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Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.

He's been a monk.... twice

totster whistling.gif

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Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.

Just what I was thinking.

Girls that work in the sex business as prostitutes, or as the mongers prefer to say, bar-girls, often have psychological problems and get addicted to drugs/alcohol. They do weird things that no normal Thai girls would do, like marrying dirty old farang men.

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To the OP, I like some of your work ... you go to subjects beyond the mould.

But, as for this quote ...

It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despite

living in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Woman

have no choice but to work in a Bar.

Please don't speak on my behalf.


David48 cowboy.gif


Im with David on this one.

me too ,


No, they do not have to. Desire to increase their financial status, taking care of families ( pushed ? ), getting away from their constraint and controlled environment ( thus freedom, do not underestimate that !), not much to loose anymore ( karma ) and the desire to, maybe, been taken care off by a wealthier person, in my opinion leads many to work in the......


Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.

Just what I was thinking.

Girls that work in the sex business as prostitutes, or as the mongers prefer to say, bar-girls, often have psychological problems and get addicted to drugs/alcohol. They do weird things that no normal Thai girls would do, like marrying dirty old farang men.

"they do things that no normal thai girls would do" WHAT DRIVEL!!! MY wife is Thai and "normal" educated, even to a higher level than me, and i'm not a "QUOTE dirty old falang man" wake up n smell the sh_t you are spouting!

“It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despite living in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Woman have no choice but to work in a Bar.” Total crap. I certainly do not and have never thought that way and I am sure that the majority of Thai visa members don`t think that way either. Perhaps this is how Thai women are portrayed in the Western media, as most of them being potential prostitutes and working in the beerbars, but for those living in Thailand normally have a better perception of the Thai people. From experience of living in Thailand for many years, I know that most middle to upper class women of Thai society would never consider dating a farang or becoming involved with the adult entertainments and sex industry. The majority are self respecting, highly educated and ambitious. The majority of sex workers in Thailand are from the underclasses of Thai society. All the expats in my circles do not believe that these women are there because they have no choice.

So if you have a relationship now, or have had in the past, MOST LIKELY it has been, or is now, with a underclass woman/man !

Very good point.

I first met my Thai wife in the States, where she was working for a cosmetic company back in the late 1970s. I was a PR manager working for a company based in Spain. At the time all her family were still in Thailand and all her friends were farangs living in the United States. She and I met, became engaged, later went to England and married in the early 1980s. Probably if she would have been living and working in Thailand during those times, my now wife may have married a Thai guy.


Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.

Just what I was thinking.

Girls that work in the sex business as prostitutes, or as the mongers prefer to say, bar-girls, often have psychological problems and get addicted to drugs/alcohol. They do weird things that no normal Thai girls would do, like marrying dirty old farang men.

"they do things that no normal thai girls would do" WHAT DRIVEL!!! MY wife is Thai and "normal" educated, even to a higher level than me, and i'm not a "QUOTE dirty old falang man" wake up n smell the sh_t you are spouting!

I'm not talking about normal women.

I never said you were a dirty old man - I'm saying the ones that are are the ones that hang around with sex workers. Learn to read.

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To the OP, I like some of your work ... you go to subjects beyond the mould.

But, as for this quote ...

It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despite

living in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Woman

have no choice but to work in a Bar.

Please don't speak on my behalf.


David48 cowboy.gif


I wrote the majority, I did not write all.

The only way it could apply to you is if you class yourself as one of the majority rather then the minority as I did not write all and I did not write david, So your refering to something in my quote that's not actually there.

david has always wanted to be one of the popular kids
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david has always wanted to be one of the popular kids

Being tactful and caring is a virtuewhistling.gif . If it makes you popular, so be it.wink.png

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.To the OP, I like some of your work ... you go to subjects beyond the mould. But, as for this quote ...

It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despiteliving in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Womanhave no choice but to work in a Bar.

Please don't speak on my behalf. Regards David48 cowboy.gif.
I wrote the majority, I did not write all. The only way it could apply to you is if you class yourself as one of the majority rather then the minority as I did not write all and I did not write david, So your refering to something in my quote that's not actually there.
david has always wanted to be one of the popular kids

And so he is.............

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Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.

Just what I was thinking.

Girls that work in the sex business as prostitutes, or as the mongers prefer to say, bar-girls, often have psychological problems and get addicted to drugs/alcohol. They do weird things that no normal Thai girls would do, like marrying dirty old farang men.

"they do things that no normal thai girls would do" WHAT DRIVEL!!! MY wife is Thai and "normal" educated, even to a higher level than me, and i'm not a "QUOTE dirty old falang man" wake up n smell the sh_t you are spouting!

Prostitutes, not normal girls.. Read and think before you chime in

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Amazing to see people who grew up in a 1st World country with all it's benefits, riches and safety nets judging people who have grown up in an emerging 3rd World country where no money means destitution and possible death for them and their family.

It must be great to feel superior to the Thai people but where would you be without the ability to earn enough money to support you and your family? It's just the luck of place of birth. Nothing to do with being clever or working hard.

If you live in Thailand you are just a car crash away from that situation

Most posters here didn't grow up in a 1st world country. They are from the UK !!whistling.gif

As for the "death" of the BG's families, if they don't open their legs, those parents are about 40-50 years old, fully capable of working. But it is easier to pimp out your daughter, than to plant a second crop!

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Amazing to see people who grew up in a 1st World country with all it's benefits, riches and safety nets judging people who have grown up in an emerging 3rd World country where no money means destitution and possible death for them and their family.

It must be great to feel superior to the Thai people but where would you be without the ability to earn enough money to support you and your family? It's just the luck of place of birth. Nothing to do with being clever or working hard.

If you live in Thailand you are just a car crash away from that situation

OH please, "feel superior to thais", and whats this nonsense"they and their familes will die of starvation" if they were not hookers

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When I was a young man, I spent a lot of time in pubs, the majority of the younger generation were drunk. Go figure!

When I was a little older, I worked a lot on building sites, the majority of which were Craftsmen. Go figure!

Just kidding OP, maybe


ill be the one to admit it,

when i first came here 14years ago after a shity divorce in the uk, i too went and tdid the bar scene thing, and i have to admit i enjoyed it,

ive chated to lots of the girls and they all give a different answer to why they are doing what they do, most have children, some are on drugs, and some must like sex,

we can talk about this all we like but no one will ever be able to say for true why they do it, so i cant see the point in people getting agree with each other,

i will say one thing im 52, when i was younger in the uk, i suppose i was handsome played a lot of sport could get a women easy,

go to a disco and allways pulled, back to my place or theres had sex, they wasnt bar girls, they were just enjoying sex the same as me,

has anyone just thought, these girls who happen to get paid for having sex, just might like having sex, and think bloody hell i get paid for this as well,!?

again just my thoughts on this,


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ill be the one to admit it,

when i first came here 14years ago after a shity divorce in the uk, i too went and tdid the bar scene thing, and i have to admit i enjoyed it,

ive chated to lots of the girls and they all give a different answer to why they are doing what they do, most have children, some are on drugs, and some must like sex,

we can talk about this all we like but no one will ever be able to say for true why they do it, so i cant see the point in people getting agree with each other,

i will say one thing im 52, when i was younger in the uk, i suppose i was handsome played a lot of sport could get a women easy,

go to a disco and allways pulled, back to my place or theres had sex, they wasnt bar girls, they were just enjoying sex the same as me,

has anyone just thought, these girls who happen to get paid for having sex, just might like having sex, and think bloody hell i get paid for this as well,!?

again just my thoughts on this,


I think you touched on a very valid point, Jake. I had plenty of Canadian friends who slept with guys the first night after meeting at a bar or party. It was just a case of everyone having a good time. I watched a documentary recently of the drunken bar scene in the UK. And, these were all gals who had good jobs during the day. I don't see much wrong with sex for sex sake, so why should it be any different with sex for payment?

Many people assume that all girls who work in bars are for rent for anyone. That is flatly not the case. The women do pick and choose who they are going to go off with. Those who are young and attractive do have more options and choices in customers. That is no different than a big house party in Canada, the UK or Australia.

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MT, you should know that this topic never goes down well on Thaivisa and you know why that is.

Bargirls are simply taking advantage of the demand of men who cannot get normal women, enjoy the easy, lazy, party life and the above average salary.

Men who frequent bars will rationalize these damaged women any way that makes them feel better about themselves and the choices they have made, as you can see by many of the responses.

And get ready for the "...so your wife must be a Chinese hi-so, rich, uni graduate"...that's chestnut will be coming right along.

I have so much respect for people that don't take the easy way out and work hard for minimum wage and always try to give them a smile or a thank you.

While I've come to the same conclusion a long time ago and therefore don't go to those places anymore, I think it is wrong to assume that all prostitution is damaging or even that there isn't a strong cultural aspect to prostitution in Thailand. A lot of younger girls have one or more experiences of taking money for sex, it is not at all uncommon and even sort of a fantasy for many, but it is being treated like a piece of meat day in day out that is going to really mess you up, same as being seen as a wad of cash as the John. It is dehumanizing in the long run, but the act of selling sex for money isn't nessecarily. Once, twice, a couple of times, I see nothing wrong with that, probably just an exciting experience for both seller and buyer, but make it a habit and things go quickly downhill.

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I'm just glad that I wasn't born with a lifelong obligation to support my parents, regardless of whether that meant 12-hour days in a factory or 8+ hours staring at a monitor or sitting in endless meetings trying to look interested in proceedings. Put the shoe on the other foot and try to imagine sitting in a bar night after night, relying on aging women to buy you a drink and, joy of joys, ask you back to their hotel room. I enjoy my time in the bars - Thailand and elsewhere - but I really enjoy the freedom of being able to leave when it's no longer fun. The smart girls make enough to be able to get out, but the 40 million baht question has always been 'what percentage are "smart" ?'.


Women who sell their body are just "lazy".


Has it ever crossed your mind that these women are mostly paying for their parents/kids to live back in their poverty stricken province?

There is no poverty, more like to pay for their shiny new bike/car

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Obviously the poster has no idea about Thailand, nor can speak Thai, and probably lives in bars.


Perhaps tthe OP would be much happier if he refrained from frequenting bars and mingling in the company of bar girls.

There's no reason he should be subjected to having his moral compass compromised.


As stated before, they do not have to. In thailand nobody will die of starvation. There are ofcourse situations possible that a woman has no other option than to become a prostitute. Medical care for loved ones what the 30 bth scheme not covers. That is truly the only reason i can think of. The good prostitutes who can go st with a couple of men a day and with some distant boyfriendSSS make easily 150-200 k a month.


Women who sell their body are just "lazy".


Has it ever crossed your mind that these women are mostly paying for their parents/kids to live back in their poverty stricken province?

There is no poverty, more like to pay for their shiny new bike/car


im sorry to dissagree with you the poverty thing mate,

try having a look round a village, we live in the country side not near a big town, and there is poverty in our village, im not saying they dont have food to eat, but they live in tin sheds that ive got chickens in better, yes they will have rice to eat but not much more then that, some familys dont have lots of land and they are the ones that strugle,

just go for a ride outside the big citys there is poverty


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Have two uneducated sister in laws in Thailand who used to work in a factory for 6k a month. They saved up and bought noodle franchises each. They make about 3k a day after expenses, so make around 90k a month each. It's hard work but to answer the question NO they don't have to work in a bar. Bars are for lazy, greedy, stupid women who are often the last sort people should be meeting.

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"The reality is almost all have opted for the easy road, kicking their morals to the curb, unfortunately they wind up broke anyway with more then a few issues"

MT, trying to think this through but having problems............

In your view, how many girls work the bars compared to the female population (working age) of Thailand?

With those figures in mind, where is the reality mentioned above?

<deleted> I'm saying Bargirls, I'm not saying most thai girls work in bars, I'm only talking about the Thai Sex worker community.

What is so hard to understand, read what i'm writing dude not what you think I mean.


<deleted> I'm saying Bargirls, I'm not saying most thai girls work in bars, I'm only talking about the Thai Sex worker community.

18) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgment of that fact is not forbidden. However ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.


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