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Fast-track trials planned for foreign tourists to Thailand


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Fast-track trials planned for tourists

The Nation


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BANGKOK: -- A new Tourist Case Division is in the pipeline to oversee trials involving foreign visitors to the country, Tourism and Sport Minister Somsak Pureesrisak said yesterday.

Somsak said that later this month he would meet with diplomats from 17 European countries, who would ask him for tourist safety measures.

His plan is to launch a new Tourist Case division under the Court of Justice to fast-track tourists' trials and help them get back to their countries quickly.

Three related agencies have already discussed the new division, which would draft in police and Office of the Attorney General staff, and an MoU has been drafted for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to sign soon.

In related news, Somsak said he had met with Japanese Ambassador Shigekazu Sato and apologised about the lack of progress in the investigation of a Japanese woman's robbery and murder in Sukhothai Historical Park in 2007, with the killer still at large.

Somsak said he would meet with national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew to get an update on the case.


-- The Nation 2013-06-19

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This sounds like it could be by 180. This is to protect the tourist? Than why set up a court to fast track the trial?

BANGKOK: -- A new Tourist Case Division is in the pipeline to oversee trials involving foreign visitors to the country, Tourism and Sport Minister Somsak Pureesrisak said yesterday.

Somsak said that later this month he would meet with diplomats from 17 European countries, who would ask him for tourist safety measures.

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Seeing that there is actually an Office of the Attorney General and that this office has staff is quite a surprise. One never reads about arrests and convictions by the Office of the Attorney General and wonders what they actually do? They don't seem to veer arrest and/or convict a Thai Mr. Big or appear to be carting off a Thai Mr. Big on criminal charges of any kind. Do they have provincial attorneys general out there in any of the provinces like SiSaket where all these fraudulently assembled luxury cars are traced to?

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"Fast-track trials for foreign tourists"??

I gathered Thailand didn't like foreigners very much but I wasn't aware they'd made being a foreign tourist illegal already... tongue.png

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In related news, Somsak said he had met with Japanese Ambassador Shigekazu Sato and apologised about the lack of progress in the investigation of a Japanese woman's robbery and murder in Sukhothai Historical Park in 2007, with the killer still at large.

And how many other cases involving tourists being robbed and/or murdered have not been investigated solved to date?

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Unless this version of "fast" means "priority" (and I doubt that), then what I suspect these bums intend is this:

"fast" means less of what a victim or the accused need the most - and much more of what they do not need; ...namely, less investigation and more reliance and importance being placed on "witness" statements (Thai witnesses, that is).

How else do you "fast-track" something of this nature without being able to magically make evidence and suspects appear out of thin air in order to "speed up" justice? After all, isn't justice the motive for police, and the law their guideline to follow (ha ha... yeah, I know, I know). It seems they are going to have to toss out what little (and I mean very little) justice and the law that they do follow in order to be "fast", yes?

Or, perhaps they intend to mean that "fast-track" is, "Shut up and just pay the fine so we can get you out of here... otherwise we'll fast-track you behind bars".

Maybe restaurants could "fast-track" foreigners so we could eat our burgers raw.

Stupid (and I mean stupid), lazy-assed bums!

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I suppose that it's not only for cases against foreigners but also for cases on behalf of foreigners.

Why do you suppose that, it didn't actually say it?

Perhaps we had the same thought where victims of crime in Thailand are tourists, and they are the only witness against the 'alleged', that Fast Tracking would be beneficial, to see justice done. I believe quite often the only witnesses against the , shall we say snatcher, were on a 2 week visit, are well gone, and not inclined to return.

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In related news, Somsak said he had met with Japanese Ambassador Shigekazu Sato and apologised about the lack of progress in the investigation of a Japanese woman's robbery and murder in Sukhothai Historical Park in 2007, with the killer still at large.

So is this case not one of the ones he is referring to. Well, 'yawn' I guess it is only 6 years so what the he!! coffee1.gif

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hahaha I agree with the less optimistic assessments made here of this plan, but, maybe, just maybe some good will come of it. Let's hope.

I will have one of whatever Lanatlarge is having: I need to escape reality for the next 50 years.

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"Somsak said that later this month he would meet with diplomats from 17 European countries, who would ask him for tourist safety measures."

They are asking for tourist safety measures and what do they get?

Speedy trials.

Just what every nation wants for its citizens when they go abroad, fast litigation in court.

Can you see the brochures and web sites?

Visit Thailand and experience the Thainess of fast court cases.

Edited by unanimosity
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I fail to see the humour in the inept Thai 'justice' system. I've been at the 'giving end' of the BIB several times, for indulging in what I thought were legal activities. Such as walking down a street and being harrassed for $$, departing a bus at the bust ( intentional pun) station and frisked for illegal substances. Dancing in a club and having the BIB demand you piss in a cup etc etc.

My solution to all this face saving corrupt hypocitical farce? LEAVE. And that is what I intend to do. Good luck ya'll

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Am I the only one seeing something positive here? The plan does not suggest cutting corners in the investigation of a case involving a tourist, but in fast tracking any resulting court case. This would mean, for example, instead of the accused having to languish in a Thai prison, or under detention, for six months in the queue awaiting trial, the court case will be brought forward. Better for the tourists surely and will enable the not-guilty to get home quickly, as the article says.

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