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Tourist Visa Run Out

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My daughter is in Surat Thani to extend her visa. But there was new year now so the office was closed. So now she have to pay penalty for one day without a visa.

Do someone know how much sha have to pay for the day without a visa?

Her father in Sweden

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My daughter is in Surat Thani to extend her visa. But there was new year now so the office was closed. So now she have to pay penalty for one day without a visa.

Do someone know how much sha have to pay for the day without a visa?

Her father in Sweden

I think the first day is free. :o

But if not it should be bt500 (per day)

totster :D

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Get her to write out 200 times "I will not overstay my visa".

The penalty for getting caught on overstay (even 1 day) is imprisonment until you can afford your airfare home whereupon you will be deported with a nice black mark in your passport. This has happened to a number of people recently (pulled off a visa run bus) and is a real possibility.

I'm not sure if immigration will give an extension against an expired stay, the young lady may be given 3 days to leave the country (she will be able to come straght back though).

Current fine for overstay if you give yourself up at immigration or an airport / border crossing is 500 Baht per day (one day is usually waived).

Consider what the penalty would be for a Thai overstaying their visa in Sweden, even if they get caught at the airport, it's sure to be more than 10 Euros per day.

It cannot be stressed too much 'don't overstay'.

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The overstay fine has gone up from 200 to 500 Baht per day, with a maximum of 20,000 Baht. See also section 81 of the Immigration Act.

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.

She should get an extension as soon as possible so that she does not overstay for too long.

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At a land office, you don't get that 1-day grace period.

tanum: I wouldn't worry unless your daughter is the rowdy type who might get picked up in a bar brawl :o

I was in this exact situation myself, but here in Bangkok with the Suan Phlu office. I called them up and they said yes, they were open on Saturday.

I arrived on Saturday, and they said they could only do tourist visa extensions, not the visa I had. I had to go back Monday (at which time my stamped expired). I explained the situation and they extended my original visa and didn't charge me for the overstay (or haul me to the monkey house).

If she's polite and presentable (thai's put a lot of importance on presentation) the only thing she'll have to pay is the 500 baht for the 1-day overstay.


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