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Thailand Withers As Myanmar Rises: Opinion


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After 30 years of living in Asia, I know the poster child that Burma is at the moment, will turn into a Dracula in the next 5 years.

The deep seated ethnic problems will not be solved quickly or cleanly and corruption there is amazingly endemic if you live there. Have you ever thought why Indonesia has not surpassed Thailand for manufacturing with such low wages and huge workforce?

Corruption from cradle to grave is the norm as in Burma! Can Burma change the very fabric of society? Like Indonesia, I doubt it!

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At this juncture, Thailand has to wake up to the harsh reality that the US, despite diplomatic pleasantries, is no longer playing the waiting game it used to. With the rise of China and diplomatic commitments that come with it, Washington does not favour Bangkok's approach. The impression among US policy-makers and academics is persistently strong that Thailand is a pro-China country. So, it is difficult to have a genuine alliance with Thailand under the new security environment. Other remaining US allies in the region — Australia, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines—do not have such a problem. The Foreign Ministry often reiterates that it has never chosen any side, particularly between the US and China - but in the real diplomatic world, day-to-day actions speak louder than words. Thailand has leaned toward China for all good and practical reasons.


Thailand has never been colonized due to this policy and always will butter its bread on both sides and try to benefit maximum from both sides.

Good for them !!

It will avoid making a choice at any cost.

There is nothing wrong with that, and who are the USA and China, to force people to chose anything ?

Thailand is being scrutinized for not choosing a side but as soon as Thailand chooses a side, it will be used as a pawn in the political battle between USA/China.

Why would they want to choose a side.

Can Thailand not just be neutral in this political battle.

As for Thailand being a more pro-china country, helloooh, it is ruled by Chinese.

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I'll believe when I no longer see hundreds of Burmese at Chiang Mai immigration and instead we see Thais flocking to Myanmar's borders to get better paying jobs.

They say that Myanmar is becoming the "new Thailand", what Thailand was 20 years ago.

It is also said that as it develops, people will forget about Thailand, with all of it's problems, attitudes, and rising costs and will go to live in and invest in Myanmar instead.

My questions are:

Does anyone know their attitude about employing Farangs?

Can Farangs own property and businesses there?

If so, there may be a mass exodus of expats and their money from LOS in the future!

Edited by willyumiii
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Thailand knows what it is doing. Nowadays it may be wise to distance itself from America as their policies don't seem to be creating more freedoms, economic booms or world peace.. As an American I know what quite often happens to Americas friends, who cozy up. Never forget Saddam Hussein, Muhamar Qaddafi, Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were allies of the US at one time..

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As to Thailand withering, I cannot argue that point; ...withering in the face of unimaginable opportunity and simply crapping on it or trampling it under the feet that are unimaginably entangled in a spiderweb of corruption as they blindly rush to gain higher ground.

As to Myanmar rising, the jury is out. It could very well be the beginnings of a shooting star or a supernova. We won't know until the mold forms and sets and they have something to show for it. When Myanmar has had the opportunity passed in front of them that Thailand has had for many years, only then will we get to see the choices they make and the things they choose to pursue, or the resources they choose to prostitute out to Big Corporation, whilst bleeding their citizens. Nevertheless, we'll see, methinks, but it is simply too early to judge the runner by his fancy shoes, shorts and singlet as he stands at the starting line.

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Agree completely with this poster. The idea that the Pentagon and the CIA are going to prefer a very shaky Burma to tried and true Thailand is nonsense. The Burma card was a stratagem to foil the Chinese search for ports on the Indian Ocean. Burma is far from democratic, and has all sorts of ethnic issues to sort out before it can be viable as a nation state.

As we know The Nation supports the former government, and this editorial is designed to put fear in Thais based on a lot of dubious speculation. If the Japanese follow though on their expansion, as seems llikely, the Thai ecoonomy should continue to grow, along with infrastructure improvements by the Japanese.

Meanwhile, the free world will plunder the natural resoources of Burma. By the way,how can Thailand grow closer to Japan and China at the same time? Perhaps the author is not aware that the Japanese are pulling investments our of China and moving them to Thailand??

This is fear-mongering, pure and simple! :)

quote name="HeavyDrinker" post="6442282" timestamp="1369619570"]I feel that many overseas powers are getting in a lather over Myanmar more than a little prematurely, most having been carried away by the chance for a nice photo opportunity with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Myanmar's internal struggles are just starting up. The Rohingya problem is the mere tip of the iceberg. Things could get far worse as the country democratises and the well-armed minority militias all join in the struggle for a slice of the pie.

Additionally the infrastructure, especially in terms of transport and education, outside of the main population centres is abysmal although they are working on this like rabbits on this one.

I could go on and on listing potential negatives, but won't.

There is a genuine feeling of hope among the people one meets in Myanmar these days - hugely noticeable from just a few years ago - that things are changing for the better. Cautious optimism has replaced cynical resignation in many sectors; tourism and lower level business investment in particular.

The truth for the immediate future (the next 5-10 years) is that Myanmar will 'rise' insofar as they will allow China and Japan (possibly India too) first dibs at their considerable natural and human resources which may paint a picture of economic well being...but the real challenges which will face Myanmar don't lie in that direction.

While Myanmar is essentially a blank canvas with vast investor potential at some time in the future, there is still a long way to go. A very long way.

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Even coming from "The Nation", that's a well-reasoned analysis of Burma's 'rise' vs Thailand's 'fall'. Good food for thought there. It seems to me that my country, my beloved USA is late to the Burmese Grand Opening Sale. Who says they're not playing China too? It would be very bad politics for any country in this region to be openly hostile to a rising China, even though the Vietnamese (very bravely) stood up to them back in the 70's, right after giving the boot to America.

My country has BIG problems, and any country over here that thinks Big Daddy USA is going to shield it from the Dragon, well, you might be disappointed. I don't see any big tilt toward China by Thailand. I think an even-handed approach is the best path, and Thailand is doing that.

I hope our sailors behave themselves in Phuket.

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Myanmar has a lot of opportunities. India building the 4 land highway across it. Oil and gas possibilities off the coast. Pristine untouched coastline and islands. A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. Politicians wanting foreign investment and willing to build necessary diplomatic ties.

In Japan Yingluck was pitching the Burmese deep water port facility so was that for the benefit of Thailand or family interests ?

That has to be a trick question clap2.gif

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The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...

The world doesn't need it except for jasmine rice, muay thai and nice poon tang, if we're to be honest about it.

I could do without jasmine rice and muay thai. rolleyes.gif

poon-tang rules the world, Thailand will never wither...


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alas poor thailand,nev er listens and learns,same people taking the wealth,cant wait till the burmese go home,and the thai men have to work for a living,il buy a camcorder for that ,,,,,,,

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One of the things I've been saying, and believing in, for about a year now, is that Myanmar could, and most likely will be, the knife in the heart of Thailand Tourism, especially the beachfront and island communities.

One third of the total land mass of Myanmar is situated on the Bay of Bengal and the Adaman Sea. If done even half way right, the development of resorts and beach front property there will draw investors, and then tourists, like bees to honey. My thinking is that in 5 years or so, the tuk-tuk and taxi mafia in Phuket, Pattaya, Patong, and other places will be killing each other to see who get's to try and rip off whatever tourist happens to come there. If Myanmar can offer good accommodations, without the rip off scams that plague Thailand, including the two-tier pricing b.s, Thailand can much put up a "Closed" sign on their nasty, dirty, vanishing beaches and so called "resort areas".

Edited by Just1Voice
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\ A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. \

How do you know the Myanmar workforce is "low skilled"? Because you see a dearth of Myanmar labourers in Thailand? I used to run a world-class engineering firm in Singapore and my most skilled and dedicated engineers all came from Myanmar.

And I know a Burmese nurse that is up to G7 standard in skill, knowledge and organization and very good English ability. It would also seem likely there exists a significant pool of unskilled as well.

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\ A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. \

How do you know the Myanmar workforce is "low skilled"? Because you see a dearth of Myanmar labourers in Thailand? I used to run a world-class engineering firm in Singapore and my most skilled and dedicated engineers all came from Myanmar.

And I know a Burmese nurse that is up to G7 standard in skill, knowledge and organization and very good English ability. It would also seem likely there exists a significant pool of unskilled as well.

I wouldn't say any of the above would be representative of the majority of the Burmese Workforce...

It's also worth bearing in mind that Singapore has probably benefited from a nice cherry pick of skilled Burmese labour, they being one of the few nations who, while they may not have been openly hugging the Junta, were certainly occasionally stroking their hand in a comforting way from afar...

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This has been on the cards for years, that eventually Burma will rise and indeed overtake Thailand both in the resources it holds which are enourmous, and of course tourism. We must commend Burma on the incredible steps that the country has taken in only a short few years. I suspect much credit must also be given to Aung San Suu Kyi who certainly started the ball rolling, and of course this has been acknowledged by the outside world. Thailand must accept that it will eventually have to play second fiddle to Burma. I only hope that Thailand will be able to make it's own reforms to attract further investment and foreigners alike. This can only be done if they ammend the xenophobic legislation that exists which I'm sure deters many from coming to Thailand, and settling down. The world is changing, and Thailand must change with it or be left behind. I hope that it will resolve many issues that still haunt the country so that eventually it can forge ahead in these changing times.

Do you mean being incredible by building schools and institutions of hard sciences and higher education and providing them for free to the masses? Do you mean hiring and bringing in top notch educators, scientists, engineers and learned people to teach the Myanmar people how to sustain their existence in the best way possible with as little government and corporate interference as possible... to make their selves marketable in skilled trades and industry... to create good agriculture, infra-structure, environmental management, personal health and hygiene, etc.?

Or do you mean being incredible because they are going to be provided with every means very soon to awaken and indulge their sleeping, darker and feeble minded gratifications of human nature; a new car, a credit card, a Home-Pro, a mortgage, an iPhone or iPad, a casino, etc?

As I said. We'll see, and I am not going to let the sunshine in my arse alter my skepticism.

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The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...

That should be CORRUPT & WHOLLY SELFISH dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders. How can a country grow when those who are responsible for taking care of it are in reality only taking care of themselves?

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Myanmar has a lot of opportunities. India building the 4 land highway across it. Oil and gas possibilities off the coast. Pristine untouched coastline and islands. A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. Politicians wanting foreign investment and willing to build necessary diplomatic ties.

Myanmar will overtake Thailand in no time, for sure it won't take more than two or three decades whistling.gif

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The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...

That should be CORRUPT & WHOLLY SELFISH dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders. How can a country grow when those who are responsible for taking care of it are in reality only taking care of themselves?

come november it will be 40 years that i first visited Thailand. since then hardly a year passed without me spending a week or two several times every year. and since then the country grew, infrastructure improved and it is still growing and improving.

come next january it will be 10 years that i live full time in Thailand. and yet i still haven't met any dictators or ruling political mafia leaders coffee1.gif

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Myanmar has a lot of opportunities. India building the 4 land highway across it. Oil and gas possibilities off the coast. Pristine untouched coastline and islands. A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. Politicians wanting foreign investment and willing to build necessary diplomatic ties.

Myanmar will overtake Thailand in no time, for sure it won't take more than two or three decades whistling.gif

So, not long at all you are saying?

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Myanmar has a lot of opportunities. India building the 4 land highway across it. Oil and gas possibilities off the coast. Pristine untouched coastline and islands. A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. Politicians wanting foreign investment and willing to build necessary diplomatic ties.

Myanmar will overtake Thailand in no time, for sure it won't take more than two or three decades whistling.gif

So, not long at all you are saying?

It is going to take a while. Yes, as long as a couple of decades. The infrastructure required in terms of transport and communications is a long way behind in Myanmar.

The recent political reforms and opening up of the country have shown just how stretched the current infrastructure is - due to a sudden influx of foreign interest (business, NGOs, and a lot more tourists than can be handled).

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The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...

The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...No y

No I don't agree. My feed back from Europe and North American business associates points to a growing mistrust of the Thai screwed spyche as deal makers. The West is loosing interest in partnerships that are so loaded against a potential upside for the westerner. It is also getting harder to persuede senior personell to work in Thailand. Better deals are available in Vietnam and now Burma too.

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