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The Scarlet Pimpernel


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This is my last post. TVF has some great info and topics but the low % of f#^kwits make its credibility suffer. If you ever make a physical violent threat to another member, get banned for it, create a new account and continue the threats be aware. if you demand a phone number, don't do so unless your toughness is prepared to leave yours. If you demand an address, also don't do it unless your prepared to leave yours. If you make claims of stalking someone to find out where they live or drink for the sole purpose of claiming you will beat someones head in until there hands bleed consider the following.

1. Every email or message you send can be saved. Whilst the Thai Police may not seek justice, they will always seek a profit.

2. Not every person including farang in this country are incapable, submissive, a drunk or not been involved in activities that most would best steer clear of.

3. The Mafia, MC clubs and afflliiates, Thai community justice and ting tong people exist here for a reason. Simply because they can flourish and people make ties with them.

4. No matter how great a fighter you claim to be, never bring your fists to a gun fight or never expect yourself not to be glassed or shanked. Boxing ring rules don't apply here.

5. Western legal protection and processes are not transferable into Thailand. Corruption exists here. Don't be naive.

6. If you can't accept insults are words without threatening people, grow up, deal with it by building a bridge and simply don't be so bloody predictable.

7. Some people here are hardened so don't ever wake a sleeping bear. The bears anger won't be fooled by someone else's big mouth.

8. People die here. Its a reality.


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Throw away that bong and the funny weed boy ,and watch less of those james bond movies there only fiction you know young man.

And if you want to post back read a book called the damage done by waren fellows .

Its about a guy who did 12 years in the bangkok hilton for smuggling heroin and its a scary read .

Edited by Kudel
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Throw away that bong and the funny weed boy ,and watch less of those james bond movies there only fiction you know young man.

And if you want to post back read a book called the damage done by waren fellows .

Its about a guy who did 12 years in the bangkok hilton for smuggling heroin and its a scary read .

I read it 10 years ago. He tells of a tail of bugs in a mans ear after hearing him scream endlessly in a cell and a piece on Neddy Smith wanting him to grab a gun from a glove box so his fingerprints would be on the handle etc. I liked this forum once but being threatened with violence because I reported someone for "telling me to be careful or his 4 year winning fight streak would include me" is a joke No James bond or wacky weed pal. Just feed up. I've had a hardened life. This is a reality. Warrants, jail, capsicum spray, GBH with AVO breaches, resisting arrest etc. Some just don't realise that some of us have been there before. It's nothing to be proud of but there is always someone who wants a shot at the so called title. Cheers

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Just guys comparing the size of their dicks again.

I thought this topic was about that delightful old tale about the Scarlet Pimpernel...

They seek him here, they seek him there. The Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Is he in hell? The dammed elusive Pimpernel.

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mate, this site is full of wank_ers that think with their d*cks. They are tough and full of sh*t because you cant hit them when they hide behind a computer, in real life they are bloody pussies. One thing I have learnt in my life is that most of the crap these idiots write is simply in their own heads, in here they can be "well off", be sex machines, the local toughs, real men and gods gift to women. Get them in the street and they are simply gutter crawlers, old drunken sex starved "wanna be's", If you are threatened by any of these wank_ers then I suggest you go pay them a visit because they are full of sh*t and will probably run a mile to get away from you. They need to act tough or rich etc because they have very small d*cks, that said I personally laugh at most of the people in here, good sense of humour, the occasional good advice and help, you just have to allow for the idiots, like family you dont get a chance to pick them. If the mods are allowing threatening behaviour in here then they need a rev as well, this is supposed to be a friendly forum, not some defacto "do what I say or else" site, besides a few baht in the right pocket and the idiot will be taken care of, after all, this is Thailand whistling.gif

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For us who have been out on the streets, know it is not a good idea to threaten other's with bodily harm because no matter what a great fighter you are (or think you are) You will sooner more than later find someone that is a better fighter than you.


Edited by kikoman
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mate, this site is full of wank_ers that think with their d*cks. They are tough and full of sh*t because you cant hit them when they hide behind a computer, in real life they are bloody pussies. One thing I have learnt in my life is that most of the crap these idiots write is simply in their own heads, in here they can be "well off", be sex machines, the local toughs, real men and gods gift to women. Get them in the street and they are simply gutter crawlers, old drunken sex starved "wanna be's", If you are threatened by any of these wank_ers then I suggest you go pay them a visit because they are full of sh*t and will probably run a mile to get away from you. They need to act tough or rich etc because they have very small d*cks, that said I personally laugh at most of the people in here, good sense of humour, the occasional good advice and help, you just have to allow for the idiots, like family you dont get a chance to pick them. If the mods are allowing threatening behaviour in here then they need a rev as well, this is supposed to be a friendly forum, not some defacto "do what I say or else" site, besides a few baht in the right pocket and the idiot will be taken care of, after all, this is Thailand whistling.gif

Why anyone would act tough here is beyond me, i hate violence too easy to get into trouble even if you win you might go to jail if you hurt the other party too much. Better just not to fight (unless you have to defend yourself but that is rare).

But your post advocating to look up people is as crazy as those <deleted> being tough as now you are acting touch doing just that what you dont like.

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For us who have been out on the streets, know it is not a good idea to threaten other's with bodily harm because no matter what a great fighter you are (or think you are) You will sooner more than later find one that is better than you.


Not to mention if you are a great fighter and you hit someone and he falls and hits his head and dies or gets disabled your in trouble too. Fights are a risky business and best avoided. Before you know it knives get involved or whatever.

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