalerm Yukol, aka Than Mui, is shooting the epic film King Naresuan the Great, into a world-class tourist attraction.

He spent the whole day campaigning for people to exercise their voting rights in the April 2 election. During the campaign he lashed out at his opponents, particularly leading members of the PAD, for putting pressure on him to step down.''If you agree with the boycott of the election [by the three opposition parties], just tick the no-vote box as they [his opponents] have been campaigning for. If you have faith in me, please vote for the Thai Rak Thai party,'' said Mr Thaksin.

--Bangkok Post 2006-03-18

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The Truth is shocking. People are being affected by knowledge. When people realize what really is going on here in Thailand it has an impact.

When we see wrong happening and our government does nothing to stop it, it goes against logic and so causes emotional distress.

For Thais hearing what people are saying at the protests this is serious. As everyone says Thailand is sabai sabi (easy-going). Well, there are times when things need to be done and now is one of those times. The people are suffering from a corrupt government. Thaksin is wandering around in denial of his actions. He acknowledges the protesters but fails to address their concerns. Thaksin's actions are not those of a caring leader.

The Truth is coming out and it is shocking and painful.

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Thaksin: No one better than me

KANCHANABURI: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra told his supporters in Kanchanaburi that no one would make a better leader than him.

The good "Dr." failed to consider the apparently brain-damaged, disheveled, shoeless, toothless, talks-to-himself garbage can scavenger with the weeping, open sores on his hands that goes around my neighborhood from time to time at 3am.

He would make a much better leader than Thaksin.

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Prime minister says he's the symbol of democracy

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday compared his election campaign to a fight to save democracy from rotting and insisted he would not surrender but stand his ground against the "outlaws".

"If we want the country run democratically, I'm the symbol of democracy," Thaksin told thousands of supporters during a campaign stop in Kanchanaburi.

The April 2 election is judgement day if the people want to see the outlaws overcome those who play by the rules, he said.

"If my Thai Rak Thai Party receives fewer votes than the number of abstainers plus votes for smaller parties, I will not accept the premiership. I respect the people's decision in that respect," Thaksin told the crowd.

He gave a similar promise during the TRT rally at Sanam Luang on March 3 after three former opposition parties said they would boycott the election and encouraged voters to follow suit, which risks turning the election into a farce.

Thaksin is on "exile trips" to campaign in provinces with no plan to return yet to Government House, now besieged by thousands of protesters pressuring him to quit and take "political leave".

Key TRT members such as Suriya Jungrungreangkit, Wattana Muangsuk and Sermsak Pongpanich were with the premier in Kanchanaburi.

In the afternoon Thaksin visited a site shown in the film "King Naresuan", where about 200 people greeted him.

"I've been under the weather today, but the sight of all of you puts me on the road to recovery," he told the crowd.

The country has to play by the rules, otherwise the prime minister will be ousted by outlaws, no matter how many millions of votes he gets, Thaksin said.

"I won't let them destroy our democracy," he said. From Kanchanaburi Thaksin headed to Ratchaburi and the next leg of his campaign.

--The Nation 2006-03-18

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The country has to play by the rules, otherwise the prime minister will be ousted by outlaws, no matter how many millions of votes he gets, Thaksin said.

Pre-supposes he will get a majority again...... :o

"I won't let them destroy our democracy," he said.

Since when does he own democracy??

Those sound like the words of a dictator who defines what the people should do and think. :D

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