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Civic groups unveil alternative national reform process


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Civic groups unveil alternative national reform process
By English News


BANGKOK, Sept 16 – Several civic groups have proposed a formula for national reform calling on the public sector to work together to push for a new political power structure.

Suriyasai Katasila, coordinator of the Green Politics Group, and Somkiat Pongpaiboon, a former leader of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), yesterday unveiled what they call a plan to convene a “People’s Reform Assembly of Thailand” to map out proposals for national reform.

They said the principal national reform, as they propose, is to find an appropriate resolution to the country under a democratic system emphasising returning power to the people, doing away with political monopoly and capitalism.

In a forum to collect opinion from the public sector yesterday, they said participants agreed that national reform must cover the country's entire system, whether politics, administration, civil service, state enterprises and the judiciary.

Bancherd Singkaneti, a leading member of the People’s Reform Assembly of Thailand, publicly announced a joint declaration which insisted that the public sector must be the driving force in pushing for a new power structure in light of the current crisis and political dominance by what they describe as capitalist political parties.

People's rights must be emphasised asa significant element leading to a genuine democratic system for the people, he said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-09-16

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This guy is either on drugs or a complete moron. He wants to do away with "political monopoly and capitalism", two terms that are mutually exclusive. Russia has political monopoly but you could hardly call their economic system capitalism; same goes for China. What exactly does this yahoo want?

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This guy is either on drugs or a complete moron. He wants to do away with "political monopoly and capitalism", two terms that are mutually exclusive. Russia has political monopoly but you could hardly call their economic system capitalism; same goes for China. What exactly does this yahoo want?

Yes they are mutually exclusive but your example of China is wrong. They practice political monopoly and capitalism, the latter being introduced in recent years.

What the Op wants is the abolition of crony capitalism allied with a one-clan political monopoly. He is on the right track but his current political alliance makes it rather difficult to attract widespread support.

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I liked the idea but it is unfortunate part of the source is a former PAD leader. That will leave a bad taste in the mouth of many. When it mentioned doing away with capitalism I just shut it down. If I remember correctly part of the principal"s PAD had they only wanted to allow the voters to vote for 1/3 of the ministers. They abandoned that idea as soon as they saw the people would not go for it. But it is still in their head.

I do agree with the idea of Civic groups getting involved. Like the red shirts but instead of a dictatorship to establish a working democracy.

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