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Yingluck - Thaksin: Will patience pay in the long run?


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"Yingluck is not a politician. I think this is a good quality, considering the current situation. The minute she qualifies as a politician, her sincerity will fly right out the window," he said.

Her sincerity already flew out the window in Mongolia.

With all her lack of real political nous (is she any worse than 'W'?) I'd prefer to see her as PM when one looks at the alternatives. Her sister? yuck. Chalerm? puke. Anyone else? can't think of one.

Anyway, happy birthday, Yingluck.

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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

Are you also included in the "all contributors"? Or maybe you don't actually contribute.

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Happy Birthday Prime Minister. Enjoy if you can because I predict next week, and next month is gonna be awkward to say the least!

What happens next week and next month?
Nice try! I suggest read the press and watch the TV for pointers.

Nice try? huh.png

Does anyone know what this guy is on about? What is going to happen next week or next month that "is gonna be awkward to say the least"?

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It may not be patience but bewilderment after all a non politician being given a politicians job surely cant be expected to do that job well.

Would you want a dentist flying the plane on your next flight or a cook doing open heart surgery.

Surely there should be some sort of lead up experience in politics to be able to effectively do the job of PM.

In some ways, leaving the running of a country to politicians is reckless anywhere in the world.

Do you trust any politician?

Obviously Yingluck's actions are those of a politician, it's just that somebody else tells her what buttons to press - just don't try to explain why.

I think Thai-at-heart got it right - it's the nameplate on the door which counts.

My memory isn't up to much, but somebody a year or so ago told the electorate that they didn't know what was in the Reconciliation Bill, but nonetheless recommended it as the remedy for all the wrongs in the country.

Perhaps the name will come to me. Then again, perhaps it's somebody who's apolitical.

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Happy Birthday Prime Minister. Enjoy if you can because I predict next week, and next month is gonna be awkward to say the least!

What happens next week and next month?
Nice try! I suggest read the press and watch the TV for pointers.

Nice try? huh.png

Does anyone know what this guy is on about? What is going to happen next week or next month that "is gonna be awkward to say the least"?

Open your eyes & follow the news. It's not hard to see that when Parliament reconvenes next month all sorts of difficult issues will come up - just like the last session. Things like the B2.2tn approval, amnesty for you-know-who, 'reconciliation or else'. Add to that any findings from the CC which go against PTP & it's back to instability again.

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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

Quick call all the Abhisit sympathizers I have found one. Rally the troops shot this down now. Ridicule it:)

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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

Quick call all the Abhisit sympathizers I have found one. Rally the troops shot this down now. Ridicule it:)

You're rather late with your call mate, indyuk, has, as usual, been shot down about 6 times and burned once again.

I'll say this though, he's loyal to the woman even though he slams her backers (red shirts) and brother Thaksin.

The problem is, she is,in essence, Thaksin with a pretty face and some expensive clothes.

"Yingluck is delivering......................... governance with good will and integrety".

Indeed, the very essence of PTP.

Edited by ratcatcher
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Seems someone on Facebook has done some math and discovered that Yingluck has been in office for 700 days

In that time she has done 51 overseas trips to 42 different countries and been out of the country a total of 109 days.

Must be some sort of a world record.

She will have had a large group with her on every trip and every one first class.

The cost to the country, anyone's guess.

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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

Quick call all the Abhisit sympathizers I have found one. Rally the troops shot this down now. Ridicule it:)

Oh wait.. I get my coat :)

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Seems someone on Facebook has done some math and discovered that Yingluck has been in office for 700 days

In that time she has done 51 overseas trips to 42 different countries and been out of the country a total of 109 days.

Must be some sort of a world record.

She will have had a large group with her on every trip and every one first class.

The cost to the country, anyone's guess.

Wasn't there reference to her trips being chartered rather than scheduled?
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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

Quick call all the Abhisit sympathizers I have found one. Rally the troops shot this down now. Ridicule it:)

You're rather late with your call mate, indyuk, has, as usual, been shot down about 6 times and burned once again.

I'll say this though, he's loyal to the woman even though he slams her backers (red shirts) and brother Thaksin.

The problem is, she is,in essence, Thaksin with a pretty face and some expensive clothes.

"Yingluck is delivering......................... governance with good will and integrety".

Indeed, the very essence of PTP.

Sounds like a perfume "the essence of PTP". The smell of burning rubber in the morning.
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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

I could possible disagree with your assumption that "she knows as well as everyone in Thailand......".

Assuming she was capable of sufficient thought to come to a conclusion?

She most likely thinks that there is no such thing as corruption. Just different means to get rich.

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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

I could possible disagree with your assumption that "she knows as well as everyone in Thailand......".

Assuming she was capable of sufficient thought to come to a conclusion?

She most likely thinks that there is no such thing as corruption. Just different means to get rich.

I was in a chamber of commerce doo, up country last week and universally, no one gave a s**t. They couldn't care less.

I asked some good friends tonight in isaan, no one knew that the price had changed. No one even knew how the system works.

Apathy reigns. Even a lot of the supposedly educated don't know anything or care one jot about it.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

I could possible disagree with your assumption that "she knows as well as everyone in Thailand......".

Assuming she was capable of sufficient thought to come to a conclusion?

She most likely thinks that there is no such thing as corruption. Just different means to get rich.

I was in a chamber of commerce doo, up country last week and universally, no one gave a s**t. They couldn't care less.

I asked some good friends tonight in isaan, no one knew that the price had changed. No one even knew how the system works.

Apathy reigns. Even a lot of the supposedly educated don't know anything or care one jot about it.

I think you're right. Every topic could possibly be summed up by "apathy reigns"
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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

I could possible disagree with your assumption that "she knows as well as everyone in Thailand......".

Assuming she was capable of sufficient thought to come to a conclusion?

She most likely thinks that there is no such thing as corruption. Just different means to get rich.

I was in a chamber of commerce doo, up country last week and universally, no one gave a s**t. They couldn't care less.

I asked some good friends tonight in isaan, no one knew that the price had changed. No one even knew how the system works.

Apathy reigns. Even a lot of the supposedly educated don't know anything or care one jot about it.

I think you're right. Every topic could possibly be summed up by "apathy reigns"
Everyone is caring about their own business.

I haven't met any Thai person in a position who even understands how the rice system works let alone cares.

It's getting like mainland China every day.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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An alternative header on Thai Visa might have also read, and have been more accurate::

Yingluck - Thaksin will pay in the long run.

As various schemes like the rice pledging and the 1st car buyer plan start to slowly unravel, and the masses slowly start to realize they've been had, it may be more and more likely that Thaksin and his cronies will have to pay the ultimate price.

It's too easy to overlook the fact that Thaksin is paying a huge price for his past misdeeds. He has been out of the country for 5 years or so, and I don't think there is any doubt that this hurts tremendously. With no idea at all when he can make his triumphant return, and with time constantly ticking away, the suffering will be compounded day by day. Contrast his pathetic and humiliating existance banished in the desert, to what would have been the likely outcome of not having run away from his troubles and there is only one thing to say. LOL

Well yes he has been out of the country running from the law for five years and that will continue until the day he die's. It is all about saving face. Thaksin is sure that there is a sudden death waiting for him here in Thailand. Remember He canceled a speech in the border town in Myanmar next to Mai Sai for fear of an assassination attempt and Mai Sai is red shirt country.

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"A ruling party source said it was not unusual to see Yingluck asserting her independence. Her trusted aides are people of the same age who understand her, even though they are less experienced and have less ability than the advisers chosen by Thaksin."

Thailand can't win neither one of them is interested in aides that care for the Thai people.

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It may not be patience but bewilderment after all a non politician being given a politicians job surely cant be expected to do that job well.

Would you want a dentist flying the plane on your next flight or a cook doing open heart surgery.

Surely there should be some sort of lead up experience in politics to be able to effectively do the job of PM.

Nonsense. All you need to be an MP is to be or have been a pop star or appeared in crappy Thai soaps - thanks to those with sheep brains. A forged university degree (obtainable anywhere, maybe even in Kentucky) is an essential aid. .

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"A ruling party source said it was not unusual to see Yingluck asserting her independence. Her trusted aides are people of the same age who understand her, even though they are less experienced and have less ability than the advisers chosen by Thaksin.

However, Thaksin does not trust some of his sister's aides because they abandoned him after the September 2006 coup. Yet, the source said, one of the advisers chosen by Thaksin admonished Yingluck publicly.

In addition, Yingluck's confidantes have refused to take heed of the advice offered by advisers chosen by Thaksin, which has resulted in a growing crisis of confidence in the government. These issues include the Bt2-trillion loan for infrastructure projects, the baht's rapid appreciation and the loss-making rice-pledging scheme, which have opened the government to attack from the opposition."

Read the above very carefully. It is Thaksin distancing himself from his own sister when the pressure is on.

If only 'his' advisors had been around! The smell is pervasive.

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I would guess that she has no choice re the rice scheme, she knows as well as everyone in Thailand how stupid and corrupt the system is.

Taksin is not getting any younger, most people would have thought he would be back already. She should join the Democrats, that would be fun.

If she made a clear break from Taksin she could gain in popularity???

The only other option is to let Taksin's decision maker, the fortune teller dude to take over.

I could possible disagree with your assumption that "she knows as well as everyone in Thailand......".

Assuming she was capable of sufficient thought to come to a conclusion?

She most likely thinks that there is no such thing as corruption. Just different means to get rich.

I was in a chamber of commerce doo, up country last week and universally, no one gave a s**t. They couldn't care less.

I asked some good friends tonight in isaan, no one knew that the price had changed. No one even knew how the system works.

Apathy reigns. Even a lot of the supposedly educated don't know anything or care one jot about it.

I think you're right. Every topic could possibly be summed up by "apathy reigns"
Everyone is caring about their own business.

I haven't met any Thai person in a position who even understands how the rice system works let alone cares.

It's getting like mainland China every day.

It's as if life "happens". The true test of Democracy being the people empowered to challenge things which are a detriment to their lives and to pursue things that make life better.

It does not mean thugs of any colour trying to impose their will violently.

It won't be long before there's a new era in Thailand. That is what scares me most

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An alternative header on Thai Visa might have also read, and have been more accurate::

Yingluck - Thaksin will pay in the long run.

As various schemes like the rice pledging and the 1st car buyer plan start to slowly unravel, and the masses slowly start to realize they've been had, it may be more and more likely that Thaksin and his cronies will have to pay the ultimate price.

It's too easy to overlook the fact that Thaksin is paying a huge price for his past misdeeds. He has been out of the country for 5 years or so, and I don't think there is any doubt that this hurts tremendously. With no idea at all when he can make his triumphant return, and with time constantly ticking away, the suffering will be compounded day by day. Contrast his pathetic and humiliating existance banished in the desert, to what would have been the likely outcome of not having run away from his troubles and there is only one thing to say. LOL
I left my home country over 12 years ago and have no plans to return - ever. I have found my situation quite painless so far. I think that there are many of the same mind.

With all the illegal gains Thaksin has squirelled away and a private jet he can go anywhere and do anything that he likes for the rest of his life. I am content to play golf, sail, fish, read books, watch a little TV, entertain my friends etc etc. But then I'm not a melagomaniac.

22 years ago I saw little point at remaining at the coalface when I had enough in the bank and from investments to see me into my box. Pity he doesn't see it my way.

It does make you wonder what he wants the money for. Surely there's a limit to how much anyone can spend/buy.

Oh yes, he hasn't bought his way back into Thailand. What's it they say? Money can't buy you everything LOL

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An alternative header on Thai Visa might have also read, and have been more accurate::

Yingluck - Thaksin will pay in the long run.

As various schemes like the rice pledging and the 1st car buyer plan start to slowly unravel, and the masses slowly start to realize they've been had, it may be more and more likely that Thaksin and his cronies will have to pay the ultimate price.

It's too easy to overlook the fact that Thaksin is paying a huge price for his past misdeeds. He has been out of the country for 5 years or so, and I don't think there is any doubt that this hurts tremendously. With no idea at all when he can make his triumphant return, and with time constantly ticking away, the suffering will be compounded day by day. Contrast his pathetic and humiliating existance banished in the desert, to what would have been the likely outcome of not having run away from his troubles and there is only one thing to say. LOL

I left my home country over 12 years ago and have no plans to return - ever. I have found my situation quite painless so far. I think that there are many of the same mind.

With all the illegal gains Thaksin has squirelled away and a private jet he can go anywhere and do anything that he likes for the rest of his life. I am content to play golf, sail, fish, read books, watch a little TV, entertain my friends etc etc. But then I'm not a melagomaniac.

22 years ago I saw little point at remaining at the coalface when I had enough in the bank and from investments to see me into my box. Pity he doesn't see it my way.

It does make you wonder what he wants the money for. Surely there's a limit to how much anyone can spend/buy.

Oh yes, he hasn't bought his way back into Thailand. What's it they say? Money can't buy you everything LOL

Not suggesting any thing here but I think the best thing that could happen for Thailand is Thaksin return. In about a week or two he would no longer have a voice

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All contributors here speak with the same prejudice in respect to PM Yingluck. The article and the diatride of the contributors compare her to ex PM Taksin whereas it would be much more appropriate to compare her with the PM Abhisit that she succeded.

Try and draw yourselves a Pros & Cons list when comparing PM Yingluck with ex PM Abhisit and you will be ammazed at just how negtive ex PM Abhisit's score is compared to PM Yinglucks. Of course your analysis would need to be objecive and honest the very two qualities that appear to be absent in many of the article comments above herein.

Most of us want what PM Yingluck is delivering agaist the odds which is stabiliity in governance with good will and integrety allowing us to live in peace harmony despite the ill will of the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts,the masked Mob and the Democrats and Taksin..

"conducted on June 18-20 by the Research Centre at Bangkok University, suggests the prime minister's popularity has plunged. The survey of 1,234 respondents showed the premier's approval rating is now 40.4%,..."

"Meanwhile, a separate survey by Assumption University's Abac Poll found that more respondents said the previous Democrat-led government had performed better than the current Pheu Thai-led one.

Regarding the cost of living, 58.9 per cent of respondents said they were satisfied with the Abhisit Vejjajiva government, compared to 41.1 per cent for the Yingluck Shinawatra government. For tackling the economic problems, the Abhisit government scored 60.4 per cent against 39.6 per cent by the current administration. The previous government was also way ahead in quality of life, with 61.8 per cent against 38.2 per cent. It also got higher scores over the current administration in the areas of solving traffic problems, access to people, national unity, and democracy."

source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Rice-price-cut-hits-govt-hard-30208898.html

Indyuk, stop with the lies and propaganda. Open your eyes and get some of your news from non-Red propaganda sites. Come away from the Dark Side.

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