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Worst flooding in 26 years - girl, 10, swept away in Prachin Buri


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Here in Thailand they think that if you turn your back to the problem, it is not going to happen.

....there is some to truth to that statement....since the Buddhist way IS to deny, unfortunately in the real world there can be nasty consequences to such action.

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Here in Thailand they think that if you turn your back to the problem, it is not going to happen.

....there is some to truth to that statement....since the Buddhist way IS to deny, unfortunately in the real world there can be nasty consequences to such action.

the thai way is let it happen first,nobody told them prevention is better than cure.

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Surely something as definitive as this would serve to highlight that the current government is totally incompotent.

Flooding in Thailand is a natural phenomenon owing to the topography and geographical location, however, little has been done to minimize the damage except for banal assurances that what is occuring is in fact not happening by virtue of the efforts of this pathetic political regime.

Contrary to Ms Yinglucks and her lackies assurances there is in fact much to worry about and it will remain so while this circus remains in office.

and lets not forget the flooding budget - were is the money now ???????

and the next big headline will be "Millions of Tonnes of stored rice Spoiled by Floods"

Yes, there was a flood of money to fix the unfixable flood problems. I can picture it: VIPs with their snouts in the trough thinking, "Well, the gov't is shoveling all this money at us, and we're not sure what to do with it, so let's just stuff it in our piggy pockets."

"Hey Somchai, you got any of those 70,000 baht clocks that parliament bought for themselves recently? My wife says she wants one in the kitchen. Oh, never mind, I can get her a nice big clock in town for 750 baht. ha ha ha."

sobering reminder: The Shinawatre government is pushing ahead for the Bt.2 trillion speedo train. It just got a call from China telling them to hurry up and get started. China wants to flood SE Asia with more plastic stuff, and they want to get it delivered on classy roads and trains.

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