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All silent on Thailand's withdrawal from expo bid


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All silent on withdrawal from expo bid

BANGKOK: -- All parties involved with Thailand's failed bid to host the World Expo 2020 have declined to explain to the public why the Kingdom apparently just opted out of the race.

The Bureau of International Expositions (BIE) on Tuesday decided to cut Thailand from the list of five contenders, as the government failed to submit an official confirmation.

On his Facebook page, former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij said it was a pity that Thailand was disqualified. He attributed this to the government's lack of professionalism.

"The Yingluck [shinawatra] government did not take this seriously, maybe because this was initiated by the [previous] Democrat government. Or the government might not see any benefits from this. Or it might want to pave the way for Dubai" to win the bid, he said.

The government has shown reluctance to support the bid, though at the same time confirming that Thailand would fight for the hosting rights. In February, there was a discussion over the huge investment, estimated at US$1 billion (Bt30 billion). Prime Minister's Office Minister Nivatthamrong Boonsongpaisal at that time said the government was assessing the worthiness of investing in a bid to stage the World Expo.

Yesterday, Nivatthamrong turned off his mobile phone. Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, the new president of Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), did not answer calls from media either. Nopparat had insisted on May 29 that the bid was on track and Thailand was one of the candidates. Some Democrat MPs also pressured the government for an explanation, to justify the Bt400 million that has been dispensed to raise awareness of the expo among the Thai public in the past year.

The previous Democrat government under prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva initiated the expo bid, announcing in Shanghai that Thailand was ready to host the world event. In fact, Thailand was the first country to announce its candidacy officially. The effort weakened after Yingluck came to power, with the dismissal of TCEB president Akrapol Sorasuchart.

Insiders said the BIE came to the decision on Tuesday because of poor support from the government. In January, the BIE Enquiry Mission visited Ayutthaya, which was to be the expo venue. Insiders said the team got an unsatisfactory welcome from the government and felt the administration was insincere in its quest to be the host. Acting TCEB president Thongchai Sridama also failed to meet up with the team.

Some insiders say former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra strong-armed his younger sister Yingluck to back away from the expo bid so that Dubai - where he has spent time during his exile - could win the race.

Now, only four cities are vying for Expo 2020, and the result will be known in November. Aside from Dubai, they are Yekaterinburg, Russia; Izmir, Turkey; and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

-- The Nation 2013-06-13

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On his Facebook page, former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij said it was a pity that Thailand was disqualified. He attributed this to the government's lack of professionalism.

A tad harsh...but a fair point wink.png

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unless there is money in it for them cannot be bothered

+++ 1

Withdrew ????? or booted out , dropped for lack of concern?

If successful , this would have brought hundreds of thousands of tourists to the kingdom...... good for all , but it apparently was not GOOD for the few..........to hard to figure out how to milk it.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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PM's Office Minister Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan, who oversees the issue, told the Bangkok Post on Tuesday that he had not officially acknowledged the rejection.

So, according to the Thai Government, it hasn't happened. Magical thinking.

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It's actually a smart move. Thailand wouldn't have won the bid anyway.

I think they would have had a good chance at it if the government had really wanted it. the crux of the problem lays in the following paragraph from the article.

"The government has shown reluctance to support the bid, though at the same time confirming that Thailand would fight for the hosting rights. In February, there was a discussion over the huge investment, estimated at US$1 billion (Bt30 billion). Prime Minister's Office Minister Nivatthamrong Boonsongpaisal at that time said the government was assessing the worthiness of investing in a bid to stage the World Expo."

30 billion baht just was not enough tea money in it for there cooperation. They have their eyes on a 2,2 trillion baht trough and can not be bothered with change money worth less than a baht.

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whistling.gif The "Kingdom" did NOT "opt out".

The Kingdom was disqualified due to the lack of belief by the organizers that they could meet the requirements of the bid.

Especially the financial requirements.

They did not "opt out" they failed to qualify.

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It was a bid initiated by the Democrats and perhaps the man in Dubai wanted his new home to win.

2 reasons to spike it.

mmmmmmmmmm maybe he isnt confident of getting his own way,about coming home,,,???,,and dubai will let him stay no questions asked (STILL)

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Who the f**** k wants to hold an Expo in an are that is flood prone for many many years???

And the Pheu Thai mafia has better things to do, like scrapping more blood money out of their taxpayers and clueless farang to enrich themselves instead of moving the country forward...

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They were eliminated from the competition because they failed to respond in time.

They failed to respond in time because they could not figure out a way to get their usual 30% off the top from all the other countries that would have been involved.

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They were eliminated from the competition because they failed to respond in time.

They failed to respond in time because they could not figure out a way to get their usual 30% off the top from all the other countries that would have been involved.

They failed to respond in time because they were too busy scrapping taxpayers' blood money for their populist SCAMS...

Which will cause flooding, overloaded unsold rice and an inflating number of automobiles...

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the real reason was

"Insiders said the BIE came to the decision on Tuesday because of poor support from the government. In January, the BIE Enquiry Mission visited Ayutthaya, which was to be the expo venue. Insiders said the team got an unsatisfactory welcome from the government and felt the administration was insincere in its quest to be the host."

That was confirmed in another article from the BIE where they announced that Thailand was being dropped from the list of contenders. As I said earlier there just was not enough tea money in 30 billion Baht for this group of greedy money grabbers.

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The real issue is that Ayutthaya never had a chance from the beginning.

Hotel rooms are way to low in numbers. In addition visitors from Bangkok needs 2 hours to visit the WE in Ayutthaya and another two hours to return to Bangkok.

The Nation really tries to point the fingers to the Yingluck government but the blame was with the Abhisit government as many advisors told them not to host it in Ayutthaya.

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The real issue is that Ayutthaya never had a chance from the beginning.

Hotel rooms are way to low in numbers. In addition visitors from Bangkok needs 2 hours to visit the WE in Ayutthaya and another two hours to return to Bangkok.

The Nation really tries to point the fingers to the Yingluck government but the blame was with the Abhisit government as many advisors told them not to host it in Ayutthaya.

Sounds like they have YOU hooked..... what you say has very little merit...... take the time and go back and see where some of the other Expos have been held......... they all have not been downtown capital cities......

Suggest you revisit your shirt colors..... don't buy everything they say, unless of course, you are a founding father in the RS Employ

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Not to be too pedantic, but Thailand did not withdraw, it was disqualified. To withdraw would have raised serious questions as to how they could manage to squander away THB 400 million (you can hazard a guess...!) despite having stated, just over two weeks ago, that everything was on track towards a successful bid!

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Not to be too pedantic, but Thailand did not withdraw, it was disqualified. To withdraw would have raised serious questions as to how they could manage to squander away THB 400 million (you can hazard a guess...!) despite having stated, just over two weeks ago, that everything was on track towards a successful bid!

There should be questions from the oppostion and/or NGO's about where and how this money was spent. But nothing will happen even if they are. It will be ignored - just like the illegally issued passport, and other questions that are not liked.

A few weeks ago everything was on track. Maybe the meglomaniac who rules one of the other bidders had a word with a long term fellow sprirt "guest"? The less contenders the better.

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We seem to have about half a dozen threads on the same topic going right now. Why can't there be one thread with new newspaper articles simply added to that one thread, rather than starting yet another new thread?

Anyway, that aside, from another closely related thread in the last day or two, and in response to a post i made expressing disappointment - not that the expo won't be held by Thailand, but at all the needless millions of baht that have spent by a government who it seems were never bothered about holding this event in the first place, and who, upon being disqualified, now tell us the whole thing was a bad idea, or at least their supporters do - there was this post:

The current government did not spend millions of baht on the exposition.

Just wondering if the poster responsible would like to admit having either been completely misinformed or having been guilty of blatant lying.

Edited by rixalex
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