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What's your fav 7-11 meal

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kappao gai!

Every so often 7-11 gets in something really good, they have it for so long then stop selling it, one example is the sausage and egg roll. Nearly all their sandwiches have cheese, and I do not like cheese. The same with their ice lollies, they used to have great ones, but they soon take them away.

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kappao gai!

Every so often 7-11 gets in something really good, they have it for so long then stop selling it, one example is the sausage and egg roll. Nearly all their sandwiches have cheese, and I do not like cheese. The same with their ice lollies, they used to have great ones, but they soon take them away.

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7-11 has food?

Chang Classic. Beer is food.smile.png

That is the only reason I go to a 7-11. I do not think I have ever bought anything edible there. Nothing against 7-11, they serve a purpose, but I would not dream of buying food there. Or at a gas station, fast food joint, or airport. Life is too short......

It is because life is too short that people partake of food from 7-11. A quick snack and then off for cultural fulfillment at the local museum of life.

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I like the wonton shrimp soup also I have me a 7/11 card you charge it like a phone card so when you buy something you use the card, so if it is 105 baht your not scratching around for 5 baht. Also you get points with every purchase that accumulate & also can be used to purchase goods. You never get short changed as you are not handing over cash only the card, good for some people that have complained onTV before about wrong change from a 1000B note.

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I like the wonton shrimp soup also I have me a 7/11 card you charge it like a phone card so when you buy something you use the card, so if it is 105 baht your not scratching around for 5 baht. Also you get points with every purchase that accumulate & also can be used to purchase goods. You never get short changed as you are not handing over cash only the card, good for some people that have complained onTV before about wrong change from a 1000B note.

Where I eat, I don't have to scratch around for 5 Baht. Any change is tip, problem solved:-)

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Those frozen meals in 7/11 are rank rottenbah.gif They have a terrible taste about them and don't even come close to tasting as good as the food you can buy in small Thai restaurants.

The fact it's a franchise has a lot to do with the poor quality. Too many fingers in the pie to expect good food at the low price they charge to make the meals saleable

Been looking for these pies with the fingers in, but can't seem to find any!....Are they so popular that they are constantly sold out?......Do they include the fingernails?.....How many fingers per pie?.......If i ask the staff to help, will they give me a hand, or just palm me off? (sorry if this is a bit near the knuckle)rolleyes.gif

Your English is awful. Do you have to make a fist of everything?

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7-11 has food?

No it doesn't!!! All it has is highly processed and junk food with so many chemical additives that it should be re-labelled as a chemical supplier rather than a food outlet!!

The only consumable item it has is the bottled water and even that would be better if it was in glass bottles rather than plastic with all of those oestrogenic plasticisers like BPA contained in the plastic.

People should make their own food from scratch and not be so darned lazy and swallow these heart attack, stroke, liver and kidney destroying portions of crap otherwise you will end up like Americans, or worse than that, like Mexicans!!

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I have occasionally enjoyed the solow pau (SP!?) steamed bun from there. Fills a quick need. Of course it does not compare with a fresh one from a street vendor, but those guys aren't always around.

Re: Chang Beer. It is sold at a premium price in the USA, stocked along with other "upscale" International brands at supermarkets. Usually side by side with Singha, in the large glass bottles. I suppose it's similar to the Fosters phenomenon. Sold at a premium in America, considered low end in Oz?

Sorry for deviating from the topic, our beloved Seven-Eleven. I love them.

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Im ashamed to admit but I rather enjoy the fish fillet burgers

AVA15, I would also be ashamed to admit that! Perhaps the "15" attached to your T.V. name may be a clue as to your age thus the only reason why one would try 7/11 burgers (please don't call them "burgers")

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Why anyone would actually consume food from a 7/11 outlet is beyond me when you consider the options that are available. There are a myriad of low priced vendor stalls serving delicious meals made with local produce abundant in pesticides and incectiside residue, wonderful local grown friuts containing chemical stabilizers and artificial colorants, fried bannana with enhanced crispyness from disolved plasctic bottles and all this coupled with a standard of street hygene and spotless eating utensils, second to none.

Yes life is short indeed..

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Why anyone would actually consume food from a 7/11 outlet is beyond me when you consider the options that are available. There are a myriad of low priced vendor stalls serving delicious meals made with local produce abundant in pesticides and incectiside residue, wonderful local grown friuts containing chemical stabilizers and artificial colorants, fried bannana with enhanced crispyness from disolved plasctic bottles and all this coupled with a standard of street hygene and spotless eating utensils, second to none.

Yes life is short indeed..

Oh, and the stuff at 7/11 is healthier/better/tastier?

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Lays and a bottle of Sangsom consumed outside on the conxrete bench along with ten Marlboro.

Breakfast of champions!

Note: This only applies before 8am.

Used to have this exact breakfast from 7-11 most mornings on Petchaburi Rd in Bangkok 15 years ago.

Well before 8am.

Small world.

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"Hot Dogs w/Bun and all the fixings"

I always get the shits when I eat them (havent had a hotdog for quite a while now).... Must have something to do with all the bacteria that is allowed to fester on them during the day (or day before) ... coffee1.gif

Edited by thhMan
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I have me a 7/11 card you charge it like a phone card so when you buy something you use the card, so if it is 105 baht your not scratching around for 5 baht. Also you get points with every purchase that accumulate & also can be used to purchase goods. You never get short changed as you are not handing over cash only the card, good for some people that have complained onTV before about wrong change from a 1000B note.

great idea....very convenient. Do I buy the card(and Load) from the cashier? We do this at the Tesco fast food courts....that card is good for a month.

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