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Problem with foul-mouthed Thai neighbour.


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"......long-time (5 years) live-in Thai girlfriend......"

And still your GF? How serious is your relationship?

Living this way creates a very low esteem for you and your GF in your society. Ever realised Thai Gossip?

People see your GF as your maid/bargirl/prostitute.

Maybe consider that the neighbours are right ?

Maybe she is a maid/bargirl/prostitute...... In a long distance relationship with one of her stupid farangs

Edited by balo
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Thai women know when to stand their ground.

Your gf just runs to you when the old lady badmouths her?

Is she a bar lady and by any chance a bad one as well?

What kind of comment is this? Sounds like you speak from bar-girl experience.

My advice is to make friends with all of your neighbours, get them on your side and eventually everyone in the soi will just see the old woman as a crazy old bat. Make her lose face but not through confrontation, just through the slow loss of reputation.

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I bet this neighbor is extremely jealous of your partner and just can't handle that she might be better off than herself. Sees you and her coming and going, looking happy and she is probably just insanely jealous using the family member in Immigration as a form of intimidation. Sad really, what a low life. If I was renting I would move, no need for that cr@p in your life.

I suppose those who have left the bar scene without having attained wealth or a rich husband could well have some bad feeling towards all those falangs in her past that used and abused her.

Like those currently in the game seem to have a dislike for the Thai BF that dumped them and left them to fend for the offspring alone.

Buy the TGF a new SUV!

Edited by jacko45k
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Pick your battles and select ones where the odds are in your favor and you can achieve your goals. This is a battle that's not worth fighting. Even if you score a few points it's a waste of time, effort and brain cells. There are few, if any tangible benefits to be gained. Unless you have compelling reasons otherwise...move.

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If she's elderly she will definitely be older generation superstitious - much more than the younger generation. Suggest to your GF that you are considering getting a Maw-Tam to come visit you to cast a spell and protect you from her evil spirit and bad mouth - or cast a spell on her for her bad manners and causing you disharmony.

Essentially, a Maw-Tam is a Medium but in their thinking it's close to a Witch Doctor/Voodoo type belief. The older ones really believe in that sort of superstitious stuff. There are some in Pattaya and your GF will know where to find one.

Get the GF to mention it to somebody reasonably distant that can tell somebody else, that can tell somebody else, that can mention it to the old lady that you're having a Maw-Tam come see you. I think you'll find that she'll develop lockjaw pretty quick.

If she doesn't shut up, actually get the Maw-Tam to come and see you - your neighbour will be scared to death. w00t.gif

Edit: Or if the above is a bit dark for you, go the entirely opposite way. Get a Monk to come and bless your house (common practice in Thailand). pre-brief the Monk on the neighbour and what she's doing. Make sure the neighbour is at home and sees the Monk arrive. Talk outside with him so the old lady hears him and if he's briefed properly and has a bit of common sense, he'll say something like she'll get her comeuppance in her next life and bad karma will visit her if she persists. She'll overhear, problem solved.

When in Rome and all that - consult a lawyer in Farangland, consult a Witch Doctor or a Monk in Thailand.

The two Thai options are a dam_n sight cheaper - 1,000 baht should see you right. coffee1.gif

This is the best advice - fight back with her own weapons...LOL

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Let her carry on. Next time she does it just laugh at her and pretend to video her with your phone. When she eventually realises she is just an object of ridicule she may stop. Although there are no guarantees with morons.

Alternatively hold a weekly BBQ party in your back garden for all the local ladyboys. Fill them with cheap booze and have loud Karaoke every week till 4am. She'll soon see the error of her ways.

Why go to all that expense? When the virago who used to live next door to me opened her cakehole and let go at 100 decibels, louder when she was pissed, I asked her politely to lower her volume. She told me to close my ears. Right then - war was declared.

Soon after I held a birthday party at my place; all the soi were invited three or four days beforehand so if they didn't want to come they could make other arrangements to ensure that they got a good nights sleep. She was invited as a bridge building exercise and I thought the thought of free booze would smooth things over. No dice and she rudely turned down the invitation. At 0200 in the morning and the party in fill swing (all my wife's relatives and work colleagues saw to that!) two cops arrived, it seems she had rung the local nick to complain. The music was provided by a Police Sergeant Major friend and as soon as the cops saw him, quickly accepted a couple of jars after telling Mrs. Motormouth to go home and that if she rang the police again they would arrest her.

The foghorn voice continued unabated on a daily basis until I hit on what proved to be the answer. Every time that she opened up a fresh assault on my senses I opened the windows facing her house and played at full blast a CD of the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Battalion, The Black Watch, before going out to do some shopping or go for a walk. Problem solved.

The immediate neighbourhood rejoiced when her gambling and other debts spiralled out of control and the vehicles that she had bought her offspring were snatched back and the bank repossessed the house. Her farang husband who worked in Saudi knew nothing of this until he returned on holiday to find that his life had been ruined and at the age of about 60 he didn't have a pot to piss in. This is a yet another sorry story from the Land of Smiles.

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As you describe your neighbour as elderly think of the consequences of what you plan to do. I think all the advice of shouting at her, scaring her to death or even slapping her around the face is clearly not the right way to deal with an old lady (would you deal with it this way at home?) Perhaps she is just bitter or maybe even a little senile, whatever the reason she is an old lady. Try and just smile, let it wash over you. Maybe you should try and make peace, cook her some food, run some errands or whatever it is. if she is a reasonable person she will come around, if not at this point you can just let is bounce off because you have done your best and just laugh it off as the bitter old lady next door. One of my old relatives went a bit senile in her 80's, she used to swear at me and once she even try to punch me in the face, not good but it really wasn't her fault and I certainly wouldn't have wanted anyone to "scare her to death".

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You have to play to the old ladies fears.

Just tell the old bitty that you are a voodoo witch doctor from Borneo and that you will cast an evil spell on her and all of her family unless she shuts her f'ing mouth.

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Does the OP live in a middle to upper class neighborhood? And does his girlfriend have the appearance of someone from the lower classes of Thai society?

Is there anything unsavory going on that the neighbors find offensive?

I am not making any assumptions, only asking the OP, how this state of affairs came about and possible reasons?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Slander is only Slander if it isn't true....

Regardless, this behaviour is terrible.

Record this neighbour verbally abusing your GF - Then threaten to put it on social media and embarrass the neighbour.

Or, just have your GF give her a piece of her own mind. Sometimes the bullying folk just need a firm response to encourage them to back down.

Then again ... she might just be the type of person to ring the immigration connection at the slightest provocation.

"Bit of a sticky wicket" I'd say. Whatever you do, do it carefully with much thought and ... Good Luck.

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"......long-time (5 years) live-in Thai girlfriend......"

And still your GF? How serious is your relationship?

Living this way creates a very low esteem for you and your GF in your society. Ever realised Thai Gossip?

People see your GF as your maid/bargirl/prostitute.

Do your GF and yourself a big favor first to call her your wife and act accordingly:

Command respect for both of you by marrying Thai Style with a party for family and neighbours. (Can confirm at Ampher)

If not yet have, some gold and a nice car will brighten your stars. Show that your wife is worth a lot to live with. She will love you for that.

Otherwise quit or move! (Move repeats the story.)

What? blink.png

I have 5 boys with three women in EU (1 EX GF 2 sons 13 years together) and TH (1 EX GF 1 son, 11 years together, 1 GF 2 sons, 11 years together)

no reason to marry! wink.png

Never one of my Thai GFs asked me serious about such a Buddha style party or a SIN SOD!

Now me getting older she asks for a real marriage, for the reason she qualifies for a pension from my home country. tongue.png

Never, at least to my ear, came any problem or wrong word, in my opinion!

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Thai female keeps upsetting my long-time (5 years) live-in Thai girlfriend by telling her to f*** off you bad bar lady

Does she know something from your GF?

Or is every Thai woman who has a Farang BF in her opinion a practicing Bar lady - prostitute?

You ever tried to reason with her, with a trusted translating person?

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Thai women know when to stand their ground.

Your gf just runs to you when the old lady badmouths her?

Is she a bar lady and by any chance a bad one as well?

the lady will have to bash the bitch! not you! if she does not have the guts to get in here face, then live with it! a thai on tahi is no big deal. but you are a different story!

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The OP still havnt confirm nor declined whether his teelak is a bar girl or not,

so it can also be that the neighbor dont approve of prostitutes/punters as neighbors.

Edited by poanoi
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To Ace of Pop, post #57,

My post #56 "has no bearing on Peanoi Post whatsoever", (whoever that is),as you say, indeed!

I referred to post #55 from poanoi.

Wat is wrong with your bearing?

Train your reading!

I have no intention to be your lawyer.

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The OP still havnt confirm nor declined whether his teelak is a bar girl or not,

so it can also be that the neighbor dont approve of prostitutes/punters as neighbors.

Poanoi, I have answered - Go look.

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I have a similar problem with a woman living across the road who irrationally hurls abuse at me most times when I leave my house or walk the dog in the soi. I am absolutely certain she is not in her full mind, and to respond to her insults logically and rationally only fuels her fire: my only response is a NO response. I have not spoken to her for two years now, and for her to have absolutely no reaction from me must very frustrating. I completely ignore her. I never speak, nor look at her, and if she chooses to insult me, I often bend down and chat to the dog, or play with an occasional cat.

I can’t honestly say things have improved, but I’m blowed if I’m to move house or enter into a slanging match with this harridan.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Rimmer
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