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Christian can get discounts of 10% on medicine and everything in Owerbrooke hospital.

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Uasch all this christian shit is coming here and just create a mess amongst the Buddists..... People playing

missionairies and spreading their posion.

Medicin is cheapest to buy at the pharmacia and absoluteley expensiest at the hospitals....


Dual/biased pricing is unattractive no matter how it's explained away. I didn't even like 'senior discounts' when I was in the US. Most of the seniors where I resided, were 30 times richer than younger folks. As for religion biases: I've called myself Buddhist for the past 40 years, but now am leaning to no religious belief systems or myths. It's refreshing and liberating (for me, anyway).

as for Overbrook: I just unloaded a load of money there in February - for serious injuries. No one presented me with that option to save 10%. I would have simply lied and said, "sure I'm a Christian. I'll say I'm an amphibian or a Canadian, or a Philistine or a duck billed platypus, if it gets me a discount."

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Think glegolo was referring to the missionaries Brian which, have for some time here and continue to do so worldwide, spread their poison!

Will you please post this excellent and revealing documentary on the Chiang Mai forum. I think the more people that see it the better and maybe it will help Thailand be rid of this scourge.

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  • 4 months later...

At the risk of resurrecting a dead thread (see what I did there chaps - Christian imagery - good eh), Little Miss JAG has been complaining of tummy ache. Best Beloved having been told by local hospital in Wiang Chiang Rung to take her to Chiang Rai, took her to Overbrook. From arrival, at 7pm on Saturday evening to having her appendix out took 3 hours! Overbrook even found an English speaking doctor to reassure anxious Papa over the telephone that she would be fine!

I have to confess I'm impressed - compared to the NHS in the Uk, even if i don't get a discount because I am a Papist!

Now of course I have to decide what to buy her for being brave when I arrive in the New Year. She is rather keen on a Samsung Galaxy - but she is not getting one of them, not at 8 years old!!


My mate's 5 year old has an iPad JAG so your argument may be a little flimsy there.

Good to here that LMJ is recovering well and the compliments of the season to you all.

  • Like 1
My mate's 5 year old has an iPad JAG so your argument may be a little flimsy there.

Good to here that LMJ is recovering well and the compliments of the season to you all.

My 5 & 3 year olds both have Galaxy Tab 3's each. Impressed to say the least when my 3 year old goes to YouTube to find movies from basic picture menus. Get them into tech as soon as possible :)


From my experience Overbrook is a big rip off. How these fools can decide that the largest Christian faith in the world does not qualify under their 10% discount rule is nothing short of amazing. The hospital is not very clean and way over priced. Not a lot different than Sriburin. Have you ever been to either of these hospitals when they did not load you down with expensive pills you already have at home

How would they know what pills you have at home unless you told them? If you told them what you had at home and then let them "load you down" with the expensive pills, that's very stupid on your part. You should know what medication you take and what you have at home and say no to buying more if not needed. You're obviously lacking in personal responsibility.


Uasch all this christian shit is coming here and just create a mess amongst the Buddists..... People playing

missionairies and spreading their posion.

Medicin is cheapest to buy at the pharmacia and absoluteley expensiest at the hospitals....


This have nothing to do about spreading poison-but about a hospital founded by a christian person who made this rule - 10% of for christians.

Thats all-and have nothing to do whit poison or goats or what ever you are babling about.

I actually think it's kind of wrong. There are Jewish and Catholic hospitals in the USA, open to all of course, and no discounts for Jews and Catholics. People would find discounts like that based on religion really offensive.

Thinking about this from another angle, supposing a secular hospital offered discounts to all who could document their non-religiosity. Imagine the uproar!

You may very well think it's wrong...so what. There are Baptists hospitals in the USA that don't give discounts to Baptists or anyone else, but according to the OP this one does(if it's Baptist). It's their hospital and they have the right to give a discount whether it meets your approval or not. Some middle-class and rich people might be offended by poorer people getting dicounted or free treatment. Hell, most likely they're even paying for it through their bill being higher, a subsidy, or a tax break.to the hospital.

Do you find an establishment giving ladies free entrance offensive? Or a restaurants giving children free meals or senior citizens a discounts offensive? How about a gay club not letting straight couples in? If so, you're just going to have to go around being offended.

Maybe I'm offended that you're offended--guess we'll both just have to deal with it.

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Funny to see what a simple information can do...why cant people who find it usefull use it and those who cant-move on and find what is interresting to you.

Maby some will find it even more wrong when I now tell that we actually get 20% off.

Have a good day and take care.


After living for in Thailand for 30 years in 9 different provinces. I have always sorted out the over the counter medicines from the private hospitals. I learned a long time ago that they load you up with pills unless you refuse. 95% of my hospital visits are to the government hospitals. The person who keeps referring to me as irresponsible should take a look in the mirror. It takes one to know one.


Again...how would they know what you or anyone else has at home? If a person doesn't want or need it they should refuse it and not going around whining about it and blaming the hospital. Maybe one day you'll learn that.

No it doesn't take one to know one. That may apply to some things at times, but in this case it took one that is not one to recognize one.

  • 2 weeks later...

Will you two children stop quarrelling.

When my maid's young boy was ill he was referred to the Overbrook by our local hospital. The treatment was amazing and the hospital waived the bill completely.

P.S. They are not Christians.

  • 2 weeks later...

Funny to see what a simple information can do...why cant people who find it usefull use it and those who cant-move on and find what is interresting to you.

Maby some will find it even more wrong when I now tell that we actually get 20% off.

Have a good day and take care.

I have a biz where the following show up:

Americans, Canadians, Guatemalans, Thai, hill tribers, Koreans, Russians, Icelanders, Aussies, S.Africans, Namibians, Malaysians, Croatians, Muslims (from at least 5 countries), Christians (from about 9 different sects), raw foodists, Hindus, lacto-vegans, A US marine who eats pig fat for breakfast, a man who has fasted for 16 days, non-deists, heroin addicts, Rastafarians, at least 3 types of Buddhists, Zimbabweans, an Emmy award winner, Japanese, Chinese, refugees, illegals, ....and others.

....should I adjust the rates accordingly?

As you can see, adjusting rates for those who claim to be a certain brand of Christians is silly, at best. BTW, Baptist preachers from the US are the most successful and most active at enticing Hill Tribers via their carrot and stick approach ('accept Jesus and your life will be enriched. Deny Jesus and you will burn in the fires of hell') - so over 90% of hill tribers embrace a Baptist-style Christianity.

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