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True Move 'sim card registration fail' contact customer service

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Since yesterday my True Move pay as you go mobile displays 'sim card registration fail', tried turn on/off clean and reinsert sim card but with no luck.

1331 is supposed to be the customer care line, tried maybe 15 times with no luck, the true care live chat on the website does not seem to work when you select English, it says you are #1 in the queue but you progress no further, I sent an email over 24 hours ago and they say they will respond before 24 hours. the Thai version of teh live chat works sometimes when i got through i was forwarded to an english speaking operator, expalained the problem told to wait a minute and was left hanging there for 20 minutes before I gave up. I tried 2222 and they said call 1331 and press 2 this did not work either every time I pressed 2 the recording started again in Thai from the beginning - this is so frustrating.

My number has been in use a while and theres a credit of around 500 baht on it so don't really want to have to start again with a new number.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


I had a similar problem yesterday too. My message was "No Sim Card", which I thought was strange.

I had heard that True Move was switching to True Move H this month. I guess True Move was sending warning SMSes in Thai (which I ignored).

I just went into settings and did a search for Network operators and selected True. Lo and behold my number registered with the network. The phone now says True|True-H and I received a whole bunch of SMSes that were unabled to be delivered previously.

Because my mobile is an Android Smartphone, I also had to re-log on to my Google account too.

I also discovered that using my iBanking topup to True Move prepay didn't work an longer. I got an "invalid number" error message. I had to change it to True H prepay in order to topup too.


Thanks for reply,

Just tried it, if i select manual I can choose True or GSM1800 there a a bunch of others crossed through that are not available, I select register and it comes up fail.

I had a bunch (20+) messages lately with TMV upgrade anjd something in Thai, don't know if if this was something to do with it?

Still no luck contacting true through any method.


Probably the simplest solution might be to actually buy a new True Move H sim. You can get it about everywhere for 49 Baht. I don't know if that'll make you loose whatever topup may be on your account (probably it will) - but it will get you on the hasslefree course and also give you access to the 2100 band, which is where True is moving all their customers to and probably what the ignored SMS's have been about.


Probably the simplest solution might be to actually buy a new True Move H sim. You can get it about everywhere for 49 Baht. I don't know if that'll make you loose whatever topup may be on your account (probably it will) - but it will get you on the hasslefree course and also give you access to the 2100 band, which is where True is moving all their customers to and probably what the ignored SMS's have been about.

Thanks, yes that may be the only solution. Its not so much about losing the credit it also having a new number and all the hassle that creates, changing with the banks for internet panking passwords is a pain..

There were so many of those tmv update messages that i deleted them all, they were coming continuously in multi parts and filling the inbox.


Correct, you will not lose your balance, you will be able to keep your number and balance.

Only some SIM cards with recent mobile phones were able to be "switched" to TrueMove-H right away, otherwise you have to go to TrueShop.

1331 and press 2 works well, I contacted them 3 times in the past week and was able to get service immediately. This is a huge improvement from 3 years ago!


I only use True for home internet on my laptop with SIM on a Huawei netcard. Thb649 per month and all good, though much slower up in the village than BKK, but to be expected.

Came home from a work trip to find my SIM unusable due to True switching to 3G, and had to take out a new contract at Thb889 per month, with new SIM, but was told I would get much higher internet speeds in return.

Got back to the apartment in BKK and could not connect. After spending all day on the phone (DTAC)to the True helpline with promises I would get a return call from their IT people I was losing my sense of humour.

Finally the wife took my laptop + netcard+SIM to the local True office (none of them speak English) and they got it connected OK.

Problem is it's slower than before but costing Thb240 per month more so am looking for an alternative to True.


Still not got through to 1331 English by pressing 2, tried another 5/6 times.

Got through to a Thai operator who told us to manually change the network selection to AIS, this did not work just got the fail again. In the end they have told us (same as other advice from members) to go the true shop and they can give a new sim with same number and balance - no charge. Will report back later with how it went.

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