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What About The Russians In Thailand?


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I have a lot of experience with Russians. For the first time I been in Thailand with one of my associates one evening we were looking for a good disco. We talked with a Bristish guy and he adviced us to visit some place on Sukhumvit - "The best place for go-go and naughty Russian strippers..." We were amazed - if the Thailand is also having Russian invasion? It turned out that in Bangkok and Pataya are a lot of russian girls and a lot of russian guys with thick necks, tattoos and heavily neck-chained.

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What the heck you talking about? All the "BKK Russian" girls they are from Uzbekistan and more shit holes...They never performed in any gogo bar,however were presented in MP's some time ago before all the Taksin shit.Guys with thick neck etc? I only saw drunk,ugly dressed Russian tourists in Pattaya,that's all.Wake up.

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While working at a hotel in Phuket, I came into contact with various Eastern European girls as they staid with clients at our hotel and got to know them on a friend basis.

Most of the girls are not russians although a few are russians but most are Bulgarian, Ukranian etc. Most of their clients are Arabs who love Russian (or Ukranian, whatever!) woman. I have heard some very bad stories from them regarding Russian pimps in Pattaya who take their documents and all money abd they are forced to live virtual prisoners. They are even passed between one pimp and the other. They also use a lot of violence to keep the girls listening to them. One of the girls showed us her back one day and it was full of cigaret brun scars

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The most disgusting individuals in Thailand are Serbs. As Serbia is a poor country, the Serb tourists are the 'nouveau riche' of the said country.

They come to Bangkok and Pattaya and abuse and display outrageous deportment.

They are easily recognisable:

1. They are ugly and mutant looking.

2. They chain-smoke Serb cigarettes (these are so cheap in their home country they bring them with them).

3. They abuse bar staff/ restaurant staff in an evil way.

4. Men and women both carry small leather wallets, in which they keep small-change to pay all bills exactly. (They never tip).

5. They spit out phlegm on to the floor of any establishment.

6. They steal all hotel fittings (towels, light bulbs, etc.) I am not making this up: ask any decent hotel in Bangkok/Pattaya which nationality they bar.

7. Most Serb men and women carry S.T.D.'s (See W.H.O. website).

8. Although these above observations and facts appear harsh, they are both true and accurate. Yes, I am sure there are good Serb tourists, but in the majority they are pure scum.

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I am not ditinguishing between Russian, Uzbek, Serb or other Slavic-speaking people - in Pattaya there is a definite Mafia element, and their main source of income seems to be prostitution - as mentioned above - directed at the Arab community.

However there are also a lot of genuine tourists, who are also giving their culture a bad reputation. Go into any of the Pizza Hut / Sizzler type of restaurant which serve free salad with the meal and you will find them packed out with East European tourists (families, groups, not villains) who go roud the salad bars half a dozen times or more. The staff are either constantly filling the serving trays (Sizzlers) or leaving them empty (Pizza Hut). No one else gets any decent salad.

On the streets these same groups occupy the whole pavement, forcing others into the road. They hog the vendor stalls, arguing over prices and then buy nothing. They are really making life in Pattaya uncomfortable for others, with money.

But what is the attitude of this board - are you condemning them because the are not Euro-US descended, supporting them as the type of tourist Toxin wants to get rid of, or praising them because at least they are - to a man - anti-muslim?

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But what is the attitude of this board - are you condemning them because the are not Euro-US descended, supporting them as the type of tourist Toxin wants to get rid of, or praising them because at least they are - to a man - anti-muslim?

:o Guys, this forum really seems to be some kind of Anglo-Saxon /excluding a few Thai members/. However - I am not Russian or Serb. I was interested because Russians are really too much - they do not have any problem to buy property, to start business etc. Me - I had problems starting busienss in Thailand and I was wondering is it because I am not British/American - at least - even not Russian. I have been visiting and live in a lot of countries, I had company in South Africa, but such atitude with me is for the first time.

However. Some people posted here almost rasist statements and I will remark few tings:

1. Both Russians and Serbs /I mean - most of them!/ who visit Thailand have money to buy and sell all this forum.

2. They /Russians+Serbs/ behave themselfs really arrogantly.

3. Have you ever seen Slavic people taking home 12-13 years old girl or boy? On my observations that is mostly Anglo-Saxon patent /or EC patent?/.

4. What about the strange Englsih speaking faces after midnight on Soi Cowboy or around Nana Hotel?

5. In this forum I read also a lot of stuff about Thais - they always want to get all the farang money, they are ignorant, insolent /do not make me to quote!/. I want to live in Thailand - it is not my home country and I do not think that my oppinion about Thais and Thailand is so important. I could save it and I could not judge them. It seems that some people here like only and mostly themselves...

However - isn't that fun - I am 1,86 tall, speak almost like Russian and look as Arabian! May be that's making me all the problems... :D

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Marto: My experience with Arab tourists in Thailand is not good.

They (The men) treat men and women Thai sex workers very badly as a whole.

Many Arabs are banned from Go-Go's as a result, they grope, curse, get drunk and disorderly and behave like animals.

Years of living in strict Arab countries, have left them bereft of self-control. When they come to the Kingdom of Thailand it is too much of a shock to their system, they can buy sex cheaply and show little respect for local culture. The Arab 'quarter' of Pattaya can be very unpleasant late at night.

Saudi Arabian nationals are banned from tourism to the Philippines due to their terrible behaviour towards male and female sex workers.

As regards Russian/Eastern European tourists to Thailand, they are the 'nouveau riche' and display their arrogance as would an English thug who suddenly won the lottery, most of their so called 'wealth' has come by directly raping their own countries coffers. The owner of Chelsea football club, a Russian billionaire burns money on extravagance whilst his fellow countrymen starve and imbibe vodka.

It is not at all racist to mention these facts, there are many well behaved Indians who visit Thailand and the Pakistani community in Pattaya remain an outstanding example of good behaviour, getting involved in local charity work etc.

Not all Arab/Russian/E.European tourists in Thailand are bad, but sadly most are of little human worth.

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Although I made some points about the mob and their employee's, I do feel that the talk about Eastern Europeans is a bit negative.

I am half Czech myself and although raised in Western Europe, I have spend a few years in Prague. Package deals to Thailand are very cheap here and you can get a 2 week holiday including flight and hotel (mostly to Pattaya) for around 22k THB a person which is rather cheap. Many friends of mine can afford this (Many eastern european countries will be joining EU in a few months and salaries are not bad anymore) and go there with their partners or family. I am sure that there are also guys going there by themselves for the famous sights. Tipping might not be high but they are not used to tipping in their countries as unlike in the USA, waiters get a good salary and are not dependant on tips.

I dont like the Russian mob or Serb or whatever but I would rather see some nice Eastern European folks who are probably on their first holiday in a tropical destination like Thailand rather than seeing some fat germans on the beach molesting little boys!!

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Ohh why me so stupid to aswer to the first post? Now every member vomit away his "unpleasant" observation of coming tourists. Guys...Pattaya is garbage,and tourist with money not coming there normally,they are flying to Phuket,playing golf in Laguna Phuket,and staying in Banyan tree for 2500$/night.Pattaya is for cheap charlies(cheap food,accomodation and girls/boys).Rusian mafia is Pattaya? Do me a favour..How much money can they make from 20-30 "so called Russians" girls that working there in Walking street/Marine2/Boom club? They will not waste time on such a peanuts,why bothering to come to Thailand if they can sell girls in US,UK or Germany(and they do). Bottom line: Russian tourists in Thailand has attitude problems,due to unstopabble drinking habbits,lack of "international experience",mentality etc. However Pattaya it's a bad example for spotting Russian tourists cause they are mobe,cheap charlies,comming with charters on very low priced packages etc.Dont judge all by few.

About sources of my information: I speak Russian fluently,more than that I spent month in Pattaya recently,so I know WHO are visitors there.

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Message to 1. Papa D.

Mr Papa D, I am no racist, I am a critic.

By the sounds of your 'handle' or 'alias' you sound as if you might be a lupine- gaited, simian, RAP artist, RAP being an acronym for 'Retard Attempting Poetry'.

Most RAP music being a blend of lyrical hatred towards women, gays or fellow men. Gold-Toothed RAP artists, (Gold tooth frontal surgery, being the display plummage of the slums), belt out their noise pollution, whilst driving BMW's with blacked-out windows.

Mr Papa D. Get a life.

Doi Thong: Pattaya is not all garbage, there are areas you might want to avoid, but there is enough in Pattaya to satisfy any family or tourist. Not all Pattaya residents are 'cheap charlies', I breakfast most mornings at the Royal Cliff, it is not 'cheap'!

Doi Thong, if you speak Russian fluently, I am a duck - egg. ::

Mnye, Loobyu, Pol!

If you can translate that now, I believe you.

W.Steer. 25/2/04

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Doi Thong, if you speak Russian fluently, I am a duck - egg. ::

Mnye, Loobyu, Pol!

If you can translate that now, I believe you.

:D Made my statement about the ducks. And my favorite dog. Russian aint easy to speak it. I am Bulgarian - hate someone to identify me whit other Slavics. Remember - the computer you stay in front of - John Athanasoff. Yoghurt? We didn't invented the beer but it's better than Singha /do not speak about the Bud!!/... Chang isn't so bad :o

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Hmm let see:

Mnye- Мне -means to me,as "Dai mne"-Give it to me

Loobyu-should be Lyublyu- Люблю -I like/love,as "Ya lyublyu tebya"-I love you

Pol-Пол- two meanings,one is a "GENDER",another one is "FLOOR"(no storey),as "Pomoy pol"-Clean the floor.

So you a Duck man...:-)

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At the risk of being abused a tad, adn having said a note or two myself, and not wanting to stop it yet, Moved.

I am rather disgusted that you found this worthy of the Bear-Pit, however, I &&%$##^ and the Koreans &&$%#@@%^!. The ())__+_Y$@% like it in their +_(("?><#@ and those ><?":{})&$$ are even worse. You know what I mean? :o

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It might be controversial to say but, many Russian women here with either natural or bleached blonde hair, live on Soi Wongamat, North Naklua Road and entertain Arab men who love fair skin and blonde hair.

They charge 1900 baht for full sex, and 'extras' most of which they have to repay to their pimp.

In Pattaya, Russian girls are available.

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