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Clip shows 3-year-old forced to drink toilet cleaner: Chonburi


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Clip shows 3-year-old forced to drink toilet cleaner
The Nation

CHONBURI: -- A girl student, 10, reportedly forced a three-year-old kindergarten girl to drink toilet cleaner at a Chon Buri School after the younger student failed to pay her a "protection fee", a video clip on YouTube has revealed.

The clip first appeared on the Internet on Thursday - also the victim's birthday.

"I've asked the school to check recordings from its closed-circuit television system. From the clip, it's clear what happened," a relative of the victim said yesterday.

Following the incident, the victim was hospitalised. "After I watched the clip, I felt so sad. I never imagined that such terrible things could happen to my child at the school. I used to think that my girl would be safe there because teachers would take care of her," the girl's father lamented.

He said had the toilet cleaner been a widely available chemical product on the market, his daughter might already be dead. "Fortunately, the school makes its own toilet cleaner and it's not very acidic," the father said.

He vowed to take action against his daughter's abuser.

According to an informed source, the alleged abuser is 10. Her friends helped keep watch after the victim was taken to the restroom area.

The video clip showed that she slapped the victim in the face several times before forcing the younger girl to drink the toilet cleaner.

"The school should also take responsibility," the victim's father said.

-- The Nation 2013-08-03

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I don't know much about Thai law but at age 10 what can be done ?

She needs to be sorted out somehow because a protection racket at 10, what does she move into next?

As a side issue it seems to me there's a lot of dodging responsibility. Many years ago a very experienced primary school teacher in a rural area told me she was appalled at a PTA type of meeting she had attended where the school blamed the parents for problems and vice versa.

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A 10 year old "extortionist." These Thais, they are something else. No need to worry about products for cleaning in schools and universities in Thailand. a majority of institutions water down all products, and one in particular, has water private label, but it is tap water. So the cleaner the young unfortunate victim was forced to drink because she didn't pay "protection" money, was probably well watered down.

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I applaud your intentions. What odds?

What about the rest of their gang. I am so tired of reading about things like this in Thailand.

Whilst I too am tired of reading about this type of action, it is just symptomatic of the global society we live in. I remember nigh on twenty years ago the James Bulger murder in the UK. Far worse and as i've stated symptomatic of a wider breakdown of society. Not a uniquely Thai or youth problem - adults do far worse to kids - as the life sentences for the parents of f Danial Pelka who starved, tortured, battered and ultimately murdered this 4 year old boy in the UK

Yes, bad stuff happens everywhere. The reaction of society, it's ability to try to solve these problems and change, and try to protect society at large are the difference.

What odds these kids end up back in school together next week? Kids who torture other kids desperately need help. What system is there to help these kids and protect society at large in Thailand?

Have you ever met a Thai psychiatrist? Me neither......

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I applaud your intentions. What odds?

What about the rest of their gang. I am so tired of reading about things like this in Thailand.

Whilst I too am tired of reading about this type of action, it is just symptomatic of the global society we live in. I remember nigh on twenty years ago the James Bulger murder in the UK. Far worse and as i've stated symptomatic of a wider breakdown of society. Not a uniquely Thai or youth problem - adults do far worse to kids - as the life sentences for the parents of f Danial Pelka who starved, tortured, battered and ultimately murdered this 4 year old boy in the UK

Yes, bad stuff happens everywhere. The reaction of society, it's ability to try to solve these problems and change, and try to protect society at large are the difference.

What odds these kids end up back in school together next week? Kids who torture other kids desperately need help. What system is there to help these kids and protect society at large in Thailand?

Have you ever met a Thai psychiatrist? Me neither......

Primary school kids everywhere to not have access to the nursery during school times, toddlers and the very young are strictly supervised by teachers and staff. Nope it doesn't happen everywhere during school hours.

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She probably learned these tricks from the older class mates, and when they moved on to other schools, it was her turn to be the extortionist. Its too easy to blame the parents, although they are responsible for part of the child's behavior. Peer pressure is often very great.

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What on earth are 10 yr olds doing mixing with the nursery (Kindergarten) kids? The 10 yr olds shouldn't even have access to the toddlers and very young. Shows a complete lack of duty of care by teachers and the school. You have this story and other stories of kindergarten children being beaten up by primary school kids who have access to them, one still fighting for his life in hospital and stories of toddlers being left in vans. The system is in urgent need of a review to protect the very young.

You just beat me to that chooka. Aside from the terrible consequences of this assault, why were 10 year olds allowed access to 3 year olds unsupervised? In this instance you cannot tell me that the school are not partially responsible for what happened.

The other scary thing about this entire incident is that the clip was a/ recorded, and b/ uploaded to the internet by, apparently 10 year old kids.

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What on earth are 10 yr olds doing mixing with the nursery (Kindergarten) kids? The 10 yr olds shouldn't even have access to the toddlers and very young. Shows a complete lack of duty of care by teachers and the school. You have this story and other stories of kindergarten children being beaten up by primary school kids who have access to them, one still fighting for his life in hospital and stories of toddlers being left in vans. The system is in urgent need of a review to protect the very young.

i agree, but its not only the very young that need protecting in thailand

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Wake up Thailand, you haven't learnt from the first incident months back. Put the parents in prison and make if very public..

I hope for the sake of all teachers this never happens near me, because you best put on your bullet proof skives.

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Lord Of The Flies stuff.......

Once again it's not a Thai only issue, there are deranged children walking the planet all over the place.

That 10 year old will need to be assessed to see if she's actually psychotic, and in as much as we all would like to think that all kids are sweetness and light, some do show psychotic tendencies at a young age.

As for the three year old, hopefully young enough to forget, and naturally we all hope she makes a full recovery.

I applaud your intentions. What odds?

What about the rest of their gang. I am so tired of reading about things like this in Thailand.

Read Laos news then.

Yes this is a horrible thing to have happen. How ever it omits the fact that many parents use schools as baby sitters and teach their children nothing of ethics fair play or kindness. They leave that up to the schools who have teachers ill prepared for teaching knowledge much less the right way to live to honer others.


It just occur to me that isn't three years old a little young for kindergarten and what would a three year old be doing with money?

They have it on tape but the whole thing seems surreal. A school with a camera monitoring system making their own week solution toilet bowel cleaner. Also no complaints until a u tube video.

Are the Thai schools becoming like many American ones with armed guards and in some places armed teachers?

Edited by hellodolly
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