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Am I losing it or what? Anyone have an explanation?

Jesus Malverde

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Now that I have your attention...a few days ago I saw something for the second time in a month. The 1st time I just blew it off to a hangover from bad drugs but I was stone-cold straight when I witnessed the same thing Wednesday.

I'm talking domesticated dogs--people's pets and not soi dogs--walking around with half-liter plastic bottles filled with a clear liquid tied 'round their necks with string. There were about a half-dozen of them in a 500 meter stretch of road both times. Nice, gentle dogs--I see them quite often hanging out on the road when I drive by each day.

They didn't seem to be in an organized group as such but each of them definitely appeared be purposely going somewhere up and down the road. My 1st thought was that it was some kind of weird religious thing but I've been here awhile and dogs aren't usually included in the festivities--unless they're on the menu and that doesn't happen where I live now.

Then I had a wild idea that they had somehow been organized into a surreptitious, underground, secret and illegal Lao Khao distribution ring. (Black-market intoxicants are quite common out here in the sticks where I live).

Maybe something like--

Somchai: "Listen up Fido--take this package straight to Wichan's house and don't screw around with your furry friends going there or coming back. I've got other deliveries for you to make this morning".

I'd like to think there is a less sinister explanation for what I've witnessed but damned if I can figure this out. What could these dogs possibly be doing? I'd appreciate anyone's opinion in this matter. My Thai neighbors think I'm crazy (or they're in on the conspiracy--if there is one).

PS I'd supply pics but I didn't have my camera with me either time it's happened.

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I have seen this, but have no idea what it is about. The OP is not completely mad or drug-addled as some are accusing. biggrin.png


Just because you've seen it too doesn't mean you both aren't crazy, just in exactly the same way 8-)

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Try to follow them without them noticing - and make SURE they don't follow you back to where you live or you could be in big trouble with their boss!

Thanks boosta. I always drive slowly so they won't think I'm following them and they all know where I live

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A brilliant Thai idea. Whilst dogs distribute and deliver drugs all the dealer has to say - "It is not my dog"!

Now cops can collect money by catching the dogs on the way back. cheesy.gif

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Maybe they're St, Bernards -- Thai style. Instead working the Alps with small casks of brandy, they're working the sois with 1/2-liter bottles of lao khao, looking for fallen drunks desperately in need of a swig. You know -- poor derelict souls who have been buried in the avalanche of life.

Wf--thanks for the reply. I'd like to think you're correct and they're just good Samaritans with no ulterior motives. But I'm not on the mean streets of Bangkok. I'm located in a rural area that is fairly prosperous with hard-working farm folk and if they get loaded they stay off the road. That's not to say there isn't the odd individual who welcomes a boost or two...

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I have seen this, but have no idea what it is about. The OP is not completely mad or drug-addled as some are accusing. biggrin.png

Thank you Slip--at least someone else has witnessed this phenomena and has the balls to say so. I thought I was losing my mindwink.png

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I have seen this, but have no idea what it is about. The OP is not completely mad or drug-addled as some are accusing. biggrin.png

Thank you Slip--at least someone else has witnessed this phenomena and has the balls to say so. I thought I was losing my mind

That's assuming you're both not sharing the same hallucination of course?! crazy.gif

I wonder if it's to slow them down or prevent them from fighting - a bottle around the neck would certainly make either activity a bit more difficult. Was the bottle hanging vertically or was it a la the St. Bernard theory hanging horizontally?

Do you think (scientifically speaking) that the bottle is tied in such a way that it would prevent the dog from licking its balls? Now that would be just cruel and I suggest you call the Thai equivalent of the SPCA.

Were all the dogs male? We need more details as all speculation thus far is purely (and oddly enough), speculative. coffee1.gif

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Hi Gsxrnz--nice looking bike in your avatar.

Dual spontaneous hallucination? Could be...but I'd prefer to think that Slip is just as grounded and balanced as I am.

All the bottles were hanging vertically and might well have been a preventative measure (fighting/speeding/generally having fun). I don't really know and don't want to guess.

Like I said I only saw this spectacle twice as I drove by but it appeared they could lick their balls if they wanted to and I'm not going to rat out their owners to the SPCA--I have to live here...

Maybe some of the dogs were female so obviously they didn't have balls to lick.

I didn't anticipate such interest in my post and I continue to welcome any and all responses that help to explain this conundrum...

PS Maybe Kitsune is correct--bored kids playing tricks. But that's too logical (and boring) an answer rolleyes.gif

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Hallucinations like dreams cannot be shared. If they are shared - they are not hallucinations (dreams). Verified by shrinks.

Here is an idea (only): next time carry a piece of salami. When you see a dog with a bottle try to barter.

This way you can

-satisfy your curiosity

-satisfy our curiosity

-get a profitable exchange (?)

-make a contribution to society by stopping spread of substance(?)

-verify the notion that a dog does not bite the feeding hand (?)

-check the level of training of the dog

-prove that a dog can learn new tricks

-report back here


Edited by ABCer
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Hallucinations like dreams cannot be shared. If they are shared - they are not hallucinations (dreams). Verified by shrinks.


As if psychology is a hard 'science'!

Both shared dreams and waking hallucinations are common in many cultures and religious practices, and commonly experienced under the influence of drugs like DMT, LSD, shrooms, peyote.

In fact what we call "reality" as interpreted by our consciousness, to the extent we see the same thing as a group, can be interpreted that way, the product of our senses as interpreted by our brains is several levels removed from objective reality whatever that might be.

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