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Travel Insurance - Successful Claim

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We bought a policy from AGA Services (Thailand), trading online as Worldcare and underwritten by Mondial; this was for our six week holiday in March/April toThe Philippines and covered me, my wife, and our two young kids; premium for comprehensive was approx 7500 THB. As some of you know I have had a bit of a 'mare with my health in the last couple of months and it all started to go wrong in The Philippines when I was hospitalised for nine days with cellulitis. An expensive business costing over 110,000 PHP. Well my claim has just been paid out in full about three weeks after final submission.

In terms of support at the time of my hospitalisation in the Philippines they were pretty useless, in fact their first written contact was to advise that I was not covered when I think they simply meant to advise that I did not have an "approved" claim at that point in time. They did little to support my wife who understandably was a but freaked at the onset and had the additional burden of looking after two small kids; they didn't offer to make phone calls; they didn't guarantee hospital fees as their promotional blurb intimated they could; they didn't send out a local agent as I requested. It could have been very difficult had we not had the funds to cover everything.

However in the final analysis they paid out with no fuss once all the documentation was submitted and I am mightily relieved about that and so long as they will re-insure us on future trips they will get our future business.

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