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My buddy who was recently married in thai just told me after getting off the phone to a migration agent here in oz that he is not required to be at the interview for his wifes spouse visa app in thailand.He said if they want to speak to him he can go to the embassy in oz or they will ring him on the phone if there is anything they wish to ask.i did not know this was how it was done,i thought they had to submit together but maybe thats just with the fiancee visa app...


Only the applicant needs to be interviewed however, if the applicants' partner also attends on the day, they can opt to be present, and to take part in the interview.

Keep in mind that the applicant (usually a Thai female from a poor background) is reliant upon her partners' income and good standing as an Australian citizen, to achieve the objective of having her spouse visa application approved.

The written application needs to be as strong as possible. It is wise for both partners to state their respective cases in separate covering letters, which are then attached to the application.

This may of may not be enough in the eyes of the case officer. If the case officer has any doubts, such doubts will be explored during the interview. Therefore, it could be an advantage for both parties to be present at the interview.

The embassy is under no obligation to contact the Australian partner via telephone. If matters in the application are not up to scratch, the case officer may reject the application. End of story.

If bringing your Thai partner to Australia as a permanent resident is important, then it may be in your best interests to arrange your time so that you can be in attendence at the interview.

It's your decision. If you decide not to attend and the application is rejected, you will be left wondering 'What if......' :o


The Embassy recognises that the Oz Partner can not always be present for the interviews and will contact them if confirmation or further info is required, usually by mail rather than by phone. There can be some advantage to the Oz partner being there in that any queries can be answered on the spot, thereby avoiding any delays.

MM, I disagree that it is about income and the Oz partners good standing for the application to succeed....it is about whether or not the Applicant has a genuine and on going relationship with the Oz partner. That is the keystone to the application being accepted or rejected. Having a strong written application and supporting evidence is very important and may result in the interview being a lot easier for the applicant.

Being there for the interview may be of supportive value to the applicant and assist in clearing up any queries the CO may have but that is about all the advantage it has. The Oz partner being there for the interview or not will have little effect on the overall result of the application.

Hutch...there is no difference in the process for the fiance visa and the spouse visa...neither application requires the Oz partner to be present at the interview.

There is a course that can be undertaken in Bangkok that teaches the Thai partners how to conduct themselves in the interview process. This doesnt guarantee a successful interview but can give the applicant a bit of confidence in handling the interview situation. Will try and find out more about this later.

MM, I disagree that it is about income and the Oz partners good standing for the application to succeed....it is about whether or not the Applicant has a genuine and on going relationship with the Oz partner. That is the keystone to the application being accepted or rejected. Having a strong written application and supporting evidence is very important and may result in the interview being a lot easier for the applicant.

I have a mate who is a TPI pensioner. As you would know, TPI pensioner rates are quite high, but his pension income was the stumbling block in having the application approved.

The genuineness of the relationship between himself and his Thai wife was not in question.

To supplement his TPI pension, he also had rental income from one of the properties he owns.

Immigration insisted that he obtain a written personal guarantee of financial support (if needed) before they would further consider the spouse visa application.

As a sponsor of an applicant, you must meet certain financial requirements.

The Partner Migration Book states: "Your partner must sponsor you and any dependants in the application. As the sponsor, your partner must give a written undertaking to provide support for you during your first 2 years in Australia if you apply outside Australia or the 2 years following grant of your visa if you apply in Australia, including accommodation and financial assistance as required to meet you and your family's reasonable living needs."

Graham, you may read that differently to me, but I look at it as a requirement of having sufficient regular income to meet financial commitments.

Financial aspects are also part of the proofs considered to establish the genuine and continuing nature of the relationship.

Further, this guarantee of financial support is required for a tourist visa if the applicant cannot independently provide their own.

There is no written specifics requiring the sponsor to be of good character, (only the applicant.) but you will never convince me that Immigration don't conduct their own checks on the sponsors through their network of government agency computer records.

For example, if I was a noted tax dodger, child molestor, bank robber etc. or had convictions for illegally operating a brothel, do you think that a spouse visa application showing me as sponsor would be approved?

With regard to the interview, the Partner Migration Book states: "If you are invited to attend the interview, you must attend on the date and time agreed with DIMIA. If you do not, DIMIA can process your application and make a decision on the basis of the information it already has."

As I stated in my previous post, the choice is yours.

It's my view that to give the application the maximum chance of success, you both should attend.

If nothing else, it allows the case officer to see and to form her own opinion on the genuineness of the relationship.

In my case, I attended with my g/f and I was asked a number of questions. My answers were recorded in writing by the case officer on our file.



While your ability to support financially is important it is not the most important factor of the application. That is why the AoS maybe requested for Applications where the financial aspect is not as strong. A person may meet the financial requirements but can still be refused if the genuine and on going criteria is not met.

Regards a sponsors interview....the booklet states only that you need to provide documentation and information to support your claims....and you maybe required to answer personal questions at interview...

If the DIMA called you in for an interview, then you must attend at the required place and time...this is not the same as being present at the Embassy for an interview with the applicant.

The OP was talking about being in Thailand for the interview with the applicant. That was the point I was answering.

If you are called into the DIMA in Oz for an interview and didnt attend, you can kiss the visa goodbye

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