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I Love Sitting Down In Sheer-Green High-waisted Hotpants W/Panties In Thai Cafes

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I was earlier out to lunch

At one of our cheap local beaneries earlier this afternoon, and I sat down by myself next to four girls who were eating some of that hot green soup with coconut and pork.

But one of them only looked like a girl. And I think they may all 3 have been coeds over to have something between their two

study sessions.

Three of them were just so-so, but the third had on a pair of those very high waisted, and VERY short skirts, the kind you once saw really fine jazz dancers wear, in All That Jazz, when they were practicing and they did not need to pass any Broadway censorship laws during the 1950's.

So there I am just shoveling in the Thai food, I think I ordered that PatKrapCow, and my eyes sort of take in this girl, She had that hair-piled-on-top-of her-head Thai look, and you could see the nape of her neck, the nucha, which I do like. But I prefer that when Asian girls pile on the hair on top, they somehow also secure it with one Chopstick that sticks out the side, the way I have always seen it done back home where I come from.

And this high-waisted girl without the Chopstick had some book on her lap, and this meant I could not tell if this very sheer green garment might be a fantastically short skirt, or if it was some shorts, like dancers wear.

There is nothing more frustrating in this world than sitting trying to finish a meal by yourself, and a petite nubile thing sitting inches away, and not being able to tell if she is wearing a skirt or shorts. I was going to ask her if she would not mind if I just borrowed her book while she finished her meal so I could practice my Thai, but I did not know enough Thai, or I would not have been bashful about it.

My meal now finished and the cow gone, these girls are finally getting up to go, and I saw right away that she had shorts like I will show you in a minute. But before I do I just want to ask you these questions:

1. When you see these very short shorts and when they are sitting down, and you know they might be those micro-skirts of the 1960s, if you are really lucky, what goes through your mind?

2, Do you try to reposition your seat at your table so that if this girl really is wearing one of those micro-skirts, then you can go home at night and be diverted for a few hours just lost in thought, while your wife washes dishes?

It is a real tough life being here in Thailand....

When the girl at the next table is wearing green roller derby shorts.


But I digress.

I forgot to tell you about the sheerness of her fabric.

As these girls left, I opened a can of coke, and I watched them go down the street.

And I noticed she had saved the best for last.

Does something like this often happen to spoil your meal too?

Edited by Lite Beer
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O.C.H. Your whimsical posts are always worth a read.

You seem to spend a lot of time alone pondering life

here in L.O.S. The other day asking how to get yourself

a "squeeze". Today, wondering if some young Thai chic

is wearing a mini-skirt. You seem slightly obsessed with

Thai females (are'nt we all) they are everywhere.

Get hooked up with one, it's easy. Bye the way

where do girls wear chopsticks in their hair, in the U.S.A.?

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O.C.H. Your whimsical posts are always worth a read.

You seem to spend a lot of time alone pondering life

here in L.O.S. The other day asking how to get yourself

a "squeeze". Today, wondering if some young Thai chic

is wearing a mini-skirt. You seem slightly obsessed with

Thai females (are'nt we all) they are everywhere.

Get hooked up with one, it's easy. Bye the way

where do girls wear chopsticks in their hair, in the U.S.A.?

Yes, I do ponder our existence. Do not we all?

But thank you for noticing. I have been told by some that my comments are usually frivolous, and I cannot argue too much with this assessment.

To answer your question: If you pay as much attention to women as I, because I adore them, you will see that in China almost all the girls will pin up their hair using a chopstick when they are in a hurry. Or the ones I like do that. Also they do this in Taiwan where I come from.

I think that anywhere there are women and chopsticks you will find that they know how to do this. The hair thing I mean. It looks pretty wonderful when they do. And so you can see this in the UK or in America, if the women are Asian.

In Thailand most people eat with a spoon and a fork.

But I have not seen too many girls in Thailand walking around with forks in their hair.

Maybe they should start,

Though I doubt the forks would seem as sexy to me as a red and black lacquered chopstick.

Man do I miss those Chinese girls,

When I am not having lunch beside the Thai girls.

Thank you for your comment here, by the way.

It is far too early though to say bye.

(And I just noticed, after re-examination following your comment, the girl with the gray shorts above seems to have vericose veins. So she cannot be like the Thai girl I saw today.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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O.C.H. Your whimsical posts are always worth a read.

You seem to spend a lot of time alone pondering life

here in L.O.S. The other day asking how to get yourself

a "squeeze". Today, wondering if some young Thai chic

is wearing a mini-skirt. You seem slightly obsessed with

Thai females (are'nt we all) they are everywhere.

Get hooked up with one, it's easy. Bye the way

where do girls wear chopsticks in their hair, in the U.S.A.?

Your wish is my command sir.

You asked to see a chopstick in the hair,

Like the ones I love, and which I mentioned above in the Topic description,

And so you shall. But you must believe.:


As you will notice, this is just the average young Asian girl who demonstrates this hair style for us.

I really do not know why you have not seen this hairstyle before which I see all over Asia.

But at least I am glad that you have seen it now.

Every woman and girl knows how to quickly put her hair up in a jiffy with a chopstick.

Chopsticks are very versatile and not only for eating.

I will see if I can find a few other photos which may show you what this hairstyle would look like on a college coed in a restaurant.

I believe it is a true thing of beauty.

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Here is how the chopstick hair style begins.

This brings back memories of my sitting on the edge of a bed watching my girlfriend get ready to go out to the kitchen

To make us some warmed up dumplings

And a few drumsticks with fried rice.

I almost can't look for the ache in my heart.

Too much beauty.


Now you know why I love Asian girls

With or without the micro-skirts.

It is the Asian Female Form,

Something In The Way She Moves

The Color Of Her Hair

Like No Other.

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I really think that OxfordWill knows quite a bit

About the Asian culture and Asian women, too

I have read some of his comments which I agree with.

No doubt he loves Thai food and guessing about short-shorts and skirt lengths.

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This one is the most beautiful I can find.

And I think I will stop with this.

Now you know all you need to know.

Now it may be time for you to try some first hand experience.

If you are a foreign woman, then you can try with the chopstick and the hair.

If you are a foreign man, you can try with the removal of the chopstick in the hair.

You know the old song,

And her hair came undone

When I was twenty-one?

It did for me.

I have not stopped loving Asian girls in skirts and shorts and chopticks

Ever since.

I just love em.

Like Asian food for me,

Only better.

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So dear readers,

Now it is your turn.

Please answer the questions I posed above

Give us your thoughts.

And be respectful

I love Asian women.

And love means respect.

It is not funny when you do not feel and show respect for the Asian women we find in Asia.

Pretty GD dumb, too.

If you wish to enjoy your time while you are in Asia.

Thank you.

Maybe you have learned something.

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I hope you find a nice companion soon, perhaps something a little more than a squeeze.

In the meantime, do consider seeking help regarding your fantasies before they get out of hand wink.png

Sometimes, it is only our fantasies which we have to sustain us.

Besides, it is not really so much my fantasies that I was writing about.

I was writing about our fantasies.

But of course you must have known that.

Since you have been on TVF for a while.

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OCH you make a good read to help pass away time while I sit thousands of KM's away from the land & people I have loved since the first time I visited.

Work is work and Thailand is Thailand even with its faults I just loving going there and one day God willing I hope to retire permanitely. Its getting harder and harder to leave each time to head back to work but to read articles like these on TVC and SKYPE family in Thiland helps.

Beause I know one day I will be able to take to the key board and push the boundies of life and times in LOS.

So roll on 21 Aug next R&R till I touch base again with this land and its beauties.

So gents all of you, thanks for the good read and keep it up ha.

Kind regards


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OCH you make a good read to help pass away time while I sit thousands of KM's away from the land & people I have loved since the first time I visited.

Work is work and Thailand is Thailand even with its faults I just loving going there and one day God willing I hope to retire permanitely. Its getting harder and harder to leave each time to head back to work but to read articles like these on TVC and SKYPE family in Thiland helps.

Beause I know one day I will be able to take to the key board and push the boundies of life and times in LOS.

So roll on 21 Aug next R&R till I touch base again with this land and its beauties.

So gents all of you, thanks for the good read and keep it up ha.

Kind regards


Please do come back soon, soon as you can and your work schedule permits.

I would have come here to Chiang Mai far sooner if I had only known how much better I would like it than BKK where I used to go in the past. This place is unbelievably beautiful and the climate is fantastic --- both warm and moist.

I do not think I have ever been so distracted eating my lunch as I am in these beaneries sometimes.

Very glad to know that you have a family here you deeply care about, because then you will not sit in so much torment during meal times.

I forgot to really flesh out what I was telling you when I finished my Topic description, and was just about to explain about these girls walking down the road, and the new sheerness of the short-short high waisted fashion that the young college coeds are wearing these days in the heat of the night and day in Chiang Mai.

I was saying that the new fashion is so sheer, and I really think the garment industry must employ some new technology to create fabric which is as wispy as that translucent "frozen smoke" gel they use to cover the space shuttle which ablates as it gets hotter.

See you soon in Chiang Mai, I hope.

Good luck, and ya'll come back, now.


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To O.C.H. Thank you for the illustrations of the various attractions of the beautiful asian girls that you so admire.

I am a great admirer also. I remember my first experience with an asian girl. In Tokyo, at the age of 16, I was on

a British tramp steamer discharging coal. I met a girl named Fujiko, who also had long black glossy hair.

As I sat drinking a cold bottle of Sapporo, She came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush holding up her hair.

And for over 50 yrs. have been an observer and admirer of asian beauty and femininity. Regards. J.D.

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i hate posters who use misleading headlines just to get a click

Well, I had actually thought that the thread was about the crossdressing adventures of a guy :) Not that there is anything wrong with that; I do it sometimes; but don't go for anything TOO bold :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

To O.C.H. Thank you for the illustrations of the various attractions of the beautiful asian girls that you so admire.

I am a great admirer also. I remember my first experience with an asian girl. In Tokyo, at the age of 16, I was on

a British tramp steamer discharging coal. I met a girl named Fujiko, who also had long black glossy hair.

As I sat drinking a cold bottle of Sapporo, She came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush holding up her hair.

And for over 50 yrs. have been an observer and admirer of asian beauty and femininity. Regards. J.D.

Hi JohnDodd,

I was 18, and in Yokohama. I was on MSTS Contract, doing it for the fun of it between a few school semesters. The names of the girls, I do not recall.

Tokyo-Yokohama then was so much different than it is today. That was before much of the high-rise buildings went up.

You could still buy traditional street food and soba from vendors that made their own.

I would give almost anything to go back.

I really think that time when I was 18, newly arrived in Asia, changed my life.

I have never been the same since, for sure.

I have no personal regrets about anything Asia related.

I just wish I might have been able to live in three or four Asian countries at the same time.

The women, I do love. Just as I do love the culture. You can't separate the two.

I know that you and I probably shared many of the same experiences.

And it is a shame that some, here, could not learn what we have learned about Asian culture, then and now.

I may not know much, but I do know enough.

And you are right, I should have been here at age 16, not 18, I missed out on 2 good years of experiences I would have brought with me to where I am today.

Now, I am lucky to be in Thailand. The gods have granted me one last go at going native. I am picking up the lingo as fast as I can. Most of what I see is beautiful. Hanging out with other farang is not high on my list of priorities. And I am more interested in study than anything else. I would like to be able to speak Thai, and know much more about Thai history and culture. Not being able to speak Thai is a major impediment barring access to much of the Thai culture I could otherwise experience and share.

Some of those Mormon missionaries I used to see in Taiwan could pick up Taiwanese plus Mandarin within about 8 months or so. What they achieved was not perfect fluency, but it was impressive. Now I wonder if it might take me two years to match what they they did in less than one.

Or, anything is possible, even intensive Thai language study, when one is too old to be chasing hot pants all day long.

I think.

Thanks for your post.

It was interesting to read and brought back some memories.

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To O.C.H. Thank you for the illustrations of the various attractions of the beautiful asian girls that you so admire.

I am a great admirer also. I remember my first experience with an asian girl. In Tokyo, at the age of 16, I was on

a British tramp steamer discharging coal. I met a girl named Fujiko, who also had long black glossy hair.

As I sat drinking a cold bottle of Sapporo, She came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush holding up her hair.

And for over 50 yrs. have been an observer and admirer of asian beauty and femininity. Regards. J.D.

Hi JohnDodd,

I was 18, and in Yokohama. I was on MSTS Contract, doing it for the fun of it between a few school semesters. The names of the girls, I do not recall.

Tokyo-Yokohama then was so much different than it is today. That was before much of the high-rise buildings went up.

You could still buy traditional street food and soba from vendors that made their own.

I would give almost anything to go back.

I really think that time when I was 18, newly arrived in Asia, changed my life.

I have never been the same since, for sure.

I have no personal regrets about anything Asia related.

I just wish I might have been able to live in three or four Asian countries at the same time.

The women, I do love. Just as I do love the culture. You can't separate the two.

I know that you and I probably shared many of the same experiences.

And it is a shame that some, here, could not learn what we have learned about Asian culture, then and now.

I may not know much, but I do know enough.

And you are right, I should have been here at age 16, not 18, I missed out on 2 good years of experiences I would have brought with me to where I am today.

Now, I am lucky to be in Thailand. The gods have granted me one last go at going native. I am picking up the lingo as fast as I can. Most of what I see is beautiful. Hanging out with other farang is not high on my list of priorities. And I am more interested in study than anything else. I would like to be able to speak Thai, and know much more about Thai history and culture. Not being able to speak Thai is a major impediment barring access to much of the Thai culture I could otherwise experience and share.

Some of those Mormon missionaries I used to see in Taiwan could pick up Taiwanese plus Mandarin within about 8 months or so. What they achieved was not perfect fluency, but it was impressive. Now I wonder if it might take me two years to match what they they did in less than one.

Or, anything is possible, even intensive Thai language study, when one is too old to be chasing hot pants all day long.

I think.

Thanks for your post.

It was interesting to read and brought back some memories.

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Hi OCH, I understand what you say exactly about the impression that Asia has on the young mind. I feel the same as you regarding the magnificent beauty,

and elegance of Asian women, although I have passed the sexual aspect, every day here in Mahasarakarm I see girls whose physical beauty almost overwhelms my eye. I also understand your statement about going native. I plough my own rice fields, help to harvest same, and love cutting sugar cane, The village I live

has no farang, and I only ever speak Thai, although the local dialect is Lao, I can understand the gist. From your posts that I always read, I understand that

you very much like LOS, and your cast of mind is generally wasted on most TV members. But I hope you keep on posting your very thought provoking words.

B, Regards. JD

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Hi OCH, I understand what you say exactly about the impression that Asia has on the young mind. I feel the same as you regarding the magnificent beauty,

and elegance of Asian women, although I have passed the sexual aspect, every day here in Mahasarakarm I see girls whose physical beauty almost overwhelms my eye. I also understand your statement about going native. I plough my own rice fields, help to harvest same, and love cutting sugar cane, The village I live

has no farang, and I only ever speak Thai, although the local dialect is Lao, I can understand the gist. From your posts that I always read, I understand that

you very much like LOS, and your cast of mind is generally wasted on most TV members. But I hope you keep on posting your very thought provoking words.

B, Regards. JD

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