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Acupuncture in Pattaya for Frozen Shoulder Disorder ?


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Hey folks. I was just diagnosed at BPH with Frozen Shoulder Disorder. This is an extremely painful situation for me and is preventing me from doing every day duties. I have no medical insurance and of course being BPH the first thing the doctor said was I need surgery at 250,000 baht.

I have been researching the Internet and have seen that many people who get this use Acupuncture as a cure or at least a quick fix. Does any one know or can recommend a good one here in Pattaya please? Or if anyone here has had the same thing maybe you can recommend to me the best solution even just if it is a quick-fix in order to gain use of my Left arm again? I am an Insulin dependent Diabetic if that makes any difference.

I also saw that cortisone shots can help quite a bit to reduce swelling quickly but BPH says theirs start at 4000 baht per injection depending on what type they use. Does anyone know that actual name of that New Pattaya Hospital on soi


Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

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Thanks Naam but was yours to the point where you were in excruciating pain like me or was it just a mild case? Thanks for the link and I will try for sure however I still want to try some Physiotherapy and acupuncture.

I was just told about a place on Theppriset rd that does both so I will go there tomorrow.

Naam, mine has been like this since last Tuesday.I have pain killers but hate pills.

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the pain was terrible Gone. worst of all i had no idea what was happening and why. by coincidence i mentioned it to a friend when making a phone call and he gave me the exercise advice.

caveat: the exercise is quite painful too! but it's surely worth a try and grinding your teeth.

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the first thing the doctor said was I need surgery at 250,000 baht.

What he failed/forgot to mention to you is, the physio exercises you will need to do post surgery.

Been there done that, the Dr told me to go home and clean windows and do stretching exercises, he also mentioned recovery time post op can take up to 3 months.

After seeing him I did as mentioned and it cleared itself.

In the interim I also had, massages, acupuncture and the other one, sorrry cant remember its name, the one with suction cups that draws blood.

All a complete waste of time and money, it offered no more than temporary relief, but such was the pain it was worth it to me at the time.

The best form of exercise is swimming, stand upright with your arms at your side, now put your arm behind your back and see how far up you can put your hand, this gives an indication of how bad your injury is.

The first time I tried it I couldnt get the hand above my ass cheeks, as mentioned by Naam the pain was excruciating, it was so bad if I bumped my shoulder against a door frame or wall I was in agony.

My best advice, forget the op and get to see a physio for some exercises.

Good luck.

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Yes thanks for all the great replies. I made an appointment for tomorrow at the physiotherapist / Acupuncturist and will see how it goes.I know all about BPH trying to get the most money out of people as they can.

As Sirbrinkie said: The place on Theppraset rd is very reasonable. He said Physio would be around 5 - 700 baht and

and acupuncture around 1000 baht per session.

My pain comes in droves. Most of the time it is very bad but I don't have trouble if I bump my shoulder or anything like that. That sounds nasty.The pain "seems" like it is in-between my shoulder and elbow when it starts to hurt.

Great advice and link guys. I will keep you posted how it goes.

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I've had severe rotator cuff problems, I assume that is what you are referring to. This is a serious condition, I'm not sure acupuncture would help. For me, I had to severely modify my routine (no weightlifting involving the shoulder for up to a year). For the short term, what really helps is ice twice a day for 20 minutes, and the physical therapy. I had it so bad I could not comb my hair, and if I rolled over onto that side while sleeping, I would scream out in pain, and be woken up.

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Had frozen shoulders twice. First time underwent physiotherapy over several months until I stopped treatment because it showed little progress. The shoulder took a year to get better and during that time I had great difficulty in moving my arm beyond a limited range. Second time experienced it in the other shoulder. Three sessions of accupuncture over the course of a week fixed it completely. That convinced me that accupuncture works.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Hi Gone, I am also insulin dependant on an insulin pump. Have the same problem as you in my left shoulder. Forget doctors and acupuncture and injections.

I am now using a technique called Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Holding your body for self help for all ailments and wellbeing.

Man my pain is almost gone and the results are looking good as I am getting my mobility back, just by holding my fingers for a few minutes a day. Now all those who what to shoot me down, go for it. Gone, just try it and there is good online references to Jin Shin Jyutsu too. Alice Bermeister and google this sentence, Flows for Life. Get better soonest, I did in two weeks. Doctors here are only interrested in money. This may cost you the price of Alice's book ordered on amazon dot co dot uk.thumbsup.gif

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Doctors here are only interrested in money. This may cost you the price of Alice's book ordered on amazon dot co dot uk.thumbsup.gif

Yeah, but after they've performed surgery the shoulder could be much worse than it was before surgery. It's highly unprofessional to recommend surgery just after the onset of a problem. Surgery should be the very last option after all others have been explored... and there are many other options.

Forget "first do no harm" at hospitals here. "Show me the money" is the way they operate. (pun intended)

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Tropo is right. Surgery is always a 50/50 chance and dangerous. All other options should at least be made to you to chose first.

Anyways I went yesterday to the Physiotherapist on Thepriset rd as suggested and they were GREA. Very helpful and caring, spoke perfect English, Even had an exchange student from Finland (I think she was) and the price was ver cheap. For 700 baht they did the electro stimulation and ultrasound and then some one-on-one therapy after. Very good. I then Had the Acupuncturist who comes there on Tuesdays and Thursdays I think from 5:00pm do that to me and I instantly started to feel better. I will go back today for Physio and again tomorrow then they will assess me. I will also go back for Acupuncture on Friday and she will also assess me.

The acupuncturist is also a Pharmacist and charges 1000 baht per treatment. Fairly cheap I think. She also speaks perfect English.

All "stalls" had farangs in them when I was there so they seem to be doing well yet they gave the same treatment and care to everyone at the same time.

Well worth the effort if anyone else is looking for these types of things.

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That's good to hear you're already getting some progress.

Where on Thepprasit Road is this clinic?

They are located almost on the corner of soi 10 at Thepriset. If you were going towards Jomtien it would be on your right and they have a big pink sign you can't miss.

Yes today I finished my second session of Physio and it is feeling better again. Yesterday was very good when combining the physio with the acupuncture. One more Physio tomorrow then on Friday is the Acupuncture with no Physio.

I'm not sure if I am allowed to post phone numbers but if you want to PM me I will tell you.

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Great to hear that they are able to help - yes they can be very busy at times but they handle it very well - it will take a little time and some more visits I would presume but for me it was well worth it...

Thank you and yes I agree a couple of more times. It sure beats the first comment at BPH from the doctor of "You need Surgery 250,000 THB. Now at 700 baht per session and 3 (maybe 4 or 5) sessions a total of 2100 THB.

Also the Acupuncture at 1000 baht per session is cheaper my a LOT. lol

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That's good to hear you're already getting some progress.

Where on Thepprasit Road is this clinic?

They are located almost on the corner of soi 10 at Thepriset. If you were going towards Jomtien it would be on your right and they have a big pink sign you can't miss.

Yes today I finished my second session of Physio and it is feeling better again. Yesterday was very good when combining the physio with the acupuncture. One more Physio tomorrow then on Friday is the Acupuncture with no Physio.

I'm not sure if I am allowed to post phone numbers but if you want to PM me I will tell you.

Just the location is fine at this stage. it's useful to know where to go if I get an injury in the gym.

If I was you I would take 100 mg of Voltaren SR 100 everyday (slow release) to eliminate inflammation in the joint. I use it if I hurt my back, knee or other bodyparts and it's amazing how well it works. I actually use the Thai brand, called Remethan 100 R - half the price and just as good.

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Gone, keep these posts coming with updates of your progress.

As has already been mentioned, an op isnt guaranteed to cure the problem.

How much has your range of movement increased?

I know two women who live near me, they also have developed the problem occuring in the other shoulder syndrom.

All I know, this is worse than a bad back, at least with the back I know 3 days of no exercise, voltarene and pain killers its gone, mine took months to cure.

Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.

Good luck, get well soon.

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Yesterday (Thursday) was only my 3rd visit with Physiotherapy. Tuesday was my first acupuncture at the same place and today will be my second. Today it will be both Acupuncture and physio. Even with what I have had so far it is for sure getting a little better by the day however I still also take anti-inflamitories (pills)

It is also not just the actual therapy but the advice as well such as correcting my posture (which many of us forget) exercise etc. Things we can do on our own. Yoga is a big one but that is my own judgement.

I will keep you posted but let's just say that by the end of today I would have had 2 acupuncture sessions and 4 Physiotherapy sessions for 4,800 baht. Not bad at all I think.

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Yesterday (Thursday) was only my 3rd visit with Physiotherapy. Tuesday was my first acupuncture at the same place and today will be my second. Today it will be both Acupuncture and physio. Even with what I have had so far it is for sure getting a little better by the day however I still also take anti-inflamitories (pills)

It is also not just the actual therapy but the advice as well such as correcting my posture (which many of us forget) exercise etc. Things we can do on our own. Yoga is a big one but that is my own judgement.

I will keep you posted but let's just say that by the end of today I would have had 2 acupuncture sessions and 4 Physiotherapy sessions for 4,800 baht. Not bad at all I think.

I had 'frozen shoulder' and tried all the treatments and none worked. The Doctor at the Pattaya International Hoospital said the the Thai's call it 'Chinese Shoulder' and affects you when you're in your fifties. I received various remedies including massage, heat treatment, manipulaion which was exteremely painful and acupuncture none of which made the slightest improvement but all of which I had to pay for.

My Doctor in the UK told men that it's medical term was Bursitis, that only time healed it and he was right. It did not go away for two years. Pain killers don't help much because the pain only attacks when you make sudden movements or reach upwards with your arm. It was not a constant pain. I had it in my right shoulder and for a brief period a mild case in my left one.

My sister also had it for two years. It gradually goes away of its own accord and you will then be free of it but while it lasts it's a bastard.

Edited by yogi100
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If you can get some movement back into the shoulder I would recommend swimming as one of the best therapies to get the shoulder mobile and strong again. You can work your shoulder in many ways in the pool eg. back stroke, front crawl and breast stroke... all against a minimal resistance (the water).

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At days end on Friday I completed my 2nd acupuncture and my 4th physio session.Over the weekend I had no treatment but bought a heating blanket (electric)and used it off and on.Also continued taking my anti-inflammatory pills.

Today being Monday it is sure not as bad as before treatment so I'm thinking that It was smart to go in. I would recommend it to anyone who suffers the same thing as I do. Of course it is not all gone away but getting better. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I will go back for my 3rd acupuncture and physio on the same day and what I was told from the Physiotherapist was that they really wanted to try and work the knots out but last week it was too painful so they just used the electro-pulse and the ultrasound. I think tomorrow I will be good enough for them to start working on the knots.

I will also have 2 more acupuncture sessions this week and I think by the end of this week I should be almost back to normal.

I want to say that the couple that run this place are very decent as in I gave them opportunity to get more money from me but they instead chose the latter. Honesty in Thailand is hard to come by so I give them kudos for that.

Even if I have 4 more physio sessions and 2 more acupuncture this week, my total bill will still only be 9,600 baht. Not bad for 8 physio visits and 4 acupunctures.

Oh I forgot to mention, when I went to pay on Friday the 700 baht for physio, they told me no it was only 200 baht. They said they give discounts for the 4th session. They didn't have to tell me that.

Also the acupuncturist has a deal of 10 visits for 8000 baht. A saving of 2000 baht.

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Great to hear you're getting better laugh.png

According to the TCM theory, Blood and Qi (or energy, oxygen, breath,etc ) are the 2 basic elements of health. During ageing, Blood and Qi are not so active as before. They can't reach every part of body sufficiently. Then, plus coldness, fatigue, worn out, etc, the pain appears. Blood produces Qi and Qi transports Qi. If no sufficient blood to nourish the body, then hair falls off, skin gets dry, joints/muscle stiff/ache etc.

Yes, let them work on the knot next time. Could be quite painful, but it does help greatly. We call your symptom as "Non-Bacteria-inflammation". Operation is to split up the "adhere tissue', make them separate again and then the blood will be absorbed and swollen will be gone. Same theory as those tough good massage on the knot. But, like kidney stone, gall bladder stone, cyst etc, if the whole body's function is low, all these will reappear. Still need to do more exercise to keep up the blood/qi flow.

Using a heating blanket is a good method. Blood flow fastens when it gets warmed up. That is the purpose of cupping, moxa. Seeds bag (heated up in microwave) is also very useful. If possible, let them do the cupping and blood release next time. You will see black blood come out.

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  • 3 months later...

I had frozen shoulder (bursitis) a few years ago. I had acupunture, massage, injections and heat treatment for it all in Pattaya, all of which I paid for and none of which made any difference what so ever.

My local NHS clinic in London told me only time will heal it and they were right. It took around 2 years before it went away. My sister had the same complaint and it took her around 18 months for it to clear up.

It's very painful and surgery is the only way it can be cured if you don't want to wait for Father Time.

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  • 9 months later...

looking for a TENS machine or electronic acupuncture machine

runs on 9 volt battery

found them online but once you add the post and taxes price goes up

Some shop in Pattaya must sell them

but I have been to Tucom and nothing

anyone know where I can buy one?


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