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Divorce, domestic abuse on the rise in Thailand


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Times are a changing.

It's not quite as acceptable for a bloke to thump a woman as it used to be.

Good. Spousal abuse isn't up, it's just being reported more. I mean, could it increase any more?

Do you have any facts to support your comments that there has not been any increase in spousal abuse and that it is due to more instances being reported? If so, please provide the links.

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Were not here or talking about saving the world! All this nonsense about begging children and such. Why not bring in the abuse of dogs and cats too while you are at it. In all due respect we are talking specifically about a man, who is stronger than a women in general, Not every domestic violence case is the same I've observed a few where I didn't jump in because I could see as some noted it was not wise since both party seem to be a involved. But it becomes physical and the male gender is clearly just plainly has a advantage and just plainly beating the day light out of the women there is a human limit in all of us.

The nonsense that a Farang will get his ass beat by ten other Thais is a stupid generalization this is not the same situation some of you think that where you got into a fight with another Thai and ten taxi guys jump in personally some of you guys been watching too much Youtube in my opinion. Not every Thai man is a wife beater and not every Thai is so low that they enjoy a another Thai man beating his wife.

If you saw a Farang beating his Farang wife would opinions be different or would you think ten farangs would jump in to kick your ass?

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Unless you have a deep knowledge of their culture, language and mentality and/or the skills and tact to diffuse the situation, stay well clear I say…. these Thai girls often get revenge themselves, knives, scissors, appendages thrown to the ducks or put in the blender ...( Thai joke )…… I am often aghast at the amount of violence shown on the Thai soap operas and one has to wonder if they are affecting behaviour within Thai society more than they are reflecting behaviour within Thai society.

Edited by lemonjelly
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The only public violence I have witnessed genre was 2 women going at each other like demons. I saw a Thai guy who tried to intervene end up on his back from a kick in the balls. Would all you who advocate jumping in on a guy who is beating a woman also jump in just as quickly on a tomboy beating her girlfriend? Or a woman attacking a man? (And why is it that when I mention that I have been set on by different women with knives 3 times during my life that many men assume I must have done something to deserve it? Is it really ok for women to be violent but not men?)

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The only public violence I have witnessed genre was 2 women going at each other like demons. I saw a Thai guy who tried to intervene end up on his back from a kick in the balls. Would all you who advocate jumping in on a guy who is beating a woman also jump in just as quickly on a tomboy beating her girlfriend? Or a woman attacking a man? (And why is it that when I mention that I have been set on by different women with knives 3 times during my life that many men assume I must have done something to deserve it? Is it really ok for women to be violent but not men?)

Its possibly the ridiculous PC bull crap that we have from our western world that allows women to be perceived as angels and its only guys who are violent.

Also if comparisons were of say the guy being a lion and the woman poking that lion with a sharp pointed stick then who is the party at fault if the lion attacks the woman.

A classic here in NZ here at the moment is the case of an older woman (teacher/pupil relationship) forcing her way with underage boy, and the boy saying he felt afraid as she was the person with the power. (A classic reverse for the feminist pushed rapist power position that us men only are guilty of). Anyhow under NZ law a woman cannot be charged with rape. So just how PC bull crap loaded is the western world?

As for the original question. Yes I would intervene if some guy or woman of any nationality was beating the crap out of a defensive person. But that would be on the basis of one's constant assessment of the scene being witnessed and the best means of intervention. Why is it that western tough guys can only think of going in with more brute force than the assailant rather than considering all the other options that are available.

Interesting observation here from being around a lot of thai falang relationships here and the interaction also with my immediate family. If something in your hood warranted reporting to the police (ie some gunshots from the next block, a massive brawl in the street etc) then I will call the cops as part of my intent of an overall safe community in the hood. Yet all the Thai's here I know think I am stupid and should keep my nose out of others business. I can see part of the base problem with Thailand in that most Thai's do not have community care in their agenda, or are afraid to become involved at the prevention level, and then accept the corruption and lawlessness that they are constantly abused by.

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Were not here or talking about saving the world! All this nonsense about begging children and such. Why not bring in the abuse of dogs and cats too while you are at it. In all due respect we are talking specifically about a man, who is stronger than a women in general, Not every domestic violence case is the same I've observed a few where I didn't jump in because I could see as some noted it was not wise since both party seem to be a involved. But it becomes physical and the male gender is clearly just plainly has a advantage and just plainly beating the day light out of the women there is a human limit in all of us.

The nonsense that a Farang will get his ass beat by ten other Thais is a stupid generalization this is not the same situation some of you think that where you got into a fight with another Thai and ten taxi guys jump in personally some of you guys been watching too much Youtube in my opinion. Not every Thai man is a wife beater and not every Thai is so low that they enjoy a another Thai man beating his wife.

If you saw a Farang beating his Farang wife would opinions be different or would you think ten farangs would jump in to kick your ass?

In my country yes I would be fairly confident that the majority of onlookers would feel the same disgust for wife-beating as I do, and I would feel confident to intervene.

In Thailand I do not feel the same - I feel in the minority, an outsider, and to pretend to be a big hero here is just asking for trouble in so many ways. However, I am in awe of the cyber Rambos here on the anonymous forum. The cyber=testosterone fills the air. They are my heros

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Were not here or talking about saving the world! All this nonsense about begging children and such. Why not bring in the abuse of dogs and cats too while you are at it. In all due respect we are talking specifically about a man, who is stronger than a women in general, Not every domestic violence case is the same I've observed a few where I didn't jump in because I could see as some noted it was not wise since both party seem to be a involved. But it becomes physical and the male gender is clearly just plainly has a advantage and just plainly beating the day light out of the women there is a human limit in all of us.

The nonsense that a Farang will get his ass beat by ten other Thais is a stupid generalization this is not the same situation some of you think that where you got into a fight with another Thai and ten taxi guys jump in personally some of you guys been watching too much Youtube in my opinion. Not every Thai man is a wife beater and not every Thai is so low that they enjoy a another Thai man beating his wife.

If you saw a Farang beating his Farang wife would opinions be different or would you think ten farangs would jump in to kick your ass?

In my country yes I would be fairly confident that the majority of onlookers would feel the same disgust for wife-beating as I do, and I would feel confident to intervene.

In Thailand I do not feel the same - I feel in the minority, an outsider, and to pretend to be a big hero here is just asking for trouble in so many ways. However, I am in awe of the cyber Rambos here on the anonymous forum. The cyber=testosterone fills the air. They are my heros

I'm not here preaching to anyone because they don't step in they are a "cowards" look at my post, I've not citicized anyone who decides not to intervene but what I've have done on cyberspace is tell people as to what I have experience and how I have reacted here in Thailand. In my story it was more personal and that is why I stepped in even when the guy had a butcher knife in his hand. I really had no choice in the matter but as noted being in Thailand or anywhere I'm no Rambo just to be a hero and intervening because that is the right thing to do. This are times one is put in a situation that you can access the situation and there are time you just got to react.

The double standand that bothers me are people on cyberspace using lines like " cyber Rambo " and such like we are hiding behind the Internet? It works both way it take two to have a transmission and not once have poster like myself use the word " Cyber Coward " to individual who don't step in. I've not criticized anyone who decides not to intervene it is your own choice to or not to? So when you start to call other names because you don't agree with another poster choice maybe you should look in the mirror because I didn't address you as a coward nor am I calling you a cyber coward! I respect your choice and you should do the same because I don't consider myself a hero!

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