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When bikers go wild


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Stupid riders.

They screwed their group ride and police is looking for them now.

Road rage also killa tour contentration and ride.

Never mess with a 4 wheeled vehicle on your bike as yoy cannot win.

Even if a driver drives you crazy, just take a deep breath,

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Jackasses- the highway patrol in NY will be cracking down on riders for weeks over this- as usual, decent motorcyclists will suffer because of the actions of morons- that same group has been intentionally disrupting the roads for years, and something like this was going to happen sooner or later.

No shock that most of those bikes aren't running plates- they were looking for trouble from the start.

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btw if this was florida the suv driver would be within his rights to shoot the guy bashing his window with his helmet. As you dont have to retreat from your vehicle.

In other states this could have gotten very ugly and tragic.

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Ya aren't hearing the whole story.It's very one sided

Agree, but these nice bikers have chosen to run away after doing their "mob law". So its their fault that we will never know what really happened. I guess not much happened at the beginning. Maybe the car driver did some gesture or honked because of so many bikes around him. But then the first biker who slowed down in front of the car did the first real agressive action imo. Forcing the car to stop is an agressive action. And doing so with the help of dozens of "friends" isn't something to be proud of.

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I have a friend who may or may not have been on the yellow DR in the video (he certainly can't confirm something like that considering the law enforcement attention, but he has attended that annual ride for years...). He hates NYC drivers with a passion, and even he says the bikers were at fault and caused the situation but riding moronically and creating a road hazard.

Edited by RubberSideDown
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Here's the biker clearly brake-checking the Range Rover before the initial contact (and notice no plate on the bike):


The guy being beaten after he was dragged out of his car- note his wife coming out of the car- his two-year-old daughter was in there as well- also note the front tire is completely gone, which backs up the driver's claim that it was slashed by the bikers on the highway after he rear-ended the bike that brake-checked him, and is why he feared for his family's safety and took off- I don't blame him a bit (click on the pic if it looks distorted or compressed to see full image):


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That article is very slanted against the riders, perhaps justly so. The problem is the video is taken from too far away to tell whether the Range Rover driver could claim he was in fear for his life. Before the initial contact, you can see the biker staring at the driver but I didn't see the driver do done anything to warrant the brake check it appears the 1st hit rider gave the driver of the Range Rover, which then caused the accident. I will say that if I am in my car with my wife and baby, surrounded by a bunch of people breaking the windows of my car, I would not think twice about mowing a few over to get away too.

I think if you are being chased by a bunch of people on bikes, on foot, or in cars you may feel your life is being threatened no matter how far away the camera is.

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This link has the vids that the original uploader deleted showing how these guys were riding in traffic prior to the Range Rover incident:


This guys camera blows but theres plenty of other cameras to identify these guys. Ive never seen four wheel atvs on city streets. These guys have a lot of balls. Reallly riding through opposing traffic is as dangerous as it gets.

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If I was driving an SUV with my wife and kids on board I would think twice before I started something with a group of....any group!

The SUV driver should be charged with reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.

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The important part is missing - what happened before the Range Rover driver ran over and broke both legs of one of the riders? If he had been driving dangerously beforehand it would have been more appropriate to take his reg number and call the police rather than stop in front of him and upping the ante by engaging in mob rule. It is pretty frustrating when a large group of bikers (or even worse, cyclists) hog the entire road. Best not to get involved whether you`re a biker or a motorist.

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If I was driving an SUV with my wife and kids on board I would think twice before I started something with a group of....any group!

The SUV driver should be charged with reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.

Biker mentality alert...

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The guy in the SUV probably didn't give way or possibly cut one of the bikes off- watch one of the vids in the link I put in post #19- if you were in a car on that road, getting in the way of a bike would have been nearly unavoidable, especially if you needed to change lanes to exit the highway- lane-splitting is illegal in NY, and drivers aren't used to so many bikes in their blind spots.

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If I was driving an SUV with my wife and kids on board I would think twice before I started something with a group of....any group!

The SUV driver should be charged with reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.

Of course if the group started something you would only think once? Protect your family with whatever means possible right?

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If I had been driving the SUV with my wife and daughter in the car and these guys started slashing my tires and beating on my vehicle and threatening us, the streets would have been red with the blood of several of them as I ran them over getting the hell out of there (I would have brake-checked the chase group as well- bike-vs-SUV is like knife-vs-gun)- if you put me in fear for my family's safety you're gonna be sorry.

A normal accident is one thing- a deliberate provocation and mob attack is another. The NYPD already said they're not charging the driver.

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According to CNN article in the link below. The SUV driver accidentally clipped one of the bikers and stopped his vehicle. While the SUV stopped, the bikers slashed his tires and hit his car and that is when he drove off.


Isn't that just the first part shown in the video? The bike attempts to brake check him and the Range Rover goes up the back of him, then pulls over a few seconds later before being surrounded by bikes and then driving off through/over a couple of people attempting to block him.

Without attempting to blame the driver (clearly the bikers are behaving/riding like idiots and looking for trouble) I have to say it didn't look like an accident that he went up the back of the bike - it looked like he just didn't like being brake checked to me and gave him a nudge. Maybe he was scared to slow down, or maybe the red mist descended - like I said before we don't know what happened before this...

Pretty senseless incident all round.

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Biker who was run over started the entire episode. He has been charged. Plus warrants were issued for several others. It was the "bikers" who caused all the trouble. Not the motorist who got beaten. No charges will be brought against him. So if you side with the bikers you're an idiot! There are more links covering this story besides this one. Also there are other videos not seen by the public.


Edited by Mrjlh
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