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Skull of a foreigner found in a Chiang Mai forest


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Mr. Mark, at 5:17 a.m. had eggs and slightly buttered toast. He also enjoyed a good espresso.

5:54: went to 7-11, flirted with the checkout girl, and got some day-old bread to go (15 baht)

6:34 rented a bike, 50 baht a day.

7:32 ditched the bike at the zoo, and got a tuk-tuk to doi suthep

8:11 rang the bells, prayed for world peace

9:05 left his group, ok he was alone....and headed into the forest

PM 7:00 found the lost treasure of doi suthep; fought off 10 snakes, 3 elephants, and 4 ghosts

8:00 called his ex-wife and told her they are rich, worth 1 billion baht

11:00 she showed up with 11 hit men, took treasure


no, i'm not a detective.....but i did stay in a Holiday Express last night. tongue.png coffee1.gif

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Do you think the advertsing is a bit insensitive on this thread?

our replies interspersed with adverts for:

jungle hiking thailand!

proteins and supplements!

thailand health insurance!

if only Mr Mark had read the thread first....maybe, just maybe things would be different.

Adverts?, what adverts? Host file

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If they recovered teeth, it will be easy to tell whether he was Asian or European. Dental anthropology is a well established science.

Specifically, they should look for the 'Carabelli Cusp,' an additional bump on the outside of the lower molars.

Edited by BudRight
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They just love to jump to conclusions in Thailand, don't they ?!

There's NO WAY these coppers could determine, in the field:

1. The sex of the skull

2. The skull is Asian or Caucasian

3. That there was a 'violent crime' or not (for a body to decompose to 'skull-level' takes a few months; any/all spontaneous traces of violence would be long gone, unless highly trained crime scene investigators would have been available from the moment of discovery.

It will be interesting to see the conclusions of the lab-reports; until then all they're doing is speculating.


Maybe there were an wallet found next to the bones...that's how cops usually jump to conclusions, every where not just thailandwhistling.gif

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Remember when a Bangkok Doctor Killed his wife chopped her up,

flushed some of her remains down a hotel toilet,and the police suspected

he had disposed of some of her remains on a certain road North of Bangkok,

so they asked people along a 30 kg stretch of road if the find any body parts

to contact them.

In a couple of weeks,7 different bodies where found!so the police where

trying to solve one murder, and got 7 more ! they will have been explained

away as heart attacks,suicides, as well.so it make you wonder how many

bodies are laying about out there !

regards Worgeordie

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as usual not enough information in the post to even assume it is mr. Mark's remains

they found

details as from when is the ketter ?

how old are the bones

but i'll leave it to the TV sherlocks to fit the puzzel together

Ditto. I admire the TV detectives for their ability to solve crimes via the Internet. I missed that part of my training at the Academy. wink.png

No doubt sleeping eh smile.png

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