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I want to know what is wrong with bowling in Chiang Mai? I believe that they stripped the lanes from Kad Suan Kao, the bowling alley on the northwest corner of the moat does not do a good business and maybe the other place near Nong Hoi is either struggling or out. Is it the format? Is it because they do not turn on the air conditioning? What is wrong with a fun party place where you and "the dude" can bowl, drink and have a good time.

See this link, http://www.bowlluckystrike.com/

They are doing well and maybe it is like a sport's bar. Is bowling an American thing? What is wrong with bowling?

Edited by theDukes
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Might be easier to take up petanque as all you need is a bit of open land. In fact Riverside Market would be an ideal place to play. I can see it all now - beautiful ladies with parasols strolling the lawns, aperitifs and amuse-bouche on a Sunday afternoon. Who needs a bowling alley.

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My wife (Thai) tells me the places tended to attract some rather undesirable types. She was worried in Australia when our daughter was invited to school mates (Primary School) Birthday functions at Bowling establishments. We went along to "ride shot-gun" but all was well supervised and the people were all quite decent.

Wife reckons, that is okay in Oz but still refuses to have anything to do with the places here.

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Might be easier to take up petanque as all you need is a bit of open land

Excellent idea. Setting up a League would incentivise teams to practise, compete regularly and keep the interest up. Having the games during "slower Happy Hour" times means win-win for all: players get the place all to themselves... restaurant can sell drinks+ snacks... everything is packed up in good time so that diners are not disturbed,

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II was at the KSK lanes a few months back they seemed to be doing good when I was there. I think one of the problems there is it is not well known and to be honest with you it took me a while to find it. I was just Looking but I noticed it was kind of hard to find the shoe rentals.

The one in the North West area inside the moat was closed down last time I went by it. I looked around and saw no sign of action I had heard they were remodeling. Maybe that was six months ago. A few months after they were supposed to have reopened.

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Maybe it`s just a fad thing?

At one time the game of squash used to be all the rage, and then followed by bowling and so on.

After a time these activities fall out of fashion and the interest dwindles?

Perhaps going down the gym and workouts are all the in thing now, but I don`t know for sure.

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I've been to a Lucky Strikes alley in the US (in Boston where we also play Candlepin Bowling) and though I don't expect that kind of caliber in CM, maybe BKK, recently I did take the kids bowling at Major Bowl Hit in the Market Village in Hua Hin. Pretty nice set-up there but only a few lanes and confusing pricing as the staff didn't understand the game so didn't understand the company's charging for by games where there is 10 frames per etc. They told us they charge by time, not the best situation as the pins some times had to be reset by hand and the staff were not to enthusiastic to do it, and it made the game hurried. Other customers were told and charged differently - TIT/LOL. There is also a Lawn Bowling Club in that town, kind of a lo-so country club, which is good fun with a group as they have food and drinks.

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I was at KSK about a month or so back. It seemed to be somewhat okay but the lanes have issues at times. I did notice they broke down and bought some new shoes. Hopefully new balls will be next. KSK holds numerous league nights so it's always best to call and see when it's a non league night or you won't be able to play.

I bowl frequently with some of my Thai friends who like to bowl. Years ago we used to bowl in Lamphun but that place closed down. I never did bowl at the one in Nong Hoi but my friends say it has closed.

Before KSK we always bowled at the one on the corner of the moat but they closed many months back stating they were going to remodel and this has yet to happen. We occasionally try to contact them but there is never a response.

I'm wondering if any of the new malls will have any bowling alleys?

While eating at the McDonalds there on the super hwy weeks ago I noticed some advertisement on the TV showing bowling alleys similar to Lucky Strike but the ads were in Thai and I can't read Thai so I have no idea if these was future CM or perhaps BKK.

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Maybe start a Tv league....im sure the thais would love to see all of us laptop commandos waltzing in there for a night

of rock n bowl.....yep thats right send over a couple of meat lover pizzas from the dukes and a pitcher of coors...

who wants onion rings?.....the cheese poppers were ok but somchai in the kitchen over cooks them and they explode!

btw my shoes are too tight---damn small thai shoes.....its pinching my toes---where my gold ball and <deleted> donnie....

the dude abides........wai2.gif

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Went to Buddy Bowl yesterday and it was ok but not good for kids. Didn't have shoes small enough for my 8 yr old and the lightest ball was a 8 (whatever that signifies) which was really suitable for a Western Female as the 10 yr old could just lift it never the less bowl it. Also didnt have the sides that came in down the alley to make it child friendly. For me ok, not a big bowler anyway, 120 bht for 3 games and some more for shoes (forgit in me old age). Equipment worked but lots of chipped balls etc. but hey, TIT and something to do to kill an hour for $5 with the boys.

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Went to Buddy Bowl yesterday and it was ok but not good for kids. Didn't have shoes small enough for my 8 yr old and the lightest ball was a 8 (whatever that signifies) which was really suitable for a Western Female as the 10 yr old could just lift it never the less bowl it. Also didnt have the sides that came in down the alley to make it child friendly. For me ok, not a big bowler anyway, 120 bht for 3 games and some more for shoes (forgit in me old age). Equipment worked but lots of chipped balls etc. but hey, TIT and something to do to kill an hour for $5 with the boys.

An earlier poster talked about bully bowl you mention Buddy Bowl and I know about the one at KSK are we all talking about the same lanes?

Side note Is it KSK or KSG. Help an old man out here will some one also do they have size 9 1/2 western size shoes?

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Was Donnie there?..He still owes me for the onion rings...<deleted> Donnie!!!!! The Dude abides......wai2.gif

Donnie Walberg and all the NKOTB (New Kids on the Block - duh) where there of course doing there regular things as the house band. But they all were wicked pissed that there was no candle pins, a little Beantown humor for you all.

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During the Vietnam War there were a number of bowling alleys catering to foreign soldiers in Thailand's northeast. Prostitutes hung around these bowling alleys because of the presence of these foreign soldiers and gambling was common, hence the reason for bowling alleys having a surly reputation in Thailand during that period of time. Once the war ended, these bowling alleys went into a state of decay, no more customers meant that the bowling alley owners couldn't buy spare parts and pay for the maintenance to keep these bowling alleys open. Therefore no respectable person would be seen at these decayed bowling alleys because they were drab and in extremely poor condition.

In the 1990's & early 2000's, bowling became a huge fad in Thailand. A new generation of young Thais didn't know about the bad reputation bowling alleys once had. The number of bowling alleys were few, so the market was ripe for a new generation of bowlers bowling at state of the art bowling alleys owned by large corporations who could afford the daily maintenance needed to get repeat customers. Thai movie stars and fashion models were often photographed at these clean and colourful bowling alleys, which helped to markedly improve the image of bowling amongst the hi-so's. Glow in the dark bowling also was a huge fad. Here's the website for Major Bowl (no bowling alley in Chiang Mai): http://www.majorbowlhit.com/

The popularity of bowling seems to come and go in waves. It's a huge fad for a few years and then it fades away as people move onto the next fad. We seem to be on the downside of the wave now.

I reckon that KSK and the bowling alley by the moat didn't put much money into the maintenance of their equipment, which may have been used equipment from another country to start with instead of using brand new equipment. It's a vicious cycle i.e. do people not go bowling anymore because the bowling alleys aren't well maintained or are the bowling alleys not well maintained because nobody visits them anymore?

That's all I have to say about that... wai2.gif

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Also went to Bully Bowl at KSK yesterday. Great fun. The usual occasional pause as the kit got stuck (happens every country I've played) and always someone friendly on hand to sort it -fast. Good choice of balls, plenty of shoes, and no queue-ing though some serious players there- looked like league practise maybe?

Strange its not advertised -even around the movie area, which i would have thought was a natural market for them.

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Another side note, while I don't want to side track the thread with a pizza pissing contest, I've never had them refuse me to bring up some Pizza company pizzas. Nice if you have the membership, call and order then in a few minutes go down and pick them up for the discounted price.

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Another side note, while I don't want to side track the thread with a pizza pissing contest, I've never had them refuse me to bring up some Pizza company pizzas. Nice if you have the membership, call and order then in a few minutes go down and pick them up for the discounted price.

No problem, it's assumed that all post's subtext is pizza oriented

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