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Thai Rath reporter 'threatened for corruption report'


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Thai Rath Reporter 'Threatened For Corruption Report'
Khaosod Online


BANGKOK: -- A journalist of Thai Rath newspapers - the largest newspaper in Thailand - told police a threat on his life had been made after he published reports on possible corruption cases in a National Park agency.

The reporter, Mr. Kriangkrai Puuraya, was accompanied by Mr. Chet Suksomkasem, a committee member of the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), and his lawyer when he met the police at Bang Sue Police Station.

Mr. Kriangkrai said he had received 3 text messages on 19-20 September, accusing him of being a "reporter whore" and breaching journalist ethics.

The text messages ended with a warning, "When dogs are cornered, they have to fight, damn it. You be careful about your family. Bullets cost only a few baht."

The reporter believes he received the threat because he has published front-page reports about ongoing investigation into 11 officials of Toong Salaeng Luang National Park who were accused of committing corruption during the construction of a reservoir. The state reportedly lost 770 million baht to the gaffe.

Mr. Kriangkrai insisted he only did a journalist′s duty, and that he had no personal vengeance against the officials suspected of corruption. He also claimed he had no personal quarrels with anyone, so the messages threatening him must be connected to the news he has reported.

Mr. Chet, the committee member of TJA, said the text messages are clear intimidation of a member of the press. He said Mr. Kriangkrai is receiving help from the national Lawyers Council.

"The Association will closely follow this case because it amounts to threat on freedom of the press," Mr. Chet said.

The police have documented the telephone number of the text messages for further investigation.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM09UWTNOREV3T0E9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-09-21

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Telling the police is only going to compound his troubles. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. Is it possible that he got lucky and found a copper that is not going to sell his address to the aggressors or just flat out extort him for protection?

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The police have documented the telephone number of the text messages for further investigation

Real cops would have already made a visit to the owner of the phone... Wasn't one of the head honchos so proud of the fact that the BIB can track down every phone already? But maybe they call the number and ask the owner if it's convenient for him/her to come to the police station next Wednesday between Four and Five to have a friendly chat.


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It's men and women like this that wil bring the corruption house crashing down. He deserves all support.

And where is Yingluck's anti corruption drive / people?

If they were serious they would have quickly been vocal about this item, but there is no comment.

Could it ne that the government anti-corruption drive, is to drive out the competition. That way they get to keep more of the pot, coffee1.gif

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It's men and women like this that wil bring the corruption house crashing down. He deserves all support.

I agree.

But he is starting at the wrong place.

You need to first start at the top, with the government and then the police.... But who do you run to when your life is threatened?

But then again, you would not get threatened, you would just disappear one day, or end up falling off a balcony or hanging yourself.

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The police have documented the telephone number of the text messages for further investigation

Real cops would have already made a visit to the owner of the phone... Wasn't one of the head honchos so proud of the fact that the BIB can track down every phone already? But maybe they call the number and ask the owner if it's convenient for him/her to come to the police station next Wednesday between Four and Five to have a friendly chat.

And how will you be able to do that if its a prepaid number? If the sim card was bought at a 711 used once and discarded you can't trace it.

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And where is Yingluck's anti corruption drive / people?

If they were serious they would have quickly been vocal about this item, but there is no comment.

Do we really expect in this case like many others concerning the conduct of ministers , politicians, the police, the military and government officials that ''Pot will call the Kettle Black?''

No the ''High Speed Gravy Train has got a fast line non stop run, green lights all the way to the corrupt pockets and ultimately the puppet master.

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well, let's see. Now that the statement about bullets only cost a few baht, and the police have the number it came from, the method of choice will have to be revived. Say a sudden disappearance, or an "accidental" fall from a balcony of a hotel he's never been to in his life, or perhaps run down by some "motorbike" gang who seem to vanish into thin air, or by someone who "stole" a car and was trying to hurry up and smuggle it into Malaysia, and who "ran away" after the accident, or too much "knock out drops" put in his beer, and....oh, hell, we all know the various ways.

But on the more serious side, let's all hope nothing happens to him, and that other reporters also start to step up and start to "name & shame".

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To be honest I dont really understand the journalist guy. And all the others who made the same mistake in the past and made moves against something that is much bigger than them. The guy knows that officials, authority figures etc are extremely corrupt and as it was clearly stated in the message: when dogs are cornered they have to fight. If you go against them, there will be battle..and they are going to win. So why not write about something else? Writing about this matter is not going to change the situation anyway. It only does one thing: asks for trouble.

And when he is in trouble he runs to the cops. The same people we are talking about, the corrupt ones.

I am sure they are going to help him. Sometimes people do not make any sense to me.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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To be honest I dont really understand the journalist guy. And all the others who made the same mistake in the past and made moves against something that is much bigger than them. The guy knows that officials, authority figures etc are extremely corrupt and as it was clearly stated in the message: when dogs are cornered they have to fight. If you go against them, there will be battle..and they are going to win. So why not write about something else? Writing about this matter is not going to change the situation anyway. It only does one thing: asks for trouble.

And when he is in trouble he runs to the cops. The same people we are talking about, the corrupt ones.

I am sure they are going to help him. Sometimes people do not make any sense to me.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

INHO you have accepted the "mai pen rai" attitude completely. If the country is completely corrupt, so what. Don't dare write about it. Don't dare challenge the system. Don't dare rock the boat. Just keep your eyes on the ground and pretend that it's all okay here in Paradise. Is that your opinion?

Personally, this guy is to be commended for having a pair big enough to write about some of this crap that most people know about, but pretend it doesn't exist, and I give him 100% support. Unfortunately, with the way things are here is LOS, I wouldn't take any bets on his life expectancy.

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