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Thai diplomat will be treated fairly on assault accusation: Thai Foreign Minister


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Lets see what the story is , before we all go of at different tangents, these embassy staff at times have to deal with some difficult people and bitchy lawyers are the same as everyone else on a bad day.Posted Image

Am I naive in assuming that Diplomats, especially senior ones, are meant to handle people matters without knocking 7 bells out of them?
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The interesting bit for me is:


"We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened," said Mr Surapong.

After the clarification process is done, he said, the foreign minister spokesman will inform the public of the investigation result and will distribute information online.


Presumably clarification won't take long, it's the dressing it up which takes the time. Assuming (rather rashly) that what the Egyptian authorities and the Thai media are told is the same, there ought to be little scope for 'creativity'.

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Ashraf is demanding that the secretary be subjected to a drug test as well as a psychological evaluation. Her actions on Thursday were insane and unbelievable, Ashraf said.

A Thai diplomat in Egypt alleged to assault an Egyptian woman at a Cairo hotel acted in self-defence, Thai Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman Jakkrit Srivali said Monday.

We know enough. whistling.gif

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Lets see what the story is , before we all go of at different tangents, these embassy staff at times have to deal with some difficult people and bitchy lawyers are the same as everyone else on a bad day.coffee1.gif

Anybody with wide experience in dealing with Thai embassies around the world will recognize your difficult bitchy comments as applying to embassy staff doing visa applicants the esteemed generosity, favor, permission, of letting them grovel for an opportunity to visit LOS.

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First Secretary of the Embassy of Thailand in Cairo. Can cause bodily harm. Including verbal abuse against Rana Al-old Egyptian woman's attorney. As a result, the young lawyer Egyptologists have bruised eyes. Injury to the head. Has scratches all over the body. It has deep scars from being bitten on the arm of at least 4 points.

Translated from a Thai News Report


This is how its being discussed in Thailand -sic-


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For those that missed the original topic on this affair, reading this topic may answer some questions:

Thai diplomat accused of assault acted in self-defence: Foreign Ministry

Ah but. There has been a formal complaint made to police in Cairo, and the hotel admits there was a scuffle.

So the woman in Cairo has a busy bar full of people as witnesses, and probably hotel camera footage.

Presumably, she has been let go because there is an understanding between the Thai embassy and the Egyptian authorities that she will be dealt with accordingly.

If they try to deny it and cover it up and turn it into self defence, the news and social media is going to light up and the Thai side of the story will be rubbished and there will be a bit of a diplomatic problem.

She is screwed either way now, even if she didn't do anything.

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The key word in this story is diplomat. This Thai diplomat is sure to lose her job. As diplomats are required to maintain the highest standards of conduct. Even the fact that an accusation has been leveled has discraced the Ministry.

Repeat after me...

Must save face.

Must save face.

Must save face.

Nuf said.

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Wondering if she is innocent. Why she took the next flight back to Thailand instead of fighting for her right.

Wondering if she is innocent. Why she took the next flight back to Thailand instead of fighting for her right.

Wondering if she is innocent. Why she took the next flight back to Thailand instead of fighting for her right.

Perhaps if they dig deeper into WHY this fiasco took place, then maybe it was considered prudent to do a runner. I'm sure there is more to the story than the Thai getting offended by something the other woman said.

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Wondering if she is innocent. Why she took the next flight back to Thailand instead of fighting for her right.

It is a decision that is made for her, she will have no choice. Safety is one reason and to remove the embarrassment is another. She will have been ordered to go "pack your bags you are going to the airport in 2 hrs", then she can be debriefed in Thailand and the appropriate spin put on it.

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Likely the diplomat has the job because of connections therefore being terminated is an unlikely scenario. Transferred somewhere or perhaps her skills could be used to motivate non paying jet ski damage renters to pay?

If the story is true she may very wel have an alcohol problem because normal people (social drinkers) usually do not get into fights even if they "overdue it"

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It may have been the translation, or the love of buzz words here but as soon as the story broke the Thai Embassy in Cairo said they would investigate and " summon " all concerned for interview including the Egyptian couple discreetly ignoring the fact they have no authority in Egypt and the couple would be stupid to attend. If the woman is a lawyer she will know enough to leave it to her Foreign Ministry and not get involved with the Thai Embassy personally. I wouldn't put it past the Thai Foreign Ministry to spin any refusal to be interviewed as something suspicious about the story.

The diplomat was sent home immediately which is often standard procedure although the Thais did slip in the fact it was also for her own safety ! This will be dealt with government to government and I would doubt if the public will hear much if anything of this again and unless the Egyptians make a real song and dance. I also doubt much, if any, action will be taken against the diplomat other than care over any future overseas posting.

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"We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened".


It's kind of hard to believe that, after more than a week, her superiors have not yet managed to get her side of the story. She's their employee for crying out loud!


More likely they did debrief her and it caused them to believe that she's indeed a liability. Diplomats are usually only recalled at short notice when they are clearly implicated in a crime or scandal, or when there is widespread public reaction in the host country which might affect bilateral relations.

....they betray their bias already...2 or more witnesses...against the apparently heavily intoxicated (or other) perpetrator....so they are deemed 1-sided...




Cairo calling Bangkok, Cairo calling Bangkok:


"We have a problem"


"What happened"


"We have absolutely no idea what happened, but we need to send a diplomat home."




"Not telling, but she needs to come home"




"Someone said she did something terrible on facebook."


"Did you bother to get her side of the story?"




"ok, mai bpen arai, ruin her reputation and send her home"



Huh???????  We haven't heard her side of the story, but we have decided to remove her anyway, without allowing her any right to defend herself privately against the accusation.  God, I am glad I don't work for the Thai government.....  Do these people lie about everything?

Yes, yes they do.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Diplomat will be treated fairly on assault accusation: Foreign Minister

Fairness the Thai way:

- "I'm rich, I'm above the law"

- "You're poor, you're SCUM, and therefore you belong to prison or will even get shot dead in extreme special cases"

- "You are Falang aka foreigner, so you don't understand. So gimme money, have a nice day..,"

Bye bye...

Edited by MaxLee
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