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First let me say thanks in advance to those who might help in anyway.

I live in the USA now and in my 50's, I want to retire in Bangkok, I have been there several times but only on vacation. I know I need to do the live there for a while as a home to see if it is for me but I am having some problems getting information about how me being HIV+ is going to work out. I am in excellent health and on my medications. If anyone of you can help or point me in the right direction it would be of great help. Here are my questions.

Will I have a problem getting my Retirement Visa being HIV+ and renewing it as well?

Can I have my medications FedEX's to me monthly in Bangkok?

If I cannot have them sent to me and need to buy them in Bangkok will this be a problem with Thai Authorities.

I of course have many questions as to how I will be received in Bangkok by the Thia men when I disclose my HIV status, but that of course is always a issue anywhere, but any and all info is received with open arms. Thanks so much, Bob

PS you are welcome to send me personal emails about this.


I believe the check at the hospital in Thailand I have had to get the letter for retirement visa is for five diseases including elephantiasis.

HIV is not on the list, it's all over in 5 minutes. 50 baht.

Wait until you are here before applying. If you can fulfil the conditions it will work out easier.


NO requirement for a HIV test. Actually I know some HIV infected country men living in Thailand on a retirement visa without any problem. HIV is NOT an issue when applying for the visa!



First let me say, thanks you so much for your replies so far, I was really stressing out over this. From your postings and your personal PM’s I already feel so much better. I want so much to join you all in the LOS and be a contributing part of the community.

I think my question about the visa has been answered but the part about my medications being shipped to me is still a bit open. My insurance and income here in the USA qualify me to have my med’s be free of charge at this point. If I have to end up buying them in the LOS then that is want I will have to do but of course if I can have my friends ship them to me then my quality of life will be much better. So again any info in this area is greatly accepted. My heart and arms go out to you all for you help.



Plain brown packages sent regular mail or express mail are not typically subject to scrutiny so as long as there is nothing illegal in them having your meds mailed from overseas is not a problem.

In the unlikely event they do inspect a package the worst case scenario would be that they won't let you have them but there wouldn't be any legal repercussions on attempting to import non-scheduled medications for personal use.



Relax my friend. As others have said the examination is a quick formality. Alsi getting medications should not be a problem - I get things sent like supplementary medicines no probem.

My mail is ***personal email removed; see forum guidelines***

happy to welcome you here in BKK.


First let me say, thanks you so much for your replies so far, I was really stressing out over this. From your postings and your personal PM’s I already feel so much better. I want so much to join you all in the LOS and be a contributing part of the community.

I think my question about the visa has been answered but the part about my medications being shipped to me is still a bit open. My insurance and income here in the USA qualify me to have my med’s be free of charge at this point. If I have to end up buying them in the LOS then that is want I will have to do but of course if I can have my friends ship them to me then my quality of life will be much better. So again any info in this area is greatly accepted. My heart and arms go out to you all for you help.


I've had more mixed experience with having things shipped. Twice I have had parcels far more innocuous than prescription drugs held up by customs for FDA (Thai FDA) approval causing months of delay in receipt. Apparenetly once customs gets it in their head that a parcel falls under FDA jurisdiction there is no dissuaduing them ad no matter what the thing is, no FDA approrval is ever granted in under 3 months, not even for an aspirin. I'll spare you the details but what I just finished going through merely to get in filters and scent for my home spa wasa four month horror. In addition, parcels also get lost, and customs tax gets levied, at amounts that appear inconcistent and whimsical. You won't incur any legal problems but may very well face inconveniences, losses and delays getting your meds by mail -- and forget FedEx and DHL, they are hopelessly inept at customs clearances.

I suggest you contact your insurer and see if they will cover purchase of meds in Thailand. It would save them money -- even if you don't get generics, the name brands avauilabkle here are usually of European manufacture and still cost less than US made. This would be the best and most sustainable solution for you. If not possible, I suggest you bring with you a year's supply if possible then have the meds shipped EMS preferrably by a family member or friend rather than the supplier (to avoid having a pharmaceutical logo -- also. parcels sent by private individuals seem to incur less hassle than commercial ones). Not sure how they should best mark the package on the customs slip, maybe others out there can advise.

You will be able to get top notch medical care here from physicians well vesed in state of the art therapy. There was a recent thread on this forum with recommendations re physicians specializing in HIV. Good luck.


Sheryl, what you describe is what happens when value and contents are declared on the package by a commercial mail order house. If either the value is very high or the customs officer doesn't understand what's inside the package from the description of the contents on the package you get the invite in your mailbox to come to the post office customs house, with all the hassles that involves.

If it's simply a thick brown envelope without any description of contents or a very easy to understand description and negligible value (like "Vitamins - $5.00") it simply arrives in your mailbox with no hassle :o


Bob I'm in the same boat. I'm pos and plan on moving to Thailand. I get my medications and treatment from the VA ( Veterans Affairs) I know that they have the Foreign Medical Program and I've been trying to see if this will work in Thailand and if any Clinics or Doctors in Thailand will work with this program. I'm not having any luck getting information. If anyone can shed some light on this I will be greatful.


Sheryl, what you describe is what happens when value and contents are declared on the package by a commercial mail order house. If either the value is very high or the customs officer doesn't understand what's inside the package from the description of the contents on the package you get the invite in your mailbox to come to the post office customs house, with all the hassles that involves.

If it's simply a thick brown envelope without any description of contents or a very easy to understand description and negligible value (like "Vitamins - $5.00") it simply arrives in your mailbox with no hassle :o

It has occurred with items of small value. But you're right, bioth times it was commercially packaged and shipped, and contents may not have been clear to Thai Customs.

However, going back to the OP's issue, I'm not sure that "prescription drugs" or something like that wouldn't also result in a customs check...and even the dreaded referral to FDA for approval to import. So he'd best have the meds shipped by a private person rather than pharmacy. And any ideas on how they should best lable the contents so as to avert this?


When I started taking meds we asked DHL and Fedex if they could ship them,

answer 'No, you need a license to import medicine for that.'

We then received them by plain postal sending from friends, mostly no problem,

one time they didn't arrive, loss about 200K thb.

When I went to EU and brought my meds for 3 months with me I was stopped once at customs,

I just said I needed to take them everyday or else I'd die and they let me through.

Since I can get the generics of my medicine now at BGH, I just buy them there 3600 thb/month.


Allied to what Sheryl is saying I work in Clinical Trials for a very large household name pharma and I know some of our trial supplies has been held up in the past and this would be through a specialised courier, clearly labeled and it should be pretty much pre-approved as the study would have to have approval to take place in Thailand in the first place

So he'd best have the meds shipped by a private person rather than pharmacy. And any ideas on how they should best lable the contents so as to avert this?

There is no obligation to label contents on an envelope containing documents sent through regular mail.

Best way is to take the pill strips out of their boxes, or if they come in a bottle put them in a zip lock bag. Wedge it in between two pieces of cardboard and put this inside a thick brown envelope with a bubble wrap lining and just send like a letter through the mail.

If it does need a label "documents" or "vitamins - $5" will do :o

When not getting meds on time is a big problem it would be very important to have a back-up supply or a local source though, because mail can get lost.


You all have been great help and thank you for all of you thoughts. Sence I get my meds through a goverment program they are all free at this point but I cannot get more that a month at a time so coming with a years supply would be a problem. I do have friends here that can send to me from US and can try shipping them the ways some of you suggested. I guess if this becomes a problem I will just have to buy them there. I am not going to let this get into my way of retiring in Thailand. Was hoping there was a simple answer but at this point it does not seem like there is just a simple answer. Please keep the info coming if anyone knows more.

Thanks, Bob

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