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Employment History And Financial Position

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I hope that you will be able to clear up a certain amount of confusion I have with regard to these Issues.

Firstly with regard to my Wife's previous employment History,I don't think that we have a problem there,because my Wife worked for the same company for a period of about ten years and we have pay slips and Tax reciepts showing this is the case.My wife would also be able to obtain a letter from her previous employers stating that she work for them over this period of time.

With regard to her financial position,she does not have a financial position so to speak,as I have been supporting My wife Since we have been together.We lived together in Thailand for fourteen Months before i returned to the Uk,and the reason for my return,was to secure fulltime employment ,and a place here in the Uk for us both to live.

I will be returning to Thailand in August for us to lodge the Visa Application,and by that time will have been in Fulltime employment back here in the Uk for six months,wil have six Months Bank statements,and Tenancy Agreement.

This is where my confusion stems from,contianed in the Document (Diplomatic Service Procedures-Entry Clearance Volume 1-General Instruction sectio 9.7 it states [if the applicant and/or sponser has skills or qualifications which offer a reasonable chance of obtaining employment,or alreay has employment arranged,that should be sufficient to meet the maintenance reqirement without having to make further enquires]that so far is fine.

But then latter in the same section it states as follows.

[the following is a list which is not comprehensive,is intended as a giude to factors which may need to be considered when assessing means of maintenance:]

the applicants past and present employment;

the applicants educational qualifications and any other skills or qualifications which the applicant has that could be of assistance in getting started in the UK

the sponsors current or proposed employment

any plans the applicant has for employment in the Uk ect,ect.

I can understand that if we were going to apply fora fiance visa or visitors visa then this would be applicable,but we are going to apply for a SV.

Could you please clarify this for me

Kind regards

Richard :o

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As long as you can show that you can support and accommodate you both without recourse to public funds then this requirement is met. If you can do so from your income, then it matters not that your wife doesn't have any.

The DSPs are written as a guide for the ECOs and have to cover all eventualities. You don't.

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What the DSP's mean is that before refusing a settlement application on maintenance grounds, the visa officer has to take in to consideration both the sponsor's and applicant's chances of finding gainful employment in the UK. If you are already in a job then this won't be a consideration.


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As long as you can show that you can support and accommodate you both without recourse to public funds then this requirement is met. If you can do so from your income, then it matters not that your wife doesn't have any.

The DSPs are written as a guide for the ECOs and have to cover all eventualities. You don't.

Dear GU22 and Scoucer

Thanks for the very propmt replies,that has really put my mind at rest,i think I will be able to sleep tonight,and not spend the whole night like I did last night chewing things over in my mind.

Once again thanks for the advice


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As long as you can show that you can support and accommodate you both without recourse to public funds then this requirement is met. If you can do so from your income, then it matters not that your wife doesn't have any.

The DSPs are written as a guide for the ECOs and have to cover all eventualities. You don't.

Dear GU22

will we still have to supply my Wife's employment History with the Visa Application,as this is still not clear to me :o

Kind regards

Richard :D

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will we still have to supply my Wife's employment History with the Visa Application,as this is still not clear to me :o
If you were relying on her prospects of finding employment in the UK in order to satisfy the financial side of things then her past employment in Thailand would be relevant as it would go to showing her prospects of finding work in the UK quickly.

But as you yourself can satisfy them without the need for her to find work, then you don't need to include her c.v.

Hope this is clear.

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will we still have to supply my Wife's employment History with the Visa Application,as this is still not clear to me :o

If you were relying on her prospects of finding employment in the UK in order to satisfy the financial side of things then her past employment in Thailand would be relevant as it would go to showing her prospects of finding work in the UK quickly.

But as you yourself can satisfy them without the need for her to find work, then you don't need to include her c.v.

Hope this is clear.

Dear GU22

Thankyou for the reply,and yes that has made things clear for me now,once again Thankyou for all of your advice

Kind Regards


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